Friends Academy 4 October 17-21, 2011 Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Friends Academy 4 Group
Facilitator Joanna Webb
Evan Hirsche, President US Fish and Wildlife Association
Purpose of Friends Academy Learn about the USFWS Leadership training Networking
Topics for the Week History of National Wildlife Refuge System Visioning Process and Implementation Refuge Planning Communication with community, refuge managers, etc Generating Revenue Refuge Budget Overview Responsibilities of Board of Directors Membership Program Development Recruitment, Training of Volunteers Friends Visioning Friends Partnerships of the Future
Archives at NCTC
Confiscated Contraband
Daily Work Sessions
The Visioning Process for Friends Two recommendations in body of work
Recommendation 11 Develop and nurture active and vibrant Friends groups or community partnerships for every staffed refuge or refuge complex.
Recommendation 12 Develop a national strategy for recruiting, coordinating and supporting a more self-sustaining volunteer corps, while creating new opportunities for community involvement in implementing refuge priorities.
Networking among Friends Groups Friends Academy 4 Facebook site Tab on the NWRS website for Friends to connect to other Friends groups throughout the US.
Communications Division of Visitors Services and Communications Newswire Refuge Update Refuge Week Toolkit Banners Social Media
Greg Siekaniec Deputy Director, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Some serious times
And some fun times…
Time to Go