Spinal TB Sagittal STIR and axial T2 weighted MR image of dorsal spine showing complete collapse of D7 vertebral body with associated pre, bilateral paravertebral and epidural soft tissue. The intervening D6-D7 intervertebral disc also shows hyper intensity with minimal marrow edema lower D6 vertebral body. Posterior arch elements appear normal.
Cold Abscess Axial & coronal STIR MR images of lumbar spine showing cold abscess in left upper anterolateral abdomen, left gluteal region and associated spinal involvement with bilateral para vertebral abcess formation in lumbar spine
TB MYELITIS WITH EPIDURAL ABSCESS Sagittal post contrast images of cervico-dorsal spine showing diffuse enhancement of the dura with posterior epidural collection and T2 hyperintensity of dorsal spinal cord
Multiple Brain & spinal cord Tuberculomas Axial post contrast MR images of brain and sagittal post contrast MR images of whole spine showing multiple ring enchancing lesions in both cerebral and cerebellar hemisphere, within brainstem and intramedullary location of cervical and dorso- lumbar spinal cord. Associated enhancement of meninges noted anterior to brainstem and dura along the spinal cord
Solitary Tuberculoma Sagittal T1, Coronal FLAIR & Axial T1 post contrast MR images with MR spectroscopy showing thick ring enhancing lesion in right parietal lobe with surrounding edema and lipid lactate peak
NECROTIC TUBERCULAR CERVICAL LYMPHADENOPATHY Axial contrast Ct sections of neck showing necrotic lymph nodes with peripheral enhancement in bilateral posterior triangle of neck.
MILIARY TUBERCULOSIS Chest x-ray PA view showing multiple miliary nodules in both lungs
PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS Axial CT chest Lung window sections showing multiple large nodules along the bronchi in right upper and middle lobe and in lingula with a large cavity in superior segment of left lower lobe
ASPERGILLOMA Axial CT chest Lung window sections showing a large empty cavity in left upper lobe and a cavity filled with fungal ball in right upper lobe
Abdominal tuberculosis with necrotic portal, peripancreatic nodes and splenic granulomas Axial contrast CT sections of abdomen showing multiple necrotic portal, peri-portal lymphadenopathy and multiple splenic granulomas.
Axial contrast CT sections of abdomen showing diffuse omental thickening with few small nodules. Peritoneal TB
ILEOCAECAL TUBERCULOSIS WITH NECROTIC MESENTERIC LYMPHNODES Coronal and Axial CT enteroclysis image showing thickening of ileo-caecal junction with proximal dilatation of terminal ileum Coronal and Axial CT enteroclysis image showing concentric mural thickening of terminal, distal ileum and ileo- caecal junction with multiple necrotic mesentric lymph nodes ( white arrow)
TB RIGHT TUBOOVARIAN ABSCESS Axial contrast CT sections of pelvis showing right Tubo- ovarian abscess.
Renal TB Coronal and Axial plain CT sections of abdomen showing small left kidney with lobar calcification of upper pole and few calcific areas in mid and lower pole.
Calcified lymphnodes-Tubercular Axial plain CT sections of thorax showing multiple calcified lymph nodes in mediastinum, lower neck and upper abdomen.
TB Pericardial effusion Coronal T1 and Axial T2 W images showing massive pericardial effusion with fibrinous exudates.
Coronal and sagittal plain CT images of pelvis showing thick chunky linear endometrial calcification suggestive of tubercular sequelae Endometrial tuberculosis
Chronic tubercular empyema Axial plain CT section of thorax showing chronic empyema with calcification right hemithorax with crowding of ribs and extra pleural fat pad proliferation
TB SPLENIC ABSCESS Axial and coronal contrast CT abdomen sections showing a large abscess within the spleen.
Ankle TB Sagittal PDFS and T1W MR image of ankle showing bony destruction of tarsal bones with erosions and fluid collections with synovial thickening and subchondral fluid collection in tibia
Double fistula- bronchopleural and pleurocutaneous-post tubercular sequelae Axial and coronal CT sections showing Double fistula- bronchopleural and pleurocutaneous on the left side (black arrows)
Knee joint TB Sagittal and axial PDFS images showing synovial thickening with associated large soft tissue mass within knee joint showing heterogenous signal intensity with large bony erosions and loculated collections
TB TENOSYNOVITIS ECU TENDON Sagittal and Axial STIR images of Wrist showing soft tissue thickening around extensor carpi ulnaris tendon suggestive of tenosynovitis.
Wrist TB Coronal and axial PDFS and axial T1W MR images showing diffuse altered signal intensity of carpal bones with associated soft tissue and synovial thickening.
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