INDIRA AWAS YOJANA (IAY) IMPLEMENTATION BY RAJIV GANDHI RURAL HOUSING CORPORATION (Govt. of Karnataka Enterprise) Survey No 205, Opp. Beedi Workers Colony, Kommaghatta Road, Bandemath, Kengeri Satellite Town, Bangalore-560060
RAJIV GANDHI RURAL HOUSING CORPORATION LTD. To implement housing programs for the economically and socially weaker sections Ensure smooth flow of funds. Organizing manufacture or bulk procurement of cost effective building materials Recovery of loan from the Beneficiaries through a beneficiary – friendly system. Purpose Provide affordable housing for EWS and SOGs throughout the State Promotion of Cost-effective building technologies in Rural areas through of Nirmithi Kendras. Raise resources and ensure recirculation of the funds To promote sustainable housing programs by encouraging beneficiaries to save for housing and repay housing loans Provide choice to people in housing design, materials and technologies. Transparency and Efficiency in Management Partnership with NGOs and Grama Panchayaths Objectives
RAJIV GANDHI RURAL HOUSING CORPORATION LTD. New Initiatives Capacity building in Grama Panchayaths through supporting housing projects of Grama Panchayaths Capacity building in NGOs and Self help groups through supporting housing projects by them. Building Demo houses in each of the Nirmithi Kendras to demonstrate the practical usage of cost effective technology. Demo houses to involve the concept of incremental housing i.e., for every additional investment what alternative. additional facilities would be available which the beneficiary can see and choose. Savings – linked Recovery Mechanism through Banks. Promoting five building technology parks – one in each division and another in one for the coastal districts. Activities monitored on project mode. Public access to information regarding activities of the company and implementation of housing projects. Hakku Patras in the name of Women. Assistance to Special Occupational Group in the EWS category like Beedi workers, Hamals, Weavers, Quarry workers, Artisans, Fisher folk, Hawkers and Vegetable Vendors
New Initiatives-2010-11 Series Onwards RAJIV GANDHI RURAL HOUSING CORPORATION LTD. New Initiatives-2010-11 Series Onwards Beneficiary wise Online progress updation system. Global Positioning System (GPS) introduced for the first time in housing programmes. Online fund release to beneficiaries account directly. Affordable housing for the poor under “NANNA MANE” scheme in Urban Area
10 YEARS ACHIEVEMENT IN KARNATAKA IN RURAL HOUSING FOR BPL CATEGORY 1.84 MILLION HOUSES IN RURAL AREA Sl. No Scheme Houses Completed 1 Indira Awas Yojana* 427608 2 Rural Ashraya 1310593 3 Rural Ambedkar 143716 4 PMGY 7529 Total 1889446 * From 2004-05 Series Onwards
KARNATAKA VISION PLAN-2013 TO MAKE KARNATAKA HUTLESS STATE With intention to make hutless state the state Government has conducted a survey of the huts in Karnataka in 2009-10. As per survey a total of 10.47 lakhs hut dwellers identified in Karnataka. This is being verified through GPS Government has a target of making Karnataka a “Hutless State” over the next 3 years, through its new housing scheme Basava Indira Awas Yojane.
NEW HOUSING SCHEME FOR HUTDWELLERS IN KARNATAKA The state government has planned to make Karnataka a “Hutless State”. With this intention the state Government has conducted a survey of the huts in Karnataka and Government has a target of making Karnataka a “Hutless State” over the next 3 years. Through its new housing scheme Basava Indira Yojane. The unit cost fixed for this scheme is 63500/-. The break-up is as follows Basava Indira Rural Housing Scheme: SN Contribution Amount (in Rs) 1 Central Government 33,750.00 2 State Government 16,250.00 3 Loan under DRI Scheme 10,000.00 4 Beneficiary Contribution 3,500.00 Total Unit Cost 63,500.00
RURAL HOUSESITE PROGRAM- 2011-12 TO 2016-17 Total Siteless families as per 2004 BPL Survey 21.64 Lakhs Sites Distributed after Survey 1.12 Lakhs Balance to be distributed 20.52 lakhs
RURAL HOUSE SITES SCHEME-2010-2011 TARGET : 2 Lakhs AVERAGE COST PER ACRE : Rs. 3 Lakhs TOTAL LAND REQUIRED : 10,000 Acres Sl. No Contribution Amount (Rs in Crores) 1 Central Government (Homestead sites Scheme) 100.00 2 State Government 160.00 3 Beneficiary 40.00 Total 300.00
PROPOSAL FOR HOMESTEAD SITES 2011-12 TO 2016-17 REQUIRED LAND AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM STATE AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT TARGET PER YEAR : 4.50 Lakhs AVERAGE COST PER ACRE : Rs. 4 Lakhs TOTAL LAND REQUIRED : 22500 Acres Sl. No Contribution Amount (Rs in Crores) 1 Central Government (Homestead sites Scheme) 300.00 2 State Government 500.00 3 Beneficiary 100.00 Total 900.00