Controversy and Criticism
The Vietnam War: Some context Up until the so-called Global War on Terrorism began after the 9/11 attacks in late 2001 the Vietnam War was considered the most controversial military action in U.S. history. Because many Americans so no direct threat to the U.S. by the Communists in North Vietnam this military conflict was considered very controversial. Because the U.S. already had experience with two “Red Scares” (1920s and 1950s) the nation was well aware of the threat of communism. Over 58,000 U.S. military personnel eventually died fighting in the Vietnam War. Four U.S. presidents acted as Commander-in-Chief during this “war.”
Complete the MS Word Chart I have provided to match this slide show. Follow the instructions/directions I have provided in the top row boxes of the picture chart. You are encouraged to also use the web for the pictures that have a * next to the photo descriptions at the top of each slide.
President Kennedy introduces Vietnam to the world
Ho Chi Minh
The Front lines of Vietnam
Wounded U.S. military being evacuated from the battle field
U.S. Navy jets on strafing runs
U.S. commander and a Southern Vietnamese soldier
Sunday Mass on the battle field
Napalm Girl* *Conduct web based research on this award winning photo to understand its impact on U.S. public opinion of the Vietnam War
Murder/Execution of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief* [still image of a video] *Conduct web based research on this controversial image to understand its impact on U.S. public opinion of the Vietnam War.
U.S. soldiers seeking cover during fighting the streets
Box Baby
Kent State Massacre* *Conduct web based research on this award winning photo to understand its impact on U.S. public opinion of the Vietnam War
American Vietnam War Protestors
President Johnson and Secretary of Defense McNamara talking about the Vietnam War
My Lai massacre
U.S. soldiers questioning a suspected Viet Cong
A break in the action
Agent Orange
Evacuation of last U.S. personnel from Vietnam in 1975
Image Sources I/AAAAAAAAAik/3bGQXg1aLL8/s1600/Vietnam%2BWar%2BLucky%2Blife.jpg I/AAAAAAAAAik/3bGQXg1aLL8/s1600/Vietnam%2BWar%2BLucky%2Blife.jpg policy-makers/president-johnson-reacting-to-war-news.jpg policy-makers/president-johnson-reacting-to-war-news.jpg Iy8Byal4/s1600/hue.jpg Iy8Byal4/s1600/hue.jpg MFQ/s1600/tet+offensive+2.jpg MFQ/s1600/tet+offensive+2.jpg H2I/s1600-h/tet+offensive+5.jpg H2I/s1600-h/tet+offensive+5.jpg