Wings of The Dawn Encouraging lifetime learning and reading habits among African children
“Helping the children of Africa.” Who are we? Wings of the Dawn International Institute for Children (WoD) is a 501(c)(3) organization. Founded in December 1996, WoD currently operates education projects in Nigeria, Mozambique and Gambia. An all volunteer agency. More than 90% of receipts are expended on projects.
“Helping the children of Africa.” Our Vision, Mission & Focus Our Vision is to establish functional literate communities in Africa to bridge the gap between poverty and prosperity. Our Mission is to help build economically stable and productive societies in African communities by ensuring access to quality educational opportunities and materials for its citizens. Our focus is to replicate Self-Sustainable Learning Centers throughout Africa that are owned by residents and that will continually stimulate and encourage lifetime learning and reading habits among African children.
“Helping the children of Africa.” Stimulate Community Ownership of Prosperity Develop self-sustaining learning centers in rural communities to provide ongoing access to quality education as a bridge to economic prosperity. Train Education Leaders Facilitate the training of teachers by providing educational scholarships and experienced mentors. Expand Access to Quality Resources Supply books and other materials in the official language of the assisted countries. Also Adopt-A-School, Backpack for African Children. Our Objectives?
“Helping the children of Africa.” Impact to Date Opened first temporary Self- Sustainable Learning Center in Gambia. Transported over 300,000 educational materials to help strengthening school libraries and resource centers. Improve reading and study habits in over 100,000 students, ages 6 through 16. Teachers are being supplied with necessary resources for classroom instruction. SAT Pilot that is helping 5 youth prepare for college.
“Helping the children of Africa.” Who are our beneficiaries? Generally, African children between the ages of Many of children in this population have a high probability of lifelong illiteracy due to the lack of educational opportunities and resources. However, with the opening of the first temporary SSLC, we are also seeing parents, family and the community as a whole become beneficiaries.
“Helping the children of Africa.” Method of Operation WoD partners with nonprofits and for profits organizations to raise funds that aid in the shipment of over 100,000 donated educational materials per year. Volunteers travel to the project areas to secure the delivery of materials and monitor distribution.
“Helping the children of Africa.” The Power of our Partnership Our partnership is strengthening our: Leadership Capacity Building Impact with the temporary SSLC in Gambia Leadership CapacityImpact
“Helping the children of Africa.” Our Partnerships are Growing UNDENIABLE SUCCESS Partners/Sponsors Mandinaba Youth and Sport Committee Global Network for Community Development Women’s Consortium of Nigeria Center for Development Initiatives Nigerian School Project Feed The Children Worldwide Book Drive Fort Worth International Center Abioudun Koya (opera singer) USAID Volunteer for Prosperity African Refugees Foundation Leadership Circle of Influence Cash: Leadership Worth Following ($24k Matching Grant) In-Kind Google ($10k of AdFree) Rhythum Band Instruments ($15k storage) Manage-2-Manage, LLC ($20k pro-bono) Ecropolis, LLC ($12k web support) The BOS Group ($8k pro-bono) Concepts Inc. ($10k pro-bono)
“Helping the children of Africa.” The Success of our Partnership CULTIVATING LEADERSHIP WoD is incorporating principles of leadership in “capacity, commitment and character” in its executive director, board of directors and volunteers in the United States and Africa. Some exciting results are Joseph Stafford, U.S. Ambassador to The Gambia handed over 20,000 educational materials to the village of Mandina-ba on behalf of WoD. Strengthening board leadership in fundraising for capacity building and program expenses. Teaching leadership skills to African partners, youth and children using administrative, shipping, inventory and operations of the temporary SSLC to make everyone a partner in the vision. Leveraging the alliance with LWF to secure additional partners that includes: Libra- Tech, Feed The Children, Rhythm Band Instrument and Huckabee Inc and the Forth Worth Chamber of Commerce which may lead to collaborations with businesses partners in Africa.
“Helping the children of Africa.” 2008 Shipment arrival in Mandinaba – Team Building Activity Cultivating Leadership
“Helping the children of Africa.” Unloading Materials – Leadership, Team Work and Team Spirit Cultivating Leadership
“Helping the children of Africa.” The Success of our Partnership CAPACITY BUILDING The generous grants from LWF for general operations resulted in WoD establishing a local and impressive presence in the heart of Fort Worth business district. As a result we are: Developing a collaborative partnership with assistance from City of Fort Worth and Forth Worth International Center. Establishing a headquarters for the first time in our history. Hosting bi-monthly meet and greet receptions to create awareness and partnerships with government, businesses, individuals and nonprofits. Spreading the word about the SSLC and its life changing impact on the residents of Gambia.
“Helping the children of Africa.” Capacity Building Our Home 808 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas
“Helping the children of Africa.” The Success of our Partnership Your support helped to equip the first temporary Self-Sustainable Learning Center. Encourages community collaboration and ownership among residents of Mandinaba through the setup, organization and management of the SSLC. Provides access to quality educational materials during and after school hours and workshops used for educating the youth about the importance of education and leadership. Offering youth with access to tutorials and problem solving assistance. Supply access to hygiene and health related documentary videos and story time in the Kiddie Corner.
“Helping the children of Africa.” Temporary SSLC Story Temporary SSLC was established in 2007 with monetary support from WoD with fundraising effort organized by the residents of Saratoga, California. One of the villagers donated a restaurant building for the project, the youth donated their time to renovate the building, build bookshelves, paint and organize programs for children. Youth at workBuilding Book ShelfGrand Opening
“Helping the children of Africa.” 2007 Collection of books from villagers Temporary SSLC
“Helping the children of Africa.” Temporary SSLC 2008 Collection materials shipped from United States
“Helping the children of Africa.” Temporary SSLC SAT Pilot Project Supported by College Board – Quality Materials
“Helping the children of Africa.” UNDENIABLE SUCCESS
“Helping the children of Africa.” Transition the SSLC from a temporary facility to a permanent building equipped with conference/Tutorial room, computer, music, reading and study rooms and internet café. Replicate the SSLC in another rural community of Africa. Our Next Step Current FacilityProposed Facility Project Goal $250,000
“Helping the children of Africa.” Thank You - Without our alliance, none of these positive impacts would have been possible. Obviously, we cannot assume general responsibility for the education of all African nations. But what we have done is to forge a legacy in Africa of how to transform positive ideas into productive action—and this is the cornerstone of our united leadership. We look forward to your support to replicate this unique concept of using Self-Sustainable Learning Centers in rural communities throughout Africa to teach the power of leading with an eye on legacy born out of integrity. With Thanksgiving