The Oregon Trail and Westward Movement
Lewis and Clark Expedition ( ) “In the course of 10 or 12 years, a tour across the continent by this route will be undertaken with as little concern as a voyage across the Atlantic.” -Meriwether Lewis, 1806 Traveled approximately 8,000 miles Mapped route to the Pacific Established good relations with western Native Americans Brought back priceless information about the West and its peoples.
Pike and Fremont In addition to Lewis and Clark Zebulon Pike and John C. Fremont assisted with westward expansion… Zebulon Pike Explored the southern part of the Louisiana Territory Reports of wealth of Spanish towns in the Southwest brought many American traders to the region John C. Fremont Mapped much of the territory between the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific Descriptions of a “land of plenty” inspired many families to try their luck in the West
The Missionaries Lewis and Clark brought back word that the Nez Perce tribe wanted to be taught about the “black book” (bible), soon missionaries prepared to do so… In 1836, the Whitman’s and Spalding’s traveled together from St. Louis on the Oregon Trail Worked with the Cayuse tribe: No converts Far more successful at converting Americans to belief that Oregon was a pioneer’s paradise Henry and Eliza Spalding Worked with the Nez Perce tribe Converted two chiefs in 1839: Successful missionaries Goal: large number of Native American Christian converts Reality: Many natives died of diseases that came with the missionaries *Opened the West to settlement
1.Looking at the map, what are some obstacles that you might encounter? 2.What are some obstacles you might encounter that are not obvious on the map? 3.What might you bring with you to manage those obstacles?
On the Oregon Trail Between , 350,000 people traveled West in wagon trains Many met in Independence, Missouri in the Spring Journey took 6 months High Death Tolls: disease and accidents Could bring little from home Many left home for good and would never see their families again
Women on the Trail Most women were wives and mothers, some were single seeking homesteads, husbands or other new opportunities While on the trail women traveled miles per day and were responsible for all usual daily duties that had been done at home African American women faced extra challenges In settlements women were often responsible for: Schools Churches Libraries Literary Societies Charitable Groups Suffrage movements
The Mormons Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830, eventually taken over by Bringham Young. Young moved the church to Utah. Salt Lake City By 1877 Utah had 125,000 Mormons living in 500 settlements Bringham Young Joseph Smith Mormon Legacy First Americans to settle the Great Basin Pioneered farming methods for dry region Helped settlers making their way West: important stop on the trail Today: worldwide religion with over 7 million member
The Oregon Trail Review… 1.How did the Lewis and Clark expedition prepare the way for future settlement? 2.What are some obstacles encountered on the Oregon Trail? 3.Why did missionaries travel to Oregon? 4.What was the legacy of the missionaries? 5.What were women pioneers responsible for in the westward migration? 6.Why did Mormon pioneers travel west? 7.What was the Mormon legacy? 8.What was the significance of the Oregon Trail?