37.7 million affected by waterborne diseases annually 1.5 million children are estimated to die of diarrhea alone annually 73 million working days are lost due to waterborne disease each year 1,95,813 habitations are affected by poor water quality Some Important Facts 2
Present Drinking Water Supply Through Overhead Water Tanks Hand pumps Through Rivers and ponds Deep bore well Packaged Drinking water How to overcome this Problem? Develop a self sustainable system to share long term responsibility & coordination – between government and Community Public - Private Partnership is the key to success
For Sustainable Solutions – WaterHealth Solves long-time water safety problems in rural and urban areas Decentralized, micro-utilities Unprecedented ability to scale rapidly Long-term operations and maintenance Creative fusion of path-breaking technology platform Unparalleled low-cost, affordable even to those earning less than $2 per day Invests in community training and development Community ownership, education and empowerment Local employment / seeding entrepreneurial development 4
Who we are WHI is an Indian Company based in Hyderabad that is providing water purification solutions Provides safe drinking water to international WHO standards Distributed, decentralized facilities ( Water Health Centers) for purifying water are quick, easy and inexpensive to set up Work in PPP model WHI builds, operates, services and maintains the WHC’s and monitors quality for sustained supply of drinking water. Presently operational in AP, Gujarat & Maharashtra with installations in over 210 villages (WHC) and another 100 under construction. WHI services, maintains and operates all these centers Proprietary Water Quality Labs test water samples from WHC’s on a regular basis 5
Average per Capita Investment Costs for water provision and treatment WHI’s Investment Cost Advantage vs. Other Treatment Options * Based on WHI WaterHealth Centre serving 3,000 people with Liters/person/day Source: WHO/UNICEF Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report, average international per capita investment costs WaterHealth produces WHO-quality potable water at a lower capital investment per person than other interventions 6
Turn-key, full service, community-owned assets Reach thousands with a single installation WHO-quality water sufficient to meet all potable water needs Self-sustaining through low, treated water user fees WaterHealth Centres TM High-quality water for under-served markets 7
International Reach 550 Field & Commercial Installations Worldwide…
How can we help the community through safe drinking water? Family Health – Elderly members of family and children are the most affected. Family Productivity – Care of sick relatives places - an additional burden on other family members could be reduced – Children can avoid missing school – Elderly people can care of themselves or help care for young children. Family Economics – Sick adults miss work, drastically reducing the family income. – Healthy adults miss work to care for ailing family members. – Family income has to be spent for medicines or hospitalization of sick person. Community Health – The health of a community is reflective of the overall health of its citizens.
WaterHealth in Andhra Pradesh 10 Over 230 Community water systems operational in 8 Districts of Andhra Pradesh Over 100 new community water systems are under construction in Andhra Pradesh Reached 9,548 Children, 458 Schools in 194 villages with our flagship School Health program Trained 324 teachers in 86 schools 346 Anganwadi( pre-school) Centers Addressed 1,974 Mother’s Committees Held 2,431 meetings with Self Help Groups Door-to-door campaign’s covering 4,300 households Conducted 69 rallies on safe water with the involvement of school children