Money Day From Profit to Cash: Over the River and Through the Woods
Session Objectives After completing this session, you will be able to: Define the four forces that affect your cash flow Apply a cash flow model to your business and analyze the results Develop a cash flow management plan that works for you
From Profit to Cash… The problem with cash flow is that it lags behind profit for most businesses.
Activity #1 Populating the Cash Flow Model
Forecast profitability first, then the cash flow impacts of that profitability second. Once you forecast cash flow, you can begin to manage it. Use the levers in the model to see future growth. Activity #1 Summary
10 Minutes Break
Cash Flow Force # 1: Pay Taxes Cash Flow Force # 2: Pay Down Debt Cash Flow Force # 3: Build to a Core Capital Target Cash Flow Force # 4: Pay Profit Distributions The Four Forces of Cash Flow Ka-Ching!
Activity #2 Forecasting Cash Flow
Impact of Terms Impact of increasing / decreasing margin Increasing LER Eliminating Non-value added expenses Discuss Value vs. Non-Value added spreadsheet Maximizing Cash Flow
The Four Forces of Cash Flow drive the priorities for your available cash Constantly re-forecast Activity #2 Summary
Mishandling Deposits Trying to “Bully” the Big Guys Focusing on CF to the detriment of profit Not tracking leading indicators Common Cash Flow Mistakes
A good example of a good example Employee-owned Culture of ownership: everyone knows and understands the company’s financials Case Study: Springfield ReManufacturing Corporation
A good example of a bad example High-risk cash flow management Lacks culture and cash Case Study: Groupon
Profitability and cash are in two different time cycles Leaving cash in the business is a choice Bow to the Four Forces of Cash Flow Session Wrap-Up