Instructions The following powerpoint is designed as a review for your upcoming test. Each team will write down an answer to the blanks in the presentation. After each team has shown their answer, the powerpoint will present the correct answer. The team with the most answers wins. This presentation also will reinforce concepts by showing pictures, maps and diagrams of the Vietnam War. Please view in slide show format only. Let the games begin.
Early Vietnam War The_____ were the first to fight in what was then called __________ __________ Established the Vietnam Independence League Wanted to overthrow French rule and gain Independence for the Vietnamese people Was the hero for North Vietnam Lost to Ho after nine years of fighting at the battle of Diem ____ Fu. The French lost about _______ men in their Vietnam conflict. In the ________ Accords Vietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam French Indochina 50,000 Bien Geneva
John F Kennedy JFK believed in the ________ theory, which stated that if Vietnam fell, other nations would follow He sent in _________ military advisors, then increased the number to 16,600. Domino 600
Lyndon Baines Johnson LBJ had three main reasons for entering the Vietnam War. 1.The ______ Analog, which stated that if you gave in to communists early, you’d have a bigger conflict later 2.The _______ theory, just like JFK 3.Conservative backlash, which meant he was afraid the __________ party would regain power if Vietnam fell to the ____________s. Munich Domino Republican Communist
The War Starts The North Vietnamese attack two U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of ________ This allowed LBJ to push through Congress the _____________ resolution. In 1965 LBJ starts a huge bombing campaign on North and South Vietnam codenamed _____________ By 1968 the U.S. troop strength reached a peak of over ___________ men Tonkin 500,000
Guerrilla Warfare Soldiers from South Vietnam who fight against the United States at night are called ________________ Freedom fighters who fight for Ho Chi Minh are called __________ The VC would use lethal booby traps called ______ _____ that pierce a man’s leg. The Viet Minh had an elaborate system of ________ that extended far into South Vietnam Soldiers who crawled into them were called ______ ____. Viet Cong Viet Minh Punji Stakes Tunnels Tunnel Rats Diagram of a Punji Pit
The North could keep their armies supplied as they fought in the South through the _______________ which actually was located in _______ and Cambodia. Laos
The United States The United States adopted a ___________ and __________ strategy to counter the guerrilla tactics. They also used Agent _________ to defoliate the countryside and ___________, a jellied gasoline that clings to whatever it touches. Even though the war was going badly for the United States, Johnson thought he could turn it around. However, in January, 1968, the North launched a huge attack in over 100 cities. It coincided with the Vietnamese new year and was thus called the ______________________________. This prevented LBJ from seeking reelection. Search Destroy Napalm Tet Offensive Actual Napalm Canister Fighting during the Tet Offensive
The Nixon Era and Protests Nixon campaigned in 1968 saying he had a plan for ending the war. This plan, which called for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and their replacement with troops from South Vietnam, was called ___________________.
Protests The public at home were more aware of events in Vietnam than in past wars because of what they saw on ___________. Protests mainly came from university _____________ During the first organized protest in Washington, they chanted in front of the White House “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many ____________________”. students
They would demonstrate and the men would burn their _________ cards in protest. Some would claim that they were part of an organized religious group. They were called _________________. After President Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia, the protests became more violent. Conscientious objectors A Vietnam War protester holds up his burning draft card while a crowd surrounds him, many of whom offer the camera a rude gesture.
Finally, in May, 1970, national guardsmen killed four students at ______ _______, a college in Ohio.
Mai Lai Massacre Another event that occurred in Vietnam that polarized the public against the war was the _________ __________ massacre, where on March 16, 1968, Lt. William Calley killed over 200 innocent civilians. Lt William Calley Mai Lai Victims of Mai Lai
War’s End The North and South Vietnamese, the United States and the Viet Cong met in _______, France to negotiate peace. They finally came to an agreement in January Nixon tried to exit Vietnam with the slogan “Peace with ________.” Signing of the Cease Fire Agreement, January, 1973
The last troops left in March of Fighting continued between the North and the South. In April, 1975 the U.S. ordered all ___________ closed and all Americans evacuated. On April 30, South Vietnam surrendered to the North and the North renamed Saigon ____________________ City. Embassies Ho Chi Minh Evacuating the embassy
Nearly __________ Americans died in Vietnam Most people in the U.S. even today have formulated an opinion on the value of this war. So should you. 58,000 The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. is a large black granite _________ that lists the war’s dead and missing. Wall