MED Strategic Project MARIE (Mediterranean Building Rethinking for Energy Efficiency Improvement) GRASP Synergies Meeting Piraeus - Greece, 12 March 2015 Presented by: Anastasios Sidiropoulos - Director of Programmes Department – Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia
The MARIE Project – Basic Data Project Acronym: MARIE “MediterrΑnean Building Rethinking for Energy Efficiency Improvement” “to promote the principles of energy efficiency in buildings implementation” A Strategic Project of the 2007 ‐ 2013 MED Programme Project Start: April 2011 Project End: December 2014 MARIE Project Web-site: MARIE Platform:
MARIE Project Partners 23 Partners from 9 European countries from the MED area (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Montenegro) Lead Partner: Government of Catalonia, Department of Territory and Sustainability a population of ~ 30 millions of inhabitants
Why a MED Project in Energy Efficiency? The achievement of EU2020 energy efficiency objectives in EU Med countries will depend on the strategic investments in Med space of European funds The energy consumption trend in MED regions buildings is higher than the EU average and against the EU2020 targets Considering the difficulties for MED countries to reach in 2020 the EU objectives, the 23 MARIE partners have agreed to work together in developing the Mediterranean Building Energy Efficiency Improvement Strategy (MEDBEES) in order to intensify, motivate and facilitate the public and private efforts to that direction
1) The MARIE Zone building stock is large: > 10 million buildings and > 30 million homes 2) The building stock is ancient & energy inefficient: majority of buildings constructed before 1980, without insulation, and prior to inclusion of effective energy efficiency criteria in building regulations 3) In residential buildings, final energy consumption varies from 90 kWh/m² to 150 kWh/m² (useful area) and space heating is always the most significant energy requirement varying from 40% to 65% of total consumption Conclusions From Data Compiled So Far (1)
4) % of the people living in Med regions spend more for heating than for rent! 5) The current energy efficiency refurbishment rates in the MARIE regions ranges from 0.12% to 0.26%. This rate is 2-3 times lower than the average energy refurbishment rate in north-western EU countries. This very slow refurbishment rate in the Med area further demonstrates the need for urgent policy action Conclusions From Data Compiled So Far (2)
MARIE Project Basic Goals “to promote the principles of energy efficiency in buildings implementation in the MED area by building a new Energy Renovation Strategy (MEDBEES) around the Mediterranean” “to establish the socio ‐ economic conditions for energy efficiency improvement in the Med building stock in the framework of EU policy objectives, overcoming barriers and creating sustainable development opportunities in the MED area”
MARIE Specific Objectives Adaptation & update of integrated urban and regional regulations for sustainable energy renovation of existing buildings Innovation of financing models for energy renovation of existing buildings, based on public ‐ private synergies and the integration of funding sources The improvement and innovation in the supply of materials, products and services adapted to the current needs of energy renovation of existing buildings
In order to achieve these objectives it has been defined a MARIE strategy: the Mediterranean Building Energy Efficiency Strategy (MEDBEES), comprising 5 Strategic Lines and 14 Strategic Measures The MEDBEE Strategy Each Strategic Measure is associated with one or more MARIE Pilot Actions to define and validate their content & suitability
The MEDBEES Construction Process ( ) ( ) The final Document of MEDBEES will be addressed to policy makers and public and private organizations from all the MED regions, cities and countries that are working to improve energy renovation in buildings
Scope of PA 2.1.: “To test and evaluate innovative financial mechanisms for energy conservation investments in buildings of the Med area, based on: - the Third Party Financing (TPF) approach -the Involvement of Energy Service Companies (ESCOs)” Goal of PA 2.1.: “To identify & select appropriate buildings of the Med area in order to increase the energy efficiency via refurbishment and creating sustainable & long-term financing mechanisms for energy conservation investments in buildings” MARIE Pilot Action 2.1: Third Party Financing Mechanisms
MARIE Pilot Action 2.1 – The Case of ANKO Selection of Buildings 2 buildings in the Western Macedonia Region finally selected for the implementation of PA 2.1: The Hospital of “Mpodosakeio” (Ptolemaida) The Administrative Building of West Macedonia Region (ZEP Kozani) 2 different types of buildings: offices building and hospital
The Hospital of “Mpodosakeio”
The Administrative Building of West Macedonia Region
Ptolemaida 20,000 m² 5 floors (Α Basement-Β Basement) Α, Β, C: Floors Flat roof Built after 1980 24-hours operation No refurbishment Heating: District heating All documents available (Construction License, Building Contract, Drawings, Electricity and heating bills for the last 3 years) ZEP Kozani 11,200 m2 3 floors & basement Tilt roof Built after 2000 No refurbishment operational hours Heating: District heating All documents available (Construction License, Building Contract, Drawings, Electricity and heating bills for the last 3 years) The Administrative Building of West Macedonia Region The Hospital of “Mpodosakeio”
MARIE Pilot Action 2.1 – Implementation Steps (1) Preliminary energy audits to the 2 selected buildings Cost/benefit analysis of possible investment solutions to the 2 selected buildings Setting up of the specifications of the Call for the selection of an Energy Service Company (ESCO) Eligibility criteria: only ESCOs registered in the Greek Registry for ESCOs ( maintained by the competent Department of the Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Tender Procedure for ESCO selection Signing of Contract: 26 th June 2014
MARIE Pilot Action 2.1 – Implementation Steps (2) Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) for Energy Saving Interventions in the Public Buildings in the WM Region-Greece Identification of the energy saving potential and the relative energy savings in the selected buildings – Feasibility study for the whole building, for each one building, and specifically for the measures that are going to be implemented, in accordance with the specifications that are going to be set in the EPC contract model Identification of the technical characteristics of the EPC contract and of its Annexes Implementation of the proposed measures in accordance to the procedures that had been set in the EPC contract model
MARIE Pilot Action 2.1 – Implementation Steps (3) Operation of the installed equipment Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) issued for the 2 selected buildings
PA 2.1 – The Hospital of “Mpodosakeio” (1) Renovation of the Old Low Efficiency Lighting System Focus on the corridors of 3 hospital clinics where the lights are operational 8,760 hours / year 60 low efficiency TL-D T8 fluorescent lamps 58W with magnetic type ballasts were replaced with corresponding LED type Philips “Master LEDtube, PERF 1500mm 31W/865 T8”
Detailed measurements of the illuminance and the electricity consumption were conducted before and after the works The illuminance was increased due to the new lamps by 49.7% (from 193 lux to 384 lux) PA 2.1 – The Hospital of “Mpodosakeio” (2)
PA 2.1 – The Hospital of “Mpodosakeio” (3) The electricity consumption was reduced due to the installation of the new lamps by 16,293.6 kWh on a yearly basis The savings per year are estimated at: 16,293.6 kWh X €/kWh = 2,085.6 €
PA 2.1 – The Administrative Building of WM Region (1) Renovation of the External Road Low Efficiency Lighting System: After thorough examination of the building’s energy consumption… …the surrounding area lighting system was chosen for the energy conservation measures
PA 2.1 – The Administrative Building of WM Region (2) 14 High Pressure Na lights with 250W lamps were replaced with Power LED type “700mA, 4000Κ power 110W – 13720lm, Disano / 3282 Rolle T3”
PA 2.1 – The Administrative Building of WM Region (3) Detailed measurements of the luminous flux and the electricity consumption were conducted before and after the works The luminous flux remained the same after the installation of the outdoor lights (from 61 lux to 59 lux)
PA 2.1 – The Administrative Building of WM Region (4) The lighting result of the new lights is considerably better in respect to the old Na lights due to the exceptional operational characteristics of the led technology
PA 2.1 – The Administrative Building of WM Region (5) The electricity consumption was reduced due to the installation of the new outdoor lights by 8, kWh on a yearly basis The savings per year are estimated at: 8, kWh X €/kWh = 1,136.2 €
Support of MARIE project from European parliament by including it in its Report [2013/2038(INI)/ ] concerning the implementation and impact of the energy efficiency measures under Cohesion Policy) New Regional Operational Programme of W. Macedonia Region ( ) – endorsement of MARIE project (MEDBEE Strategy) in the Thematic Priority 4 (S upporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors) Adoption of Ljubljana Declaration – responding to challenges regarding energy efficiency and renewable energy in Mediterranean buildings (MARIE, ELIH-MED, PROFORBIOMED) Achievements - Agreements – Synergies so far… (1)
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between MARIE, GRASP & PEEBRE E.U. projects Providing information to the Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change concerning MARIE objectives and achievements Achievements - Agreements – Synergies so far… (2)
Thank you for your attention! For more info please contact: Anastasios Sidiropoulos Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia S.A. - ANKO 1-3, Fon Karagianni str., Kozani-GREECE Tel Fax