People to Know Grade 4 Advance to the next slide and click on the link to reveal the person. Then click on the picture of the person for the next clue(s). Don’t use the arrows or spacebar, just the mouse. Click the arrow to begin.
Who am I? Sailed across the Atlantic Ocean looking for a sea route to the east. Landed in a “New World.” Called the people he found “Indians” because he thought he was in the Indies.
Who am I? Leader of the Jamestown colony. Captured by the Indians but life was spared. Emphasized self-sustaining agriculture to ensure survival of the settlement. Traded with the Indians, exchanging tools, pots, and guns for food and furs. Instituted a policy of rigid discipline and insisted: “He who does not work, will not eat.”
Who am I? Daughter of the powerful Powhatan chief, Powhatan. Made friends with the settlers, especially John Smith. Helped the settlers survive.
Who am I? Supreme ruler of most of the tribes in the Chesapeake Bay area. Spoke an Algonquian language. Helped the settlers, especially after his daughter, Pocahontas, saved Captain John Smith’s life.
Who am I? Principal author of the Declaration of Independence which expressed the reasons for colonial independence from England. Wrote in the Declaration of Independence that all people are created equal and have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Wrote the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, the basis for the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Who am I? Born a slave. Volunteered to fight for the American cause in the Revolutionary War. Spied on the British army for the Americans and reported my findings to a French general who was assisting George Washington. Was granted my freedom by the Virginia Legislature for my services during the Revolutionary War.
Who am I? Served as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. After the war was elected as the first President of the United States of America. Provided the strong leadership needed to help the young country. Served as a model of leadership for future presidents. Referred to as the “Father of Our Country.”
Who am I? Elected to serve as the first governor of Virginia Inspired patriots from other colonies when he spoke out against taxation without representation. His words, “…give me liberty or give me death” are considered to be the most famous words in American history. Famous for saying “I smell a rat!” when he turned down an invitation to attend the Constitutional Convention.
Who am I? Believed in the importance of having a United States constitution. Kept detailed notes during the Constitutional Convention. His skills at compromise helped the delegates reach agreement during the difficult process of writing the Constitution of the United States of America. Referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.”
Who am I? Wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights that states that all Virginians should have certain rights, including freedom of religion and freedom of the press. This document became the basis for the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America. Referred to as the “Father of the Bill of Rights.”
Who am I? Born a slave in Southampton County, Virginia. Led a revolt against plantation owners in Virginia. His revolt was one of the events that fueled the abolitionist cause and led up to the Civil War.
Who am I? Born a slave in Maryland. Ran away from home because of the cruel way my master treated me. Set up a secret route that other escaped slaves took north to freedom. Route became known as the “Underground Railroad.”
Who am I? Led a raid on the United States Armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Tried to start a slave rebellion but I was captured and hanged. My execution fueled the abolitionist cause and led up to the Civil War.
Who am I? United States president during the Civil War.
Who am I? General in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Played a major role in the Confederacy victory in the first battle of the Civil War. Robert E. Lee called him his “right arm.”
Who am I? Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War. Defeated Union troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia. Surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, bringing the Civil War to a close at Appomattox, Virginia, in April 1865.
Who am I? Union General in the Civil War. Captured Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy. Robert E. Lee surrendered to him at Appomattox, thus ending the Civil War in April 1865
Who am I? African American business and community affairs activist in Richmond, Virginia. First woman to become a bank president in the United States.
Who am I? Tennis player born in Richmond, Virginia. First African American winner of a major men’s tennis singles championship. Author and a spokesperson for social change.
Who am I? Governor of Virginia. First African American to be elected a state governor in the United States.
Christopher Columbus 20176/columbus.htm
Captain John Smith
Thomas Jefferson
James Armistead Lafayette
George Washington
Patrick Henry itc/law/witt/images/lect5/
James Madison
George Mason
Nat Turner
Harriet Tubman
John Brown
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson cwleaders/cwleaders.html
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant cwleaders/cwleaders.html
Maggie Lena Walker
Arthur Ashe
L. Douglas Wilder
Who am I? Governor of Virginia and later became United States Senator. Known for a “Pay As You Go” policy for road improvements Credited for modernized Virginia state government. Known for ordering Massive Resistance against the integration of public schools which kept some schools closed for several years.
Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
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