Research – By the Numbers DealershipFacebookTwitterYouTube Woodhouse910N/A19,100 H&H Chevrolet7601,47321,340 Atchley Ford Nissan of Omaha76N/A7 Superior Honda of Omaha 58N/A144 O’Daniel Honda44N/A There are almost 440,000 potential Facebook Fans over 18 in the Omaha Metro Area
Research – Social Review Sites
Customer Relationship Management Brand Management Conversion Support Search Engine Optimization Goals for Superior Honda
Goal One: Customer Relationship Management Engagement Even a loyal customer may only purchase every 2-5 years Relationship touch points are scarce Customer Service Customers will trust a repair center if a relationship exists Letting community speak for you is powerful defense to possible complaints
Goal Two: Brand Management No gatekeeper Can announce charity work and community involvement directly to fans Link to supported charities Share press releases and coverage from the local and national website Share positive reviews from around the web – including ratings sites
Goal Three: Conversion Support Promotion Creates Top-of-Mind Awareness Highlight Specials and Advertisements hours before high- volume times Brand Management Provide information that reinforces Honda brand Friend recommendations are extremely valuable and very easy to encourage on social media
Goal Four: Search Engine Optimization Social Search When signed into account, Google uses information from your social circle to inform the search For Example – signed in Used Cars in Omaha – 4th place not signed in – Used Cars in Omaha – 10 th place Review Rating Google Places includes review section Superior Honda ranks as number one Omaha Honda Dealer 4+/5 stars on dealer rater (ranks high when looking for Honda Omaha reviews) Facebook will act as another space to play these reviews up
Building a Community Why do users “like” a page? 40% to receive discounts and promotions 39% to show my support for the company to others 36% to get a “freebie” 34% to stay informed about the activities of the company
Building a Community Tactics for increasing fan count on Facebook Provide incentives for customers to fan and tag the page Take photos of all new owners and post on Facebook Personal message from sales person thanking them and inviting them to tag the photo Giveaways of Superior Honda Gear Tell us why you love your Honda – get your friends to vote for your post
Engaging the Community Tactics for engaging with fans Games that reward active community members and support branding Trivia Games about Honda and Superior Bingo – Highly Shareable Community-based link with question is best way to encourage conversation Monitor links CTR in addition to comments and likes
Benefits of an Engaged Fan Top-of-Mind Awareness Average person spends more than an hour a week on Facebook – more than any other site More likely to see/share content Edge Rank Viral content More likely to trust content provided by Superior Trust reviews and opinions
Turning a Customer into a Brand Ambassador Provide incentives for referring and posting said referral online – create on and offline brand ambassadors Ensure that most posts are shareable Make the ask Ask buyer to tag themselves in photos Encourage fans to post about positive experiences
Turning an engaged fan into a customer Deliver product information with sales tone just before high-volume sales times No more than once a week Provide promotions for more immediate purchases by service department
Example Content Calendar
Twitter Linking accounts allows for two channels with little extra effort Twitter is integrated into search results Increases chances that messages are seen
YouTube Most local auto dealers syndicate content from the national car companies Take advantage of the Honda page by linking directly to it from the Facebook page Take local videos from sponsored events and employee testimonials
Key Social Deliverables Increase total number of “likes” to 1,000 in a 12 month period 75-80% local (average local fan percentage for retail businesses is less than 20%) Average CTR of 10% Year end goal as content becomes more personalized Create strong community of brand ambassadors Monitored through sentiment tracking Monitor use of Facebook in conversions through socially conducted surveys.