Revelation 13:1-18 Satan’s Agents: The Sea Beast & Land Beast The Dragon’s (Satan) attempts to harm the Woman (God’s people) in chapter twelve were unsuccessful. At the end of the chapter we see that “the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring”(12:17)
Revelation 13:1-18 Satan’s Agents: The Sea Beast & Land Beast As the curtain opens in chapter thirteen we are shown Satan’s devices to continue his assault on the Woman. Unable to destroy the woman on his first attempts, Satan brings up two horrible beasts to accomplish the task. The Sea Beast and the Land Beast represent the Roman Empire and the False Religion that fueled its persecution of the church.
The Sea Beast (Rev. 13:1-10) He arises out of the Sea (society) He has… –7 heads –10 horns –10 crowns –Blasphemous names His Body –Body Leopard –Feet Bear –Head Lion
Daniel 1 st Lion 2 nd Bear 3 rd Leopard 4rd Dreadful, Terrible, exceedingly strong Rev 13 Head/Mouth Lion Feet Bear Body Leopard Composed all of the elements of Daniels Vision Spoke Pompous words Spoke blasphemies Devoured, broke in pieces Authority over every tribe, tongue and nation 10 Horns Made War with the Saints 10 Horns Made War with the Saints Do you think they may have thought of Daniel when they heard this?
The Sea Beast (Rev. 13:1-3) His parts are like powerful and ferocious animals His power comes from the Dragon He represents the Roman Empire (cf. Daniel 7-8) His head as if it was mortally wounded but was healed (v 3)
The Sea Beast 4-10
The Sea Beast (Rev. 13:4-10) “All the world” adores the Beast and is held under his sway. His blasphemous tyranny lasts 42 months (Daniel 7:25, Rev. 11:2) The saints patiently trust God; though all the world follow the Beast and he appears invincible, he will be slain.
The Land Beast (Rev. 13:11-18) The Land Beast comes out of the earth. He has two horns like a Lamb but speaks like a Dragon (13:11) He causes those on the earth to worship the Sea Beast (13:12-15) –He is later called the “False Prophet” (16:13; 19:20; 20:10) He compels all to receive a mark on their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (13:16-17) The number of the Beast is 666 (imperfect deity) He represents the false religion and emperor worship of the Roman Empire.