These countries are all part of the English-speaking world. 2.3 billion people in 50 countries.
British explorers and traders travelled to discover new places: Africa, Asia, America and the Pacific. The new coutries they discovered became part of the British Empire during the reign of Queen Victoria (19 th century).
EMIGRATION IN 19 th and 20 th CENTURIES. From the UK a lot of people went to these new countries. They took their language and their way of life.
But also a lot of colonies citizens (Indians, Pakistanis and Caribbeans) came to the UK to have a better life and more job opportunities. They already spoke English and they knew British culture, but, at the beginning, life for them was very difficult.
THE COMMONWEALTH Some countries became independant from the British Empire after the World War II but they kept their links with Britain. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent states formed by the United Kingdom and most of its ex-colonies.
LINKS They have the British parliamentary and legal systems. People drive on the left. They have the same sporting traditions: cricket, rugby and hockey.
The Commonwealth Games take place every four years and only Commmonwealth countries can participate. Next year, they're taking place in Glasgow, from the 23 rd July until the 3 rd August.
English-speaking countries are very different, but the English language is the common factor. People also speak local languages. The English language took some words: pyjama and shampoo from India, kangaroo from Australia, banana from Africa.