College Skills Tutorial Report Winter Quarter Site Visits Presentation to PaRC June 2, 2010
Overview Purpose Methodology Findings Next Steps
Purpose of tutorial search How have tutorial services been provided at Foothill College? Some services focus on basic-skills students: Pass the Torch ESL Writing Center Math Center (AKA PSME Center when there was a coordinator) Puente Mfumo EOPS LA/Academic Skills lab
Purpose of tutorial search How have tutorial services been provided at Foothill College? Some services assist basic-skills students, but do not purposely target them Tutorial Center English Writing Center PSME Center
Purpose of tutorial search How have tutorial services been provided at Foothill College? None of the services are centralized or coordinated Why did the college skills committee undertake this project? State funding for redesigned Learning Resource Center 2007 Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success in California Community Colleges report (Poppy Copy)
“Poppy Copy” A5: A comprehensive system of support services exists, and is characterized by a high degree of integration among academic and student support services C1: Administrators support and encourage faculty development in basic skills, and improvement of teaching and learning is connected to the institutional mission D10: Programs provide comprehensive academic support mechanisms, including the use of trained tutors
Methodology Narrowed 110 community colleges to 8 colleges for site visits based on recommendations/knowledge of their excellent programs Developed common questions to be asked during site visits Sent at least two committee members to each campus
Colleges Visited Northern Santa Rosa San Francisco Canada De Anza Southern Pasadena Mt. SAC San Diego City Miramar
12 Questions Funding Level of faculty participation Student participation Who is the director? (faculty, classified, administrative) Curriculum offerings Physical layout (space limitation)
12 Questions Assessment (student satisfaction, effectiveness of services) Perception of support (administrative, faculty, student) Accessibility (drop in, appointment) Mission Development Specialized tutoring
Results: 9 Themes 1. Services were customized to meet students’ needs— make-up testing, online tutoring, ADL services, group vs one-on-one 2. Administrative support 3. Faculty support (many faculty-run) 4. Centrally located (main, if there were satellites) 5. Centralized services—one-stop shop for tutoring
Results: 9 Themes 6. Self sustaining for funding –i.e. courses (Supplemental Learning Assistance—open entry/open exit, different from Supplemental Instruction), credit and non-credit 7. Sense of professionalism—having a greeter, students were tracked and monitored, annually reported data 8. Open spaces, group study rooms, access to computers for students, space could be reserved 9. Location of intense student activities
Next Steps Form college-wide tutorial committee (maybe under PaRC) What services to put in LRC space How to staff LRC—structure and shared duties Develop a self-sustaining center Time constraint 5 years until groundbreaking 2 years to make plans