Service Starts With a Smile Seminars Helping America Serve Better™
Team Building for Five-Star Service.
Authentic Leadership Turning a Duty Into a Desire… Excellent Leadership Through Excellent People Skills”
Question: Define Leadership.
Question: What Makes a Great Leader?
A person who is followed more out of desire rather than duty. An Authentic Leader:
Authentic Leadership "Everything rises and falls on leadership."
Authentic Leadership “Real Leadership has less to do with position than it has to do with disposition."
Authentic Leadership “If you want to test a man's character, give him power.“ - Abraham Lincoln
Authentic Leadership "True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment of the leader."
Authentic Leadership “Real leadership is not found in position; it is found in the desire of others wanting to follow.”
Authentic Leadership "The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”
Authentic Leadership "The best leaders bring out the best in those they have stewardship over."
Authentic Leadership “Great Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better."
Authentic Leadership The Motto of a successful CEO: "People first, strategy second."
Authentic Leadership "You don’t have to be brilliant to be a good leader. But you do have to understand other people - how they feel, what makes them tick, and the best way to influence them."
Authentic Leadership "Mediocre leaders tell. Good leaders explain. Superior leaders demonstrate. Great leaders inspire."
Authentic Leadership "If a leader demonstrates competency, genuine concern for others, and admirable character, people will say, "I like what that person is doing. I’m going to follow him."
Question: What qualities do authentic leaders have that create superior service teams?
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Has a heart to serve
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Seeks advice from others
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Brings out the best in others
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Brings people together “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” – Henry Ford
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Has a strong sense of fairness
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Does not seek the credit "Soldiers usually win the battles and generals get the credit for them." - Napoleon Bonaparte
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… "It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit. "
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Has the ability to be flexible
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Can be trusted
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Always macro-manages
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Consistently encourages
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Can admit a mistake
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Gives the gift of empathy
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Corrects with gentleness "You don't lead by hitting people over the head-that's assault, not leadership."- General Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Holds to a promise
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Recognizes the gifts in others
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Shows appreciation
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Is easily approachable
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Has a great sense of humor
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Is a secure person
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Is not directed by an ego
The Qualities of Authentic Leadership… Lives a balanced life
5 Questions Your Team is Asking About You…
Real Leadership The 5 Traits Found In a Genuine Leader #1 A real leader arrives with a vision. Can our leader bring direction?
Real Leadership The 5 Traits Found In a Genuine Leader #2 A real leader establishes trust. Can our leader be trusted?
Real Leadership The 5 Traits Found In a Genuine Leader #3 A real leader is an encourager. Can our leader bring out our best?
Real Leadership The 5 Traits Found In a Genuine Leader #4 A real leader is respectful. What atmosphere will our leader bring?
Real Leadership The 5 Traits Found In a Genuine Leader #5 A real leader leads by serving Can our leader be humble?
Becoming a better leader has everything to do with respecting those we are honored to lead.
By treating our team well and showing respect we will bring out their best.
So how do we create an outstanding 5-Star customer service team?
Take care of your team… and they will take care of your guests.
Authentic Leadership Turning a Duty Into a Desire… Excellent Leadership Through Excellent People Skills”