The Ties that Bind: Developing & Maintaining Lasting Partnerships Eboni E. Bryant Statewide Housing Director PA Department of Public Welfare 2010 PATH Grantee Meeting December 8-9, 2010
Housing Barriers
Top Housing Barriers Housing Barriers: Lack of affordable housing Lack of accessible housing Lack of integrated, community-based housing Competition with individuals affected by the foreclosure crisis Reduced value of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Lack of general community supports to help a person maintain housing Insufficient housing for homeless individuals
Top Housing Barriers Housing Barriers: Various barriers to working with public housing authorities statewide Limited knowledge of how to access and leverage county housing trust fund dollars Limited coordination of funding resources for housing/homelessness Lack of communication among systems – local, state, and federal For individuals in institutions, limited staff knowledge of how to connect consumers with local housing resources
Collaborative Efforts to Increase Housing Opportunities in Pennsylvania
Project Based Operating Assistance Purpose: The Project Based Operating Assistance (PBOA) Program provides project-based operating subsidies to targeted rental units in the community. The target populations for the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) units are OMHSAS and County priority consumers – typically individuals leaving or not needing to be in institutional or group settings. Partners: DPW Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services County MH/MR Offices & MH Housing Specialists PA Housing Finance Agency
NHT Tenant Based Rental Assistance Purpose: The Nursing Home Transition Tenant Based Rental Assistance (NHT TBRA) program was developed as a 24- month bridge to a permanent subsidy with other housing partners, including public housing authorities. This program is now state- wide. Partners: DPW Office of Long Term Living NHT Partners PA Housing Finance Agency
Regional Housing Coordinator Program Purpose: Implemented in 2002, the RHC Program was designed to provide technical assistance, outreach, education, training and coordination between service providers and housing providers. Each RHC serves as a single point of contact for technical assistance and information related to housing and services for waiver eligible consumers in that region. Partners: DPW - Office of Long Term Living PA Housing Finance Agency Self-Determination Housing Project
Technical Assistance to PHAs Purpose: The provision of technical assistance to public housing authorities has helped encourage PHAs to apply for various types of Housing Choice Vouchers, including HCVs for Non-Elderly Persons with Disabilities and Family Unification Program Vouchers. These vouchers assist more vulnerable individuals and families gain access to housing in the community. Partners: PA Department of Public Welfare Public Housing Authorities Diana T. Myers & Associates (consultant) Technical Assistance Collaborative (consultant) Regional Housing Coordinators
Home Modification & Assistive Technology Purpose: This initiative is one of several programs that OLTL and PHFA jointly administer to reduce service gaps between providers of affordable housing and housing information and social services entities. Funded since , its focus has been on improving the service delivery infrastructure for Home Modifications as well as serving as a funder of last resort. Partners: PA Housing Finance Agency DPW - Office of Long Term Living
Local Lead Agency Program Purpose: Local Lead Agencies (LLAs) help bridge the gap between housing providers and the service systems in a community. LLAs help address concerns that exist with housing low- and extremely low- income tenants, and support developers and property managers who endeavor to provide housing opportunities. Partners: PA Department of Public Welfare PA Housing Finance Agency Regional Housing Coordinators Diana T. Myers & Associates (consultant) Technical Assistance Collaborative (consultant)
State Supportive Housing Award Purpose: The annual Housing Award recognizes successful initiatives and honors the leadership and dedication of individuals and organizations who increase housing opportunities in Pennsylvania. Partners: PA Department of Public Welfare DPW - Office of Long Term Living PA Department of Aging PA Housing Finance Agency Individuals and Organizations Statewide
Affordable Housing Training Program Purpose: To identify and address statewide housing training needs with the goal of expanding affordable accessible housing opportunities for low and moderate income families and individuals with disabilities. The focus is affordable, accessible rental housing, with limited information on homeownership. Partners: PA Department of Public Welfare PA Housing Finance Agency PA Department of Community & Economic Development PA Department of Aging Over 20 statewide housing & service agencies (Advisory Committee) Individuals & Organizations Statewide
PA Affordable Housing Locator Service Purpose: To ensure individuals and service providers have online access to information on affordable and accessible rental housing, homeownership, and disaster housing opportunities statewide, as well as call center support, if needed. Partners: PA Housing Finance Agency PA Department of Public Welfare PA Department of Aging PA Emergency Management Agency PA Department of Community & Economic Development Housing providers statewide
OCYF Housing Initiative Purpose: Implemented in 44 counties, the Housing Initiative funds are designed to meet the housing needs for dependent and delinquent children and youth to (1) Prevent children from entering out of home placement; (2) Facilitate the reunification of children with their families; and (3) Facilitate transition of youth aging out of placement. Partners: DPW - Office of Children Youth and Families County Children & Youth Offices Public Housing Authorities Other local housing providers
Total Senior Care Initiative Purpose: The “Total Senior Care” Initiative was conceived to help rectify the imbalance in the oversupply of nursing facility beds and the undersupply of alternative housing and service opportunities. The initiative accomplishes this by (1) providing incentives for providers to reduce their bed complement, and (2) providing capital investment in the form of lower cost loans to HCBS start-ups and reconfigured nursing homes. Partners: DPW Office of Long- Term Living PA Housing Finance Agency
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Purpose: Recently, a new state requirement of the LIHTC program was established: 10% of LIHTC units are to be set-aside for persons at or below 20% of the area median income, with half of those units being accessible. This assures that those with low incomes and who need accessibility features have access to affordable and accessible housing. Partners: PA Department of Public Welfare PA Housing Finance Agency Housing developers Local Lead Agencies Local supportive services agencies
HOME Tenant Based Rental Assistance Purpose: HOME funds are used to augment and expand the target population for the rental assistance program. These funds were committed to provide an immediate subsidy for people with disabilities on the Housing Choice Voucher waiting list. Just like the NHT TBRA program, HOME TBRA serves as a temporary subsidy for the applicant until they receive the Housing Choice Voucher. Partners: PA Department of Community & Economic Development PA Housing Finance Agency Local supportive services agencies
Purpose: Enacted by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, and extended by the Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans Act of 2010, the MFP Rebalancing Demonstration is part of a comprehensive, coordinated strategy to assist states in making widespread changes to their long-term care systems. Transitioning consumers from institutions to community living is the primary goal of the program. Partners: PA Department of Public Welfare NHT Coordinators Regional Housing Coordinators Provider organizations statewide Housing organizations statewide Money Follows the Person Demonstration
Continuum of Care Purpose: The Continuum of Care planning process is multi- faceted. It includes assisting in the application for funding for regional/local homeless programs (including the Supportive Housing, Shelter Plus Care, and Single Room Occupancy Programs), establishing the state’s strategic plan to end homelessness, and advising the PA Housing Advisory Committee on issues regarding homelessness. Recent efforts have resulted in strategies to prevent institutionalization. Partners: PA Department of Public Welfare PA Department of Community & Economic Development PA Housing Finance Agency Department of Education Department of Health Department of Military & Veterans Affairs Veterans Administration Regional Homeless Advisory Boards
Barriers to Collaboration
Top Barriers The housing barriers Severe budget cuts at state level Increased homeless population Increased need for housing Limited staff time & resources Lack of information flow Staff turnover
Overcoming Barriers to Collaboration
Overcoming Barriers Overcoming Barriers to Collaboration: Acknowledgement of the Problem & Barriers Benchmark-Setting Commitment of Stakeholders Dedicated Staff Engagement of Stakeholders Flow of Information
Contact Information Eboni E. Bryant Statewide Housing Director ▪ PA Department of Public Welfare 330C Health & Welfare Building ▪ Harrisburg, PA Phone: (717) ▪ Fax: (717)