BUSINESS INVITEES Hospitals, Health Industry, Welfare & Community Agencies, Retail, Housing, Lodging & Food, Transportation/Support, Fairpoint, Comcast, CMP, Guilford, Waste Disposal, Chambers of Commerce, Maine Development Foundation
Other Interesting Factors Municipal Development & Tax Increment Financing Districts Solid Waste Pay-as-you-Throw Program Kittery Community Center at Frisbee Commons Referendum School Committee Referendum – Traip Referendum Eliot Sewer Agreement Solid Waste Facility Regionalization CIP - Centralized Facility Management – Shared Services Committee CIP – FY12 – Stabilized Debt managed Capital Funding Harbor Grant Application – Boating Infrastructure –March 2011 CDBG Application Review – December Town Code Recodification - Underway Memorial Bridge Closure – 2-4 Years
Possibilities The town currently has a “mixed use” zone from the Rte 1 mall area to the York town line where little permitted growth has occurred in its 20 year existence. Should this zone be restructured to enable a designed growth pattern such as a mixed village cluster? To create a business/jobs growth incentive, would you support the town implementing a State program that allows the creation of Development Districts using tax increment financing (tax revenues from the District) to fund growth related public improvements while sheltering said increases from reductions of state revenue sharing & aid for education, and lessening the county tax? Should the town create Historic Preservation Districts including Kittery Foreside/Wallingford Square and Kittery Point Village and establish zoning requirements to preserve their current “New England” character?
Regional INVITEES Town/City Manager: Portsmouth, York, Eliot, South Berwick, PNS; SMRPC, KACTS, KEYS, SEI, Workforce Coalition; SPO, MDOT, MSHA, DIF&W, DEP, State Parks; Service Centers; Sheriff, County Commissioners, Legislators
Other Interesting Factors Municipal Development & Tax Increment Financing Districts Solid Waste Pay-as-you-Throw Program Kittery Community Center at Frisbee Commons Referendum School Committee Referendum – Traip Academy – Open-Close Eliot TIF Sewer Agreement Solid Waste Facility Regionalization CIP - Centralized Facility Management CIP – FY12 – Stabilized Debt Managed Capital Funding Harbor Grant Application – Boating Infrastructure – March 2011 Memorial Bridge Closure – 2-4 Years
Interlocal? Regional? Public Services: Existing: Sheriff/PSAP Emergency Management Fire Department mutual aid agreements Solid Waste Management – recycling jointly Schools? – SAFE? Recreation Department Fort Foster, Fort McLary, Seapoint Beach Service Center? (joint purchasing, shared staff) Water Supply Waste water treatment Eastern Maine Trail District KACTS/ MDOT/Route 236 Corridor/Traffic Incident Management Group Health Care Proposed: Continue search for new opportunities for sharing public facilities and services Expand regional cooperation in waste reduction and recycling Expand communication with MSAD-35/York/Portsmouth Schools Participate in regional and corridor-level transportation planning – Save our Bridges – Connections Study Interlocal – Portsmouth – Legislation
Interlocal? Regional? Growth and Development: Existing: York Chamber of Commerce KEYS – Obsolete - Harbor, Busing SMRPC MID/TIF Proposed: Work with schools (MMA, etc) to expand job training, small business counseling and entrepreneurial skills. Continue active participation in regional economic development organizations. Senior Housing. Workforce Housing Coalition Initiate contacts with neighboring planning boards on development issues along arterial highways. Natural Resources: Existing: Spruce Creek Watershed Rachel Carson KEAC Proposed: regional efforts to protect the quality of and access to the Piscataqua River. Mt A to the Sea – Land trusts Continue to engage in protection for the Spruce Creek watershed.
Openly Regional Regional Economic Development Regional Recreational Center Isles of Shoals Moorings Regional Bus Service Regional Watershed Planning Regional Coordination of Stormwater Requirements Regional Open Space Planning Regional Bicycle Routes Regional Affordable Housing Initiatives