EXPRESSIONS OF IDENTITY – aspirations & actions 1919 founded a newspaper, ‘La Paria’, in French and ‘Soul of Vietnam’ in Vietnamese to publish his views of colonisation and nationalism. He always hoped that the US would help to free Vietnam. -made unsuccessful approaches to Wilson and Truman he joined the French Communist Party. Never wavered from the ideal of a free and independent Vietnam – Moscow- adopted Leninism China communist groups.
EXPRESSIONS OF IDENTITY cont’d Revolutionary Youth League of Vietnam nearly arrested He travelled to persuade village peasants about his ideas Hong Kong brought rival communist groups together as the Indochina Communist Party –the ICP.
EXPRESSIONS OF IDENTITY cont’d 1930s he ‘disappeared’ - thought to be dead By 1939 he thought the time for his nationalistic revolution was near - made moves to return to Vietnam founded the Vietnamese Independence League –Viet Minh. This was to be a guerrilla army to eject the colonisers.
1943 – released, walked home to Vietnam took control during power vacuum. 2nd September rally of 500,000 people in Hanoi Used words form the US Constitution to state his case for independence. Began to eliminate his opposition. Ho asked French and President Truman for help and to give the Vietnamese autonomy.
EXPRESSIONS OF IDENTITY cont’d Borrowed ideas from Lenin, Took the name Ho Chi Minh – Bringer of Light Promoted land reform, improved working conditions, democratic rights he went to China to help fight against the Japanese Arrested as a communist.
EXPRESSIONS OF IDENTITY cont’d French returned in 1946 to Vietnam agreed to the division of Vietnam In 1965 Lyndon Johnson offered Ho a settlement which he turned down. Ho agreed to peace talks but he died during them 3 Sept 1969
CHARACTERISTICS Middle class Considered wise Softly spoken and benign Considered a gentleman Called ‘Uncle Ho’ - fostered the persona of ‘avuncular Mandarin’ Enjoyed French songs Humble demeanour Smoked American cigarettes: only ever offered Vietnamese cigarettes
CHARACTERISTICS cont’d Fluent speaker of English, French, Russian and 3 Chinese dialects Attracted important and powerful politicians Single minded and dedicated to Vietnamese Nationalism Appeared to be celibate although actually not. ‘In touch’ with the plight of the peasants Wide appeal with his humanistic ideals.
CHARACTERISTICS cont’d Secretive at times - changed his name up to 19 times. Preferred Leninism to Marxism. Willing to sacrifice all for his vision. Never a committed communist but committed nationalist. Now regarded by the Vietnamese as their greatest nationalist hero. In Saigon renamed Ho Chi Minh City
CONTRIBUTING FACTORS Born 19th May 1890 in Nge An to a middle class family Youngest of three children, Named Nguyen Sinh Cuong - changed at age 10 to Nguyen Tat Thanh Vietnam - colonised by the Chinese - then French from about 1858 Ho learned Confucian philosophy Sent to a French preparatory school.
His father was fired from his job - nationalistic tendencies - left family. Ho learned that the French were vindictive Ho sent to Hue to study Expelled - brought to attention of French Secret Police.
CONTRIBUTING FACTORS cont’d Aged 21 travelled to see French ‘Liberty, Fraternity, Egalite’ -first hand. turned down for a student. Then travelled around. Liked the Statue of Liberty Impressed by US civil rights met the Overseas Workers Association in London.
Left for Paris in 1917 (Paris Peace Talks of 1919). He tried to get help to free Vietnam Unable to talk to Woodrow Wilson. Publishing gave him publicity in Vietnam. Lived under the threat of treason. Being Vietnamese meant always being occupied. CONTRIBUTING FACTORS cont’d
Year 12 Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh Poster available from Vietnam village photos courtesy of M. C. Kraft. Images taken between August through July 28th These were taken when Kraft was assigned as a US Medic to the 1/27th Wolfhounds, 25th Infantry Division.