ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP December 1, 2011 Jacksonville, AR Presented by Sara Oliver
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP ADFA staffing includes 26 Housing positions - 23 employees and 3 vacancies: Single Family – 5 positions Multi-Family – 4 positions; 1 vacant HOME – 9 positions; 2 vacant Compliance Monitoring – 6 positions Administrative staff – 2 positions 3
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP ADFA HOUSING STAFF WORK AREAS ADFA is responsible for administering over $372 million for Sixty (60) MF developments in some stage of execution Over 700 housing loans in Servicing Over 26,000 units in Compliance portfolio Two (2) PRLF, four (4) owner-occupied, one (1) CHDO, one (1) NSP III, one (1) Asst. Living, one (1) FAF, and 6 CHDO applications under review 2011 HOME disbursements over $20 million (avg. $442,000 per week) Report to HUD, IRS, Independent Auditors, Internal Auditors, State Bank Examiners, Rating Agencies Perform research on housing policies, statistics, housing needs Advocate for additional housing resources (Housing Trust Fund) Developed eight (8) new programs within the last 3 ½ years Provide technical assistance to developers at all capacity levels Arrange and conduct Regional Workshop and other training events Respond to requests for information on Housing Programs General administration (planning, policy dev., hiring, evaluating, etc.) 4
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP ADFA HOUSING STAFF WORK AREAS (continued) Participation on Governor’s Supportive Housing Task Force Serve on Board of AR Teacher Housing Development Foundation Serve on St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank CD Advisory Committee Coordinate with Affordable Housing Association of Arkansas Coordinate with ACHANGE Continue to expend and report ARRA funds Coordinate with Asset Manager on ARRA projects Participation in Administrative Procedures Act and Legislative Council Review processes Conduct Public Hearings Prepare and distribute affordable housing information upon request Coordinate with Legislature and provide information as requested Attend as many ground breakings and opening ceremonies as possible And solve problems when errors or miscommunication occurs 5
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP It is in everyone’s mutual best interest to work together positively to address the significant and ever-increasing housing problems faced by low- income Arkansans. Good partnerships, communication, collaboration, appreciation of varying perspectives, patience Funding cuts have begun and are projected to worsen Greater scrutiny by Legislative Council, which may significantly affect ADFA policy processes 6
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP What isn’t working well: Too many requests for changes Incomplete / deficient applications Too many requests for waivers / extensions Incorrect assessment of homeowners financial position Failure to submit complete applications Not informing homeowners of their responsibilities Submission of incomplete pay requests (missing signatures, inspection reports) Failure to adequately assess building site for owner- occupied rehabilitation/reconstruction 7
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP What is working well? Accurate, correct, complete pay requests Submitting complete, correct applications using application checklists Providing responses to ADFA requests for information in a timely manner Communicating with ADFA staff on issues related to potential applications, pay requests, needed information Working with ADFA staff in a positive, cooperative manner 8
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP HOUSING UPDATES: All Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) funds committed ($20,463,053) All Neighborhood Stabilization Program I (NSP I) funds committed ($19,600,000) All Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - Disaster funds committed ($10,134,098) Likely a third effort will be necessary to allocate all NSP III funds ($4,750,000); only 1 applications recd. on 10/21/11 $962,500 of Assisted Living Incentive Funds has been committed, leaving over $4,000,000 available $1,190,552 (56%) of PRLF funds has been committed, leaving $934,448 available 9
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP HOUSING UPDATES (continued): $2,541,115 in FAF/NBMIR funds available HOME Program had a 12.2% funding cut for 2011 and anticipates a 38% cut for 2012 ($12,269,079 reduced to $7,606,829) Fair Housing Memorandum of Understanding in place AR Housing Trust Fund – created by 2009 Legislature, but currently unfunded Messaging, polling, and other efforts are underway to secure funding in the 2013 Legislative session 10
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP Upcoming deadlines/events: LIHTC Carryover Deadlines: Tuesday, December 6, 2011 Wednesday, December 14, 2011 TCAP/Exchange Expenditure Deadline: Wednesday, December 21, Fair Housing Trainings 2012 LIHTC Application Deadline: Friday, February 3, 2012 Next HOME Program Certification Training: April, 24-26, 2012 at the Jacksonville Community Center 11
ADFA 2011 HOUSING WORKSHOP December 1, 2011 Jacksonville, AR Presented by Sara Oliver