The Cold War gets HOT! Vietnam Where? Southeast Asia What? A divided land: French Colony during the Age of Imperialism Conquered by the Japanese during WW II Colonialists return after the WW II to take it back! WAR Against the French:
Background: Vietnam Who? Ho Chi Minh Opposed European colonial rule Strongly influenced by/advocated communism Led guerilla warfare/ succeeded in getting the French to leave!
Vietnam and the Cold War 1954: French leave & an international conference is held where Western and Communist powers agreed to a temporary division of Vietnam. Ho’s communists controlled the North Noncommunists controlled the South The agreement called for elections to reunite the two Vietnams but these elections were never held!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Early 1960s Communist guerilla fighters appeared in the jungles of South Vietnam. AMERICA RESPONDS! Domino Theory adopted! The view that a communist victory in South Vietnam would cause noncommunist governments across South Asia to fall to communism, like a row of dominoes. U.S. gov’t wanted to prevents this!
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution August, 1965 – LBJ announced N. Vietnamese torpedo boats had attacked two U.S. destroyers patrolling in the Gulf of Tonkin Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution on August 7, 1965 thereby authorizing the President to take all necessary measures to prevent further aggression in Southeast Asia. United States began bombing North Vietnam.
The Vietnam War Eventually 500,000 U.S. troops were committed to the war. American men were required to register for “the draft” from which men were selected in a random lottery. Some believed this as their patriotic duty Others left the country – “draft dodgers” Approximately, 58,000 American soldiers were killed. U.S.S.R. and China sent aid but no troops to help North Vietnam.
Hawks vs. Doves Guns vs. Butter Americans were deeply and bitterly divided. Vietnamese Communists refused to give up. Vietnam was seen as a quagmire, or swamp, in which we were increasingly bogged down!
The End of the Vietnam War In January 1973, Pres. Nixon negotiated the Paris Peace Accord which established a cease-fire, or a halt in fighting. U.S. agreed to withdraw its troops N. Vietnam agreed NOT to send any more troops into the South.
The Result: North Vietnam won. Two years after American troops had left, the North conquered the South. South Vietnamese capitol, Saigon, was named Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi, the North Vietnamese capitol, became the capital of a unified Vietman.
Harsh rule ensued. Hundreds of thousands fled – most in small boats. Survivors landed in refugee camps in neighboring countries while some settled in the United States. America imposed a trade embargo.
Vietnam… What do YOU think?