Welcome Funds Available Low-Income Housing Funds Homeless Housing Funds 2009 Application Information
2009 Funds Available City Low-Income Housing Fund (2060) $55,000 Estimate Chelan-Douglas Homeless Housing Fund (2163 & 1359) $230,000 Estimate
Low-Income Housing 2060 Funds Must be utilized for eligible housing activities that serve very low-income households with incomes at or below 50% of the area median income Chelan and Douglas County’s 2008 AMI is $57,000. The eligible income level for a family of four would be $28,500
Low-Income Housing Fund Eligible Activities Acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of affordable very low-income housing; Building operation & maintenance costs of affordable very low-income housing built w/ housing trust funds, that require a supplement to rent income; Rental assistance vouchers for affordable housing for very low-income persons, through an existing rental assistance voucher program, consistent with the HUD’s section 8 rental assistance voucher program standards; and Operating costs for emergency shelters & licensed overnight youth shelters.
Low-Income Housing Funds Available City of Wenatchee $55,000 (Estimate)
Chelan-Douglas Homeless Housing 2163 Funds Must be used to benefit the homeless Furthering priorities established in the Chelan/Douglas Ten-Year Plan to Reduce Homelessness will receive the highest consideration
Homeless Housing Fund Eligible Activities Rental & furnishing of units for homeless persons; Developing affordable housing for homeless persons and services for formerly homeless still at risk; Operating subsidies for transitional or permanent housing for formerly homeless; Services to prevent homelessness; Temporary services to assist persons leaving state institutions & other programs; Homeless outreach services; Rental vouchers for persons: homeless, below 30%AMI, or immediate risk of becoming homeless; and Other activities to reduce & prevent homelessness as identified in Chelan-Douglas Plan.
Ten-Year Plan Priorities (Groups Identified) 1.Homeless Families 2.Homeless Youth 3.Chronically Homeless Individuals
Strategies Identified Housing (infrastructure and services) Services Prevention
Homeless Short term Priorities Ninth Street Mobile Home Park Homeless Outreach Assess chronically homeless for mental health & substance abuse Support homeownership opportunities Ensure SSI & Medicaid benefits are reinstated at jail release
Homeless Long term Priorities 1.Create 35 “floating” additional units of transitional in place housing 2.Strategic Plan for Mobile Home Park Closures 3.Use flexible funds to provide short-term rental assistance 4.Identify or build a 16-unit permanent supportive housing project 5.Create a “Drug Court” for parents convicted of drug/alcohol abuse with a jail discharge plan 6.Increase the number of rental assistance vouchers
Homeless Housing Funds Available Chelan and Douglas Counties $230,000 (Estimate)
2009 Applications Received 1.Finding Grace – business expenses 2.Hospitality House – transportation van 3.Hospitality House – repair & remodel 4.Women’s Resource Center – homeless services center 5.YWCA – transitional housing acquisition 6.Habitat for Humanity – low-income housing construction
1.Finding Grace Finding Grace Transitional Housing & Living Ministry for Women Recovering from Alcohol and Drug Addiction 7 beds for transitional housing Funding is for: business plan, accountant, legal expertise, training, State Recovery Certification, “Rainy Day” fund, mortgage, and utilities Residents are referred by chemical dependency treatment facilities Request $60,424 of $74,924 Received $5, Homeless Grant – expended $0, due to code compliance issues
2.Haven of Hope Transportation Van Escalating fuel & mechanical costs have made it necessary to cut back on services, when public transportation is not available H of H provides transportation for medical, legal, educational, employment, spiritual and transitional needs $20,000 van - $9,890 maintenance Request $29,890 of $29,890 Received $37, Low-Income Grant – expended $10,333; grant on schedule; will be closed by end of 2009
3.Hospitality House Ministries Repair and Remodel - Haven of Hope and Hospitality House Haven of Hope – flooring, washer/dryer, security cameras/system, and windows - $28,250 Hospitality House – kitchen floor, shower stalls, toilets, and flooring - $52,500 Request $80,750 of $80,750 Received $108, Homeless Grant – expended $99,306; grant ahead of schedule; will be closed by end of 2008
4. Women’s Resource Center of NCW Homeless Service Center Design & build a center with a Housing Resource Specialist to assist in housing search, stabilization services, crisis management, referrals to other services Request $60,000 of $120,000 budget Received $30, Homeless Grant – expended $3,602; grant behind schedule Received $30,000 and $60, Homeless Grants – expended $0; grants behind schedule
5.YWCA Wenatchee Valley YWCA Transitional Housing Acquisition and remodel apartment building for transitional housing with services 9 units of one and two bedroom Request $165,000 of $486,400 Received $40, Homeless Grant – expended $1,728; requested reallocation of remaining funds to upgrades in existing bldg
6.*Habitat for Humanity Construct housing for low-income families (Target must be 25% to 50% of the County’s median HH income) Applicant must be able to contribute up to 500 hours of “sweat equity” Request $55,000 of $100,000 Received $100, Low-Income Grant – expended $85,696; grant ahead of schedule Received $50, Low-Income Grant; expended all in 2007 on schedule *Received application past deadline, may choose to consider or not. Building Materials for Walker Street Residence
Total Funds Requested $451,064 Funds Available: Low-Income$ 55,000 Homeless$230,000 $285,000 ($166,064) Shortfall