Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin naming conventions Using sysfs


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Presentation transcript:

Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin naming conventions Using sysfs Using the Wiring library Git and Github

Pi Overview So far we have tried to setup a “headless” connection to your Pi in this classroom. Serial with the FTDI cable Ethernet on the CS LAN WiFi in Rhodes-Robinson Hall a hidden network managed by ITS You must demonstrate your ability to connect to your Pi using at least two of these three methods in order to receive a passing grade in this class. This can be done at any point through out the remainder of the semester---I will keep a list on Moodle There are now over ten workstations configured in the CS lab (RRO 223) to support a monitor, keyboard, and mouse connection. This is an easier to get things working properly try it out, but put all the cables back!

Pi Overview We’ve learned a little about the Pi BCM 2835 processor, 3.3V (3V3) power on pins, SD card is like the hard drive,… We’ve learned a little about Linux The root directory: / , the super user designation: sudo, change permissions: chmod ugo+x filename, … We’ve learned a little about networking ssh pi@yourLastName-pi.cs.unca.edu ifconfig The contents of the file: /etc/network/interfaces Today, our focus is on using the Pi as an embedded system controller

Pi Setup for Today Will also need a WiFi or an Ethernet connection Connect to power adapter not the USB port of your computer Pin 1 is the colored wire-must connect to pin 1 on the Pi Because the cobbler connector has a notch, you can only put the cable in the right way But, it is possible to put the cable in upside down on the Raspberry Pi

RPi General Purpose IO (GPIO) Pins 17 GPIO pins brought out onto the P1 header most have alternated functions two pins for UART; two for I2C; six for SPI All 17 pins can be GPIO (i.e., INPUT or OUTPUT) all support interrupts internal pull-ups & pull-downs for each pin I2C pins have onboard pull-ups using them for GPIO may not work Pins are 3.3V not 5V like on the Arduino They are connected directly to the Broadcom chip Sending 5V to a pin may kill the Pi Maximum permitted current draw from a 3.3V pin is 50mA Image credit: http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals

The Bigger Picture (image credit: http://pihw.wordpress.com/2013/01/30/sometimes-it-can-be-simple) Diagram includes BCM GPIO references (GPIO.BCM), common functions, WiringPi pin references, and Pin numbers (GPIO.BOARD). A cheat nice sheet

Using the GPIO Pins There are two different methods to read or write these pins using Linux Creating a file-type access in the file system Write/read memory addresses allocated to the GPIO peripheral of the SoC using pointers Memory locations can be found in the datasheet for the BCM2835  We can use the Wiring library to help with both

Connect an LED using a resistor between GPIO 17 (P1-11) and GND The LED will initially be off because the GPIO pins are initialized as inputs at power-on (except for TXD).

Using the File System Create and run the following shell script (blink.sh) using sudo: sudo ./blink.sh #!/bin/sh echo 17 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction while true do         echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value sleep 1         echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value sleep 1 done Make the pin available for other applications using with the command: echo 17 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport

More Detail Create a shell script using nano: nano blink.sh Cut and paste the previous slide to nano window Ctrl-w to save then Ctrl-x to exit nano Change the permissions on blink.sh: chmod 755 blink.sh Run blink.sh: sudo ./blink.sh (in directory where blink.sh is stored) After running the script your LED should be blinking endlessly. Give the command: Ctrl-c Ctrl-c to abort the script All of the commands in the script can be issued one at a time on the command line; beginning by giving the commands: sudo -i to run a root shell---notice the change in the prompt Look at the files and their contents in directory /sys/class/gpio/ and its subdirectories --- see next slide

Understanding /sys/class/gpio/ In Linux everything is a file: /dev/ttyUSB0, /sys/class/net/eth0/address, /dev/mmcblk0p2,… sysfs in a kernel module providing a virtual file system for device access at /sys/class provides a way for users (or code in the user-space) to interact with devices at the system (kernel) level A demo Advantages / Disadvantage Allows conventional access to pins from userspace Always involves mode switch to kernel, action in kernel, mode switch to use, and could have a context switch Much slower the digitalWrite()/digitalRead() of Arduino

A C program to do the same thing GPIO with sysfs on Raspberry Pi (Part 2) Code on Github Beware: the code assumes a Rev1 pinout

Github The heart of GitHub is Git, an open source project started by Linux creator Linus Torvalds Git manages and stores revisions of projects Think of it as a filing system for every draft of a document Git is a command line tool GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface Basic functionality

Introducing the WiringPi library A GPIO access library written in C for the BCM2835 Writes/reads the base address of the memory allocated to the GPIO Similar to the Wiring library in the Arduino used to make common IO operations easier Features: command-line utility gpio supports analog reading and writing More Install the Wiring Pi library following these instructions

Wiring Pin Numbers Image credit: https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/pins/

Blinking lights with Wiring #include <stdio.h> #include <wiringPi.h> // LED Pin - wiringPi pin 0 is BCM_GPIO 17. #define LED 0 int main (void) { printf ("Raspberry Pi blink\n") ; wiringPiSetup () ; //  note the setup method chosen pinMode (LED, OUTPUT) ; for (;;) { digitalWrite (LED, HIGH) ; // On delay (500) ; // mS digitalWrite (LED, LOW) ; // Off delay (500) ; } return 0 ;

Running blink Compile and run the blink program gcc -Wall -o blink blink.c -lwiringPi  compile sudo ./blink  run Runs forever---kill with the command ctrl-c ctrl-c Note: One of the four wiring setup functions must be called at the start of your program or your program will not work correctly

Accessing memory allocated to the GPIO /dev/mem provides user-level access to SoC memory Offset 0x20000000 is a address of BCM peripherals wiringPi.c writes to that area of memory to control the pins

Controlling a Servo with the Pi Controlling the servos requires PWM, aka Pulse Width Modulation The Arduino does this very well, the Raspberry Pi does it less well The Arduino program has complete control of the microcontroller when it is running loop() nothing else can use the CPU Except for interrupt handlers written as part of the Arduino program On the Raspberry Pi, your program runs within a Linux OS The Linux OS may switch to running another program! But you can change your program’s scheduling priority Some ways of getting the Pi to give the impression that it is a real time system and to do PWM ‘properly’: Gordon Henderson has written about an improvement to the WiringPi library to allow threaded PWM on every GPIO pin taking up 0.1% of the CPU each Rahul Kar has blogged about using the WiringPi library and PWM WiringPi recommends ServoBlaster

Connect a Parallax Servo Servo Connector: Black – Pi’s ground Red – Pi’s 5V White – signal on GPIO 17 Image credit: http://www.parallax.com/ NOTE: For a single small servo you can take the 5 volts for it from the Pi header, but doing anything non-trivial with four servos connected pulls the 5 volts down far enough to crash the Pi

Using WiringPi’s servo example #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <wiringPi.h> #include <softServo.h> int main () { if (wiringPiSetup () == -1) { // setup to use Wiring pin numbers fprintf (stdout, "oops: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ; return 1 ; } softServoSetup (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) ; // wiringPi pin numbers for (;;) { softServoWrite (0, 0) ; // wiringPi pin 0 is BCM_GPIO 17 delay (1000) ; softServoWrite (0, 500) ; delay (1000); softServoWrite (0, 1000) ;

Running servo.c To compile: gcc -Wall -o servo servo.c wiringPi/wiringPi/softServo.c  compile softServo.c -IwiringPi/wiringPi  path to softServo.c -lwiringPi  include wiring library To run: sudo ./servo Calling softServoWrite () ; The 1st input is the pin number The 2nd input should be from 0 (hard left) to 1000 (hard right). The 2nd input refers to the number of microseconds of the pulse. An input of 0 produces a 1000uSec (1mSec) pulse (hard left) An input of 1000 produces a 2000uSec (2mSec) pulse (hard right) An input of 500 produces a 1500uSec (1.5 mSec) pulse (stop)

Using the gpio utility The program gpio can be used in scripts to manipulate the GPIO pins The gpio command is designed to be called by a normal user without using the sudo command or logging in as root Try at the command line: gpio mode 0 out gpio write 0 1 Sets pin 0 as output and then sets the pin to high More info on the gpio utility

And There’s more WiringPi provides support for C programming There’s a lot of support for programming in Python: http://openmicros.org/index.php/articles/94-ciseco-product-documentation/raspberry-pi/217-getting-started-with-raspberry-pi-gpio-and-python http://learn.adafruit.com/playing-sounds-and-using-buttons-with-raspberry-pi/install-python-module-rpi-dot-gpio