Physical Regions of North America Mr. Hunt Social Studies 8
Tundra Located in northern Canada and Alaska in the highest latitudes (Arctic Circle = 66 Degrees North) Characterized by very long cold seasons—light and dark for months at a time due to the earth’s tilt
Tundra Very limited vegetation due to permafrost. Permafrost is permanently frozen soil that prevents growth of many plants. Some grassy plants and mosses Population is very scarce. An average of less than one person per square mile in a lot of places.
Canadian Shield The Canadian Shield is located over a large section of Eastern Canada around the Hudson Bay. Climate consists of a long cold season and a very short warm season. Growing season for any kind of farming is only about 3 months long.
Canadian Shield Vegetation sits on a thin layer of topsoil on top of bedrock. Coniferous forests (evergreen trees/pines) cover much of the landscape Population is scarce, but some sizeable cities & towns where people mine copper, nickel, gold, and silver.
Canadian Shield
Appalachian Highlands Located in the Eastern United States and a small portion of southern Canada—in the U.S. from Maine to northern Mississippi. Climate is a wide range—from cold winters and mild summers in the North to short cool summers and hot summers in the South.
Appalachian Highlands Vegetation is a mix of deciduous trees (trees that loose their leaves in the fall) and coniferous trees (evergreens). Not many large cities, principal industry includes coal, oil, and natural gas production.
Appalachian Highlands
Coastal Plain The Atlantic Coastal Plain runs along the Atlantic Coast of the United States from around New York City to the North all the way around the Appalachian Highlands along the Gulf of Mexico to eastern Texas. Climate varies, but generally more mild than highland region—influenced by closeness to Atlantic Ocean.
Coastal Plain Wide variety of vegetation, spans temperate and subtropical regions. Very fertile soil due to many river valleys, swamps, and marshlands. Highly populated areas—many of largest cities in the US located here. Centers for trade, manufacturing, and business.
Coastal Plain
Great Plains Also known as “Interior Plains”—located along central United States and Canada from the Mississippi River/Great Lakes westward to the western mountain region. Climate of very cold winters and hot summers. Often, wind speeds are high. Vast expanses of open land sometimes subject to dust storms and often see tornadoes and other severe weather.
Great Plains Large areas of grassland and savannah vegetation spread across the Great Plains. Most people living in this region farm—main crops include corn and wheat as well as livestock (cattle and pigs).
Great Plains
Rocky Mountains Located from Alaska through western Canada and United States through Mexico and into Central America. Climate varies with the region because it is so large. In lower elevation, a more temperate climate with seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). The higher the elevation, the longer and more harsh the winter/snowfalls.
Rocky Mountains Like climate, vegetation depends on the altitude and the location. The further north and the higher up, the less vegetation can thrive. The lower the elevation and the further south, conifers and deciduous trees can survive. Industry in the region includes production and mining for natural gas, coal, oil, and shale. Gold, silver, copper, tungsten, and zinc deposits are also found here.
Rocky Mountains
Great Basin Located in a section of the American west including Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and sections of Arizona and New Mexico. Climate is mainly warm and dry. Also known as the “Intermontaine Plateau.” Occasionally, snowstorms occur in the winter, especially in higher elevations.
Great Basin Vegetation depends on elevation. Scruffy desert plants in lower areas with less annual rainfall. In some higher elevations with more precipitation, pines grow. Natives have lived here for over 10,000 years—in time, the region became an important connection from people traveling East to West. Hydroelectricity and tourism have grown to become modern industries in the area.
Great Basin
Pacific Coastal Regions Located along the West Coast of Canada and the United States from Alaska into Mexico. Climate depends on how far north or south you are. Longer cold seasons to the north, more moderated temperatures year-round to the south. This is influenced by the currents off the Pacific Ocean. (Pacific Northwest and Mediterranean climate regions)
Pacific Coastal Regions In many areas north, vegetation is called a “temperate rain forest,” lots of rainfall allows for many evergreen and deciduous trees. To California, vegetation includes large redwood forests and more subtropical plants, grasses, shrubs, and trees. Population increases as you go South. Agriculture, Lumber, Entertainment, and Technology are major industries of the region.
Pacific Coastal Range