The Roots of the War in Vietnam Vietnam from
I. Imperial Rule A. China is known as Vietnam’s traditional enemy. B. In 1850, French troops were sent to conquer Vietnam. 1. Because of the Industrial Revolution, European nations had more advanced weapons that the weapons than Asian and African nations had. 2. European nations conquered colonies to make money, to increase their nation’s power and to spread Christianity.
II. Vietnam from A. Ho Chi Minh was attracted to Communism because Karl Marx (its founder) was against imperialism. B. During WWII, Japan occupied Vietnam. C. In 1941, Ho Chi Minh organized a nationalistic political group called the Vietminh. D. Ho Chi Minh used many of the ideas of the U.S. constitution in the constitution of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh: Sometimes known as the George Washington of Vietnam. Was responsible for bringing communism to Vietnam.
The Roots of the War in Vietnam continued The First Vietnam War
I. Opening Events A. War between the French and Vietminh began after French ships shelled the town of Haiphong. B. The French controlled the major cities and the major roads of Vietnam. C. The Vietminh (Communists) controlled the rural parts of Vietnam in the North.
II. Truman’s View of Vietnam A. Felt Ho Chi Minh was a communist first and a nationalist second. B. Truman sent in large amounts of economic and military aid to help the French. III. Boa Dai’s Government A. A member of the Vietnamese royal family that the French designed a government around in hopes that he would rally support. B. The Vietnamese realized that Boa Dai did not have true power and they felt he was just a puppet of the French.
IV. The Beginnings of American Involvement A. President Eisenhower’s theory that proved the importance of Vietnam to Americans was called the Domino Theory. B. The French forces were defeated by the Vietminh in a major battle at Dienbeinphu. C. Ho Chi Minh became the leader of North Vietnam and Ngo Dinh Diem became the leader of South Vietnam.
V. The Geneva Accords ordered that elections be held to unify Vietnam under one government. VI. Ngo Dinh Diem A. Eisenhower sent American advisors to assist Diem in training the South Vietnamese Army in order for them to resist any aggression by the North. B. Reasons why Diem was considered an unsuccessful leader... a. He used repression against his opponents. b. His soldiers terrorized the countryside. c. He made few reforms.
d. Was seen as an American puppet. e. The Vietnamese felt that he was just aiding the US in simply replacing the French. VII.Formation of the Viet Cong A. Definition: People from South Vietnam that rebelled against Diem’s government. B. When Diem cancelled elections, the Vietminh prepared for war against him. C. The North Vietnamese sent supplies to the Viet Cong through the Ho Chi Minh Trial. D. Diem was executed in 1963, due to his corruption and his treatment to Vietnamese Buddhists.