Presented by: Anthony Bridges, CFE, Deputy Executive Officer Marisa Ploog, CPA, Fiscal Intervention Specialist CCSESA Session II Budget Explorer Overview District, County Offices & Charter Schools B U D G E T E X P L O R E R v Multiyear Financial Forecasting Software for K-12 School Agencies
MULTI YEAR FINANCIAL PROJECTION PAST PRACTICE Pre-SACS Requirements −Simple Spreadsheets −COE requested to demonstrate basis for SACS certifications Post-SACS Requirement −Multiple format spreadsheets −Basic Entry SACS form
CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS PAST PRACTICE Accounting exercise – no deferrals Just another form requirement Spread budget balances evenly over remaining months
MULTI YEAR AND CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS Using Budget Explorer MYFP/cash flow are significant technical tools MYFP is a significant communications tool Assumption details are critical when it comes to MYFP Most accurate in the base year, least accurate in the last year (year 3 generally) The SSC Dartboard keeps us consistent statewide Preparing a MYFP or cash flow may feel like an “ immunity challenge ”
Provides for detailed analysis New focus on resource/program demands today AND tomorrow Identify and document MYFP shortfalls early on to provide greater response time Provides a path for COE’s & Districts to build “ Alliances” to strategize and prevent being voted off the island Teaching moments MULTI YEAR AND CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS Using Budget Explorer
BUDGET EXPLORER FRAMEWORK Multi-year Financial Projections −Detail options −Enrollment forecasting −Salary and benefit forecasting Cash Flow Projection −Detail options −Deferral schedules Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Fiscal Health Analysis
MAXIMIZING BE PERFORMANCE Supports any internet browser including: − Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer New Server Hardware, Virtual Server Environment Optimized software
BE MODEL MANAGEMENT Creating a new model −Import SACS file Detail limited to SACS roll up Locally defined resources must be established and redistributed −Import from financial system Requires coordination with COE & technology services Greater detail – all resources – detailed object codes Copying an existing model −Retails detail & rules −Updates may be needed
Select projection (mouse over and click) Click button On the projection sharing screen select User and click button for Read-only group or Read-write group SHARE PROJECTION Building Alliances Between Districts & COEs
NAVIGATION TREE Summary– Unrestricted – Restricted Import from SACS file roll up - Add resources for locally defined -Deleting resources with no activity
TAB 1.) HOME – Projection Adjustments General projections settings listed on mouse over Home page Statistics section contain links to projection adjustments −Upload Base values −Change projection title −Change number of years to forecast −Enable/disable audit logging
TAB 1.) HOME – Audit Log Audit log is enabled by default Use report page to revise audit log for the projection
TAB 2.) RULES Rules drive assumptions Rules never affect the “base year” (Budget Import) Based on SSC Dartboard Rules can be modified for specific resources or objects Hovering mouse over rule icon
TAB 3.) ENR/ADA/STAFFING Extra care here can make a big difference in the MYFP Has a direct affect on projected: ADA population Revenue Limit sources Prefill from CBEDS Projection methods Cohort progression Kindergarten
SALARY FORECASTER Allows for greater detail in future costs Managed by resource Only salaries in object 1100
ADA data imports from Enrollment and ADA screens Base revenue limit per ADA imports from SACS form RL
TAB 7.) AUTO BAL Used to balance resources with negative ending fund balances in MYFP Make all adjustments first! (including indirects) This step is usually done last when completing MYFP Two approaches: −Reduce 4s, 5s, 6s (but you can change the sequence) −Contribution from unrestricted (SpEd, RRM & Transportation)
EDIT VALUES From resource screen this option provides you with detail across all resources for a particular object code. Good for balancing detail such as 8980, 8990, and May require further drill down to access……..
TAB 6.) CASH FLOW Matches budget data in the resource summary Multiyear cash flow projection Established projection schedules Cash deferrals schedules are updated Revenue by resource detail or aggregate Expenditures always aggregate No required entry order FCMAT cash flow tutorial
CASH FLOW ACTUALS - Upload Actuals can be uploaded from file using button CSV file format can be found on the Upload cash flow actuals window under sample file link Select action for objects and import mode
CASH FLOW CREATION If you did not enter your balance sheet information when you initially created your model start by selecting “create projection” and enter them. You can also enter them directly on the cash flow screen.
ADDING ADDITIONAL ASSET & LIABILITY ACCOUNTS Clicking the icons in the asset or liability GL section will provide you with additional common object code selections
CHECKING YOUR BALANCES Checking your balances: + Beginning cash + Budgeted revenue - Budgeted expenditures + General ledger asset balances - General ledger liability balances = Projected Ending Fund Balance
DETAIL REVENUE TRANSACTIONS Revenue data is stored by individual resource and object Access and enter revenue transaction detail by clicking on the object code series
BE automatically includes the updated deferral schedules Revenue receipt schedules established by funding source/resource Expenditure disbursement schedules established for each major object code range Established schedules can be viewed by selecting the tab on the cash flow PROJECTION DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULES
TAB 8.) TOOLS Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Template Fiscal Health Risk Analysis Report
BUDGET EXPLORER FOR CHARTER SCHOOLS 983 Charter Schools year to date Approximately 100 charters schools approved annually FCMAT is in the software development process Anticipated release in August\September of 2012 Includes calculations for the General Purpose Apportionment and Block Grants Software using “Wizard” approach with questions to populate data