23 November Intermediate: Unit 7: Using a Dictionary


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Presentation transcript:

23 November Intermediate: Unit 7: Using a Dictionary Tense Buster: Simple Past (2) Listening Task: The Lion and the Mouse Website Reading: 1) Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2 )Marks and Spencer

請先下載這三個檔案 ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ mp3 Transcription: ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ ppt Website Reading ppt

A lion who was stalking a deer in the forest almost stepped on a mouse on morning. ‘Please, Mr. Lion,’ squeaked the mouse, ‘don’t eat me, while I barely be a mouthful for you.’ ‘You are right,’ said the lion and he carefully stepped around the tiny creature. Later that same day, the mouse found the lion trapped in a net which had been set by hunters to capture wild animals. With his sharp teeth, the mouse soon gnawed through the tangles in the net and the lion was free. ‘Thanks a lot, little friend, now how can I repay you?’ The lion asked. ‘Never mind,’ the mouse said. ‘After all, you let me go free earlier today and one good turn deserves another.’

Dictionary: Grammar

跟讀練習:BrE or AmE?


共同瀏覽網頁:http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ 請您聽聽這些字的唸法 Listen: UK vs. US Z Tomato glass door lot garage Schedule 參考 10月五日的 powerpoint file

如何記單字Tense Buster: Simple Past Vocab: example sentences

跟讀練習:Vocab: Example Sentences

Simple past: your test

共同瀏覽網頁BBC Audio Slideshow

共同瀏覽網頁:Marks and Spencerhttp://www.marksandspencer.com/ Vocabulary 正確的用字 文化認知

http://www. marksandspencer. com/Christmas-Shop/b/44386030 http://www.marksandspencer.com/Christmas-Shop/b/44386030?ie=UTF8&intid=gnav_Christmas-Shop&pf_rd_r=1EKXBQW8EK2M412ZQHZ1&pf_rd_m=A2BO0OYVBKIQJM&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=459528031&pf_rd_p=215677167&pf_rd_s=global-top-8

http://www. marksandspencer http://www.marksandspencer.com/All-Hampers-Gifts-Christmas-Hampers/b/459528031?ie=UTF8&ie=UTF8?ie=UTF8&node=459528031&sort=salesrank&forceNoKeyword=false&rh=p_36%3A10000-12499&size=12&pf_rd_r=10135367VCBJE14NSAD1&pf_rd_m=A2BO0OYVBKIQJM&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=459528031&pf_rd_p=216456187&pf_rd_s=related-items-5

共同瀏覽網頁BBC Audio Slideshow Behind the Scenes at Kew http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7884523.stm Kew’s beautiful buildings http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7711663.stm