Lecture 5 History of development of pharmaceutical science and training of pharmaceutical personnel. CONTRIBUTION OF UKRAINIAN SCIENTIST TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICINE.
1. Medical schools In 1653 in city of Zamostya (near Lviv) the academy under the initiative of the graph Yan Zamoyskyu was organized (Zamoystya's academy).
Jan Sariusz Zamoyski (Jan Zamojski) ( ) Yan Zamoyskyu itself got occupation at Paduan university.
He decided to open the same university in his Motherland. Klyment the VIII has affirmed the ordinance of academy, he gave it's the right to adjudge a degree of the doctors of philosophy, low and medicine. But the king didn't confirm it.
Only in 1669 Zamostya's academy has gained all the privileges of university
The separate graduates continued to study at the universities of Italy, where were adjudged a scientific degree of the doctor of medicine. One of such doctors of medicine was Yuri Drohobytch- Katermak ( ). He was the student of the Krakow university. He has become the bachelor in 1470, and in the master. But he was not satisfied with it- he left for Italy to Bolonya's university. In 1478 Katermak became the doctor of philosophy, and in 1482-the doctor of medicine. Since 1488 Katermak teached medicine at the Krakow University. He published a book under the title "A Prognostic estimation of line 1483 by the master Yuri Drohobytch from Russ, the doctor of art and medicine from the Bolonya University successfully executed".
Kiev-Mohyla academy played a significant role in the preparing of medical staff, with organization of hospital's medical schools. During only 14 years ( ) from the academy more then 300 persons entered medical schools. There was a sanitary-hygienic skill. Prophylaxis of diseases occurred together with treatment of diseases. In the beginning of the second half of XVIII centuries the following sciences were entered in the program : world history, physics, astronomy, architecture, foreign languages. Since 1802 in academy the course of medicine was opened. In "the medical class" schoolboys studied. They studied anatomy, surgery, and forensic medicine.The medical academy hoped to get bases knowledge of medicine among derivate people of the population.
In the early eighteenth century. on livoberezhniy Ukraine was worked 2 pharmacies - Lubnenska and Kiev (kazenni) and three privat - Hluhivska, i Nizhynska and Kievian. Lubnenska field pharmacy was opened in 1720, she supplied medicine i necessary medical instruments mainly military parts. Over time, the pharmacy provide medications Zaporozhye Sich, karantynni posts i urban doctors. In all protyazi eighteenth century. Lubnenska pharmacy was the largest in the territory of Ukraine. Lubnenska pharmacy before the end of eighteenth century was by one of the bases for the training of personnel pharmacy.
At this time in the Ukraine pharmaceutical establishments for special training farmatsevts not existed i necessary personnel trained by individual Guest teaching in large pharmacies, which were from 4 to 6 pupils. Pharmaceutical education consisted of 4 stages: pharmacy student, pharmacy hezel (Installation assistent of provizor), provizor and pharmacist. Training lasted from 6 to 10 years. According to reports first drugstore in Kiev was opened in 1709 at the Pechers. It was led by a pharmacist I.V. Chykalov
In 1728, was opened by Kiev-Podolsk pharmacy Johann Heytera. After his death, the owner of the pharmacy was George Bunge. From 1751 to 1770, she was the only private pharmacy in Kiev. George Bunge was educated scholar of the time. He studied botany, chemistry, pharmacology, engaged in the manufacture of thermometers and barometers, fascinated by electricity. His sons inherited the profession of his father, John Gregory and Bunge opened their pharmacies, Andrew owned pharmacy at the hem.
In 1789, was designed "Pharmaceutical Charter", but not a single word was said about the drug, because its assembly pharmacists did not participate. This document is in force until the beginning of the XIX century. December 23, 1836 issued a new "Charter pharmacist." He became the basic document that regulated the work of pharmacies throughout the XIX century. In 1789, the first time was printed Pharmacy "tax" to existing medicines and marked cost confection (taxa laborum). January 3, 1808 Minister of the Interior issued a circular order, which ordered the pharmacy workers to mark the exact time of receipt of the counter, and the signature - the exact time of manufacture and delivery of drugs.
In the city of Lviv survived pharmacy that was still be open in 1775 Natorp military pharmacist. In 1988, on the basis of an old pharmacy Pharmacy a museum, called folk. Posted by he in the old quarter of the city (Market Square). At the opening of the museum in it there were 2.7 thousand eksponativ, today there are over 8 thousand
Fragments Pharmacy Museum in Lviv
Pharmacies different purpose and organizational structure. There were royal, public, county, military, home, homeopathic pharmacies and droheriyi - so called chemist shops or stores sanitation and hygiene. Their owners were forbidden to be used on the sign the word "pharmacy".
Pharmacy premises consisted of commercial space, laboratories, material room, where they kept supplies of drugs and medical materials, and inspection of the basement room. Home Pharmacy created in small towns or in the province to assist physicians. Decree courtiers Office from 3 November 1800 to allow physicians to have a home pharmacy, if they live in places at a distance greater than 1 mile was another pharmacy.
Homeopathic medicines can be manufactured only by prescription and only those pharmacies that have this right. Doctors who used his practice homeopathic remedies could not have at home pharmacy. In droheriya buyers offered chemical and herbal drugs, cosmetics, dressing and some drug production factory that released without a prescription. In droheriya forbidden to produce pharmaceuticals and chemicals.
A significant trace in the history of the Lvov Pharmacy leave Torosevych Theodore ( years) (Figure) After the end of The Vienna University in 1819 vidkryv in Lviv pharmacy "Under the Roman Emperor Titus." Engaged research i pedagogical work. In an exemplary aptetsi equipped laboratory. Published 108 scientific papers, has improved the process of obtaining sugar from sugar beet, performed a complete chemical analysis of mineral waters Maximus, Morshyn, Nemirova and other. He published a fundamental monograph "Mineral springs in Galicia i Bukovyni."
Theodore Torosevych
Development of pharmacy business in the 19th century. In 1873, the government was forced to issue a "Rules opening pharmacies." Permission to open a pharmacy gave the governor, while it was necessary to take into account the population and the number of existing pharmacies. So, in the big cities one pharmacy had to serve 12 thousand people and 30 thousand recipes in provincial - 10 thousand people and 15 thousand recipes. In other localities allowed to open a pharmacy at least 15 miles.
In 1865 in Kiev operated 14 pharmacies. Almost all pharmacies were private. State pharmacy preserved only in provincial and administrative centers, but they are usually rented out to private pharmacists. In the 80 years of the XIX century. advanced rural intelligentsia to improve the health care of the poor gained permission to open a free pharmacies that created the means Zemstvo. Medicines with free pharmacy dispensed free of charge or at a lower price than in private pharmacies.
Opening pharmacy in Galicia. In the western Ukrainian lands to develop pharmacy manifested influence Poland and Austria. Aptechni institutions here differ between itself and its purpose i forms of organization. Existed pharmacy kings, public, regions, villages, home, homeopatycs, military, monastery, droheriyi. The most widespread on the territory of Galicia were public pharmacy.
The first information about pharmacy Ternopil region from the end of the XVIth century, but significant development pharmacy business acquired in eighteenth century after joining region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Position of Empress Maria Theresa: "Health" I guarantee people are strong monarchy "- initiated major reforms in medicine, and in the pharmacy. Then opened many pharmacies in cities and towns, namely: Ternopil, Chertkov, Berezhany, Zbarazh Pidhaytsi. Pharmacies have names according to the names of their owners: Fransoz pharmacy, pharmacy Kryzhanovsky, Getman pharmacy, pharmacy Freydentalya. During the Commonwealth the right continues its development.
The development of the pharmaceutical industry in Galicia promoted pragmatic foreigners. It should be noted Bohemian entrepreneur Peter Mikolyasha, which opened in Lviv pharmacy "under the stars". At the first stage of its existence, thanks to skilful leadership, diligence, integrity and hard work of the owner, the pharmacy was solid now and has gained the reputation in customers. Originally manufactured drugs of chemical raw materials purchased in Vienna.
Peter Mikolyash
Pharmacy in Lviv
In 1852, when the pharmacy was established chemical and pharmaceutical laboratory. In the laboratory, equipped with modern equipment, highly skilled work, allowing early as '50 XIX century. start production of medicines in large quantities and develop the market. Consumers of becoming provincial pharmacies, hospitals, military hospytaly and the population of the entire region. P. Mikolyasha supported partner contacts with well-known European companies "Merknuv", "Bayer", "Knoll", "La Roche" and others enjoyed their investments and receive trade discounts on imports.
In 1853, in the pharmacy Mikolyasha was invented and first in Europe lit kerosene lamp
Only in early 1900 G. Mikolyasha managed to overcome all obstacles and open a pharmaceutical company, which was named after the founder of "P. Mikolyasha and co. "In 1910, launched the pharmaceutical factory, which is symbolically called" Laocoon, "in honor of the mythical Greek priest Laocoon.
In 1921, the factory came out of the jurisdiction of the company "P. Mikolyasha and Co., "and in 1923 became an independent joint stock company whose capital amounted to 115 thousand zlotys. Factory "Laocoon" was comprised of the following sections: organic, herbal, proprietary drugs, herbs and chemicals. In the period of highest productivity enterprises ( years), the factory employed workers and specialists sluzhbovtsiv.U 1939 factory "Laocoon" was patent and prepared everything for the production of insulin. Develop mass production of scarce drug war prevented.
From 1957 – Lviv Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant. General reconstruction of the plant in the 70-ies of XX century. completed phase of its development as a modern highly- specialized powerful pharmaceutical company, which linked the future functioning in Lviv production association "Lvivfarm" (1986), on which in 1993 established joint- stock company "Galichfarm."
JSC "Galychfarm"