EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Understanding what Educational Services can do for your school MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES A shared goal To build expertise across your school or community of schools, so that you are a self- sustaining learning community. MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Learning and Leadership Learning and Leadership Coordinator Curriculum Advisors Teacher Quality Advisors Learning and Engagement Learning and Engagement Coordinator Learning and Engagement Advisors and Officers Aboriginal Education Advisors and Officers Aboriginal Community Liaison Educational Services
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Other support (Learning and Leadership) Reading Recovery tutors Arts Coordination Officers Senior Pathways Advisor and Officers Literacy/ Numeracy Trainers Literacy/ Numeracy Trainers P-2 Initiatives Officers P-2 Initiatives Officers Best Start Officers Best Start Officers Home to School Advisor and Officer Home to School Advisor and Officer Road Safety Officers MAY 2014 Zoo Education Zoo Education Transition to School Officer Professional Standards and Accreditation Officers MacICT
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Macquarie Park Educational Service area Macquarie Park area Gosford office Dural Gosford Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Wyong Talavera Road office Nirimba North Sydney Parramatta The Hills Warringah Nirimba office Blue Mountains Eastern Creek Hawkesbury Holroyd Penrith MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Accessing support You can find out who your Educational Services team members are via the portal: MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Enter your school name and press ‘Enter’ MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Gosford :Lorraine Hickey Nirimba:Carolyn McGinty Talavera Road:Chris Francis Learning and Leadership Coordinators
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Gosford:Lisa Lewis Julie Dupuche Nirimba:Elisabeth Robertson Zdena Pethers Meredith Hines (relieving) Talavera Road:Scott Paterson Judy Gerber Curriculum Advisors
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Liaise with schools to identify and deliver high quality curriculum programs. Provide advice and support to schools on the effective implementation of curriculum: NSW syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum Quality Teaching programming, assessment and reporting differentiation state programs. Facilitate the implementation and evaluation of professional learning with and between schools. Role of Curriculum Advisors MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Gosford:Lucie Vandeven Deb Murray Nirimba:Rowena Whittle Pam Billington Talavera Road:Anne Palmer Christie Absalom Teacher Quality Advisors
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Work closely with principals and schools to: identify and deliver targeted high quality professional learning to drive and maintain teacher quality. provide advice to schools on matters relating to teacher quality. build capacity in implementing policy and procedures for the accreditation of teachers seeking accreditation, the maintenance of accreditation and accreditation at the higher levels of the professional teaching standards. implement the Department’s statutory obligations relating to teacher accreditation. identify targeted and quality professional learning programs that are aligned to professional teaching standards and that support teachers achieve and maintain the different levels of accreditation. Role of Teacher Quality Advisors MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Our role Provide support, advice and guidance to principals and school-based staff. Assist with facilitating professional support and advice, when requested by principals. SupportAdviseGuide MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Assistance in identifying schools with similar needs with whom professional learning might be collaboratively planned, implemented and evaluated. Negotiation with state office personnel to facilitate delivery of state-wide training in order to best meet local need. Negotiating training of facilitator or leaders if trained staff are not available. Facilitation MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES In line with Local Schools, Local Decisions, the facilitation process will generally be initiated by principals. However, Educational Services may seek the support of principals to assist in facilitating the delivery of state-wide programs, including releasing staff with expertise to lead professional learning and to assist in identifying possible collaborations. For example, L3, TEN. Facilitation MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Model 1: Use expertise within your school to provide professional learning. Model 2: Work with other schools (via principals) to facilitate or coordinate professional learning. Model 3: Engage the Educational Services team to provide advice or assist in the facilitation of services. Professional learning options MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Identifying within school expertise MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Building capacity: Sharing expertise Fluid and flexible networks MAY 2014 FoR School A School B School C School D AC implementation School A School B School X School Y
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Accessing outside school expertise and support MAY 2014
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1.Choose one of the three scenarios provided on each table – primary school or high school. 2.Read through the models of support. 3.Brainstorm a workable solution to your chosen scenario. ACTIVITY
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES You are the principal of a P2 primary school. Your school has teachers with expertise in English and Mathematics, and implementation for the new English and Mathematics syllabuses is progressing well. You are unable to identify anyone in the school with Science and Technology expertise, and need to start planning for implementation of the new syllabus in You are particularly concerned about some teachers’ understanding of specific scientific concepts. Scenario 1
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES You are the principal of a 7-10 high school. You are concerned about student outcomes in Mathematics. NAPLAN results indicate that students in the Head Teacher’s classes are achieving well above expected growth however, the average growth of students in other classes is comparatively low. The Maths Head Teacher is nearing retirement. Scenario 2
EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Where to next? Skills audits Data analysis Future planning Open communication MAY 2014 Questions?