Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 1 State Policy Academy on Entrepreneurship New Orleans, July 16, 2001 “Human Capital.


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Presentation transcript:

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 1 State Policy Academy on Entrepreneurship New Orleans, July 16, 2001 “Human Capital for Entrepreneurship: Higher Education” How to Build a Successful Entrepreneurship Education Program for Engineers and Scientists: The Stanford Recipe Professor Tom Byers Stanford University

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 2 My Background & Perspective 1980’s1990’s Slate Stanford Board of Directors Member 2000’s

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 3 Our mission is to accelerate high-technology entrepreneurship education and research across top engineering schools worldwide.

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 4 STVP’s Strategy and Activities Teaching:Research: Outreach: Create and deliver curricula for engineering education Support research on high-technology entrepreneurship Disseminate results to accelerate similar efforts worldwide

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 5 I. First Things First … Why Care? Why is This Important? Why in Your Region/State?  Economic growth depends on both high technology and entrepreneurship  Skill development of next generation of technology leaders and managers  Opportunity to build strong relationship between university and industry  Huge opportunity for impact through ~ 1 million students  Economic development of region  Self-sustaining and growing communities  Reputation of universities in your region as innovators  Successful entrepreneurs eventually give back to the community

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 6 II. What’s the Situation at the University … Regional Profile? 1.Efforts so far at your university or college? 2.Located near a technology region? (Seattle, Austin) 3.What is primary technology sector in your region? 4.Are there community contacts/role models available? 5.Focus on small business or high potential ventures?

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 7 II. What’s the Situation at the University … University Profile? 1.Fit with university’s or school’s vision and strategy? 2.University’s orientation: research or teaching? 3.Public or private? 4.Undergraduates only or a mix? 5.How much activity in business school to date? Attitude towards engineering & science students in general? 6.Which school has most power and influence in university? 7.Support to date and opportunities for more funding? What are major sources of funds? 8.Support from university administrators and successful alumni? 9.Is there an identified champion and charismatic leader for this endeavor through faculty or senior staff?

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 8 III. What Can a University Do? BasicAdvanced Seed funding for a pilot programLong-term grants & endowments Establish and support a champion to pilot an e-ship program Implement a simple work/study program (e.g., KEIP program) Brochure and simple web site Student entrepreneurship club: entrepreneurship speaker series with faculty advisors & networking Full tenure-line and adjunct faculty, center director, and staff Full MFP-like program with courses, networking, and mentors Extensive web site as a teaching tool and community resource Business plan competition, start-up job fair, networking w/ other schools, weekly regarding e-ship events

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 9 III. What Can a University Do? (Cont.) Basic Advanced Give course Intro. to High- Technology Entrepreneurship with STVP design & HBS case studies More courses: venture creation, growth, marketing, strategy, finance … and leverage existing courses Join ASEE’s Entrepreneurship Division and LLEEP’s clinics Develop an advisory board with key community leaders Build a community of students Identify faculty around the university to collaborate Develop relationships with VCs Participate in Stanford and NCIIA Create networking events and mailing lists for your region Build a community of alumni Create an e-ship task force Consider establishing an incubator

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 10 IV. Who Can Help … Local Resources? Department Chairs (e.g., Computer Science) Engineering Faculty Sciences Faculty Dean, Provost, and President Student Service Coordinators for Each Department Development Officers (Fundraisers) Business School Faculty in Entrepreneurship Technology Transfer Office Medical and Law Schools Community Leaders Alumni: Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, & Founders Support Services: VC, Law, Big 5 Accounting and Consulting Campus Placement & Career Skills Groups … Government Leaders!

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 11 IV. Who Can Help … National Resources? Stanford Technology Ventures Program Lifelong Learning for Entrepreneurship Education Professionals Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership American Society of Engineering Educators (E-ship Division) National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 12 V. How Much Will It Cost? Startup Costs? $150K Basic Advanced Ongoing Budget? $100K / year Incremental Budget? $300K / year Note: Some of these costs could be in-kind support from the university, such as existing tenured faculty and facilities.

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Slide 13 Thank You! Tom Byers Note: STVP is funded by the generosity of the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Price Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies, and various Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.