Penn State Cooperative Extension Timothy W. Kelsey, Ph.D. State Program Leader, Economic & Community Development Why Cooperative Extension is Working on Marcellus
Location of Marcellus Shale
Why Marcellus Shale? Scale of this may be BIG - $1.2 trillion recoverable gas in PA (PA economy is $355 billion) ~$2.25 million ‘landowner’ share per well (80 acre spacing) Is currently significantly affecting many extension stakeholders, with deeper and broader future implications May fundamentally transform Pennsylvania communities Resource-based economic development; when its gone, its gone
Extension’s Educational Role We’re not talking BTUs or how to drill – rather we address what Marcellus is influencing Marcellus affects most of the other issues Extension addresses – and we have strong expertise on these issues Need for honest broker & neutral info source
Some of the Significant Issues Landowner decisions - leasing, finance, LR use of their land Farm decision-making Water & water quality – supply, disposal LR implications for timber supplies & forestry Forest fragmentation & wildlife – composition, invasive species, restoration BMPs Workforce development Economic & business development Population change - social services, Housing & local infrastructure Local government services & revenues Brain drain & loss of youth from communities
Evolution of Extension’s Marcellus Program 2001Initial focus on landowners & individual leasing decisions 2007+‘Heads Up’ trainings for key groups to make them aware of what was occurring, and why they should pay attention – Marcellus wasn’t on many peoples’ radar screens! 2008+Transforming to specific content-focused programs Natural gas wells & drinking water Workforce development Economic & community implications Local government & planning Business development Financial management Fund-raising implications for Non-Profits Legal issues for landowners Youth SET Forest & wildlife implications & BMPs
Current Extension Response Self directed working program teams Leasing; Environment & Natural Resources; Youth education; Economic & Community Development; Business Development; Financial Management Educators & faculty have shifted to this area based on local need Using wide variety of delivery methods – face-to-face, web, webinars, TV and radio, conference calls, twitter, YouTube, written publications Very low resource commitment – 4 th lowest staffing ‘draw’ of any broad program area within extension (only 1.6% of total days expended on extension activities)
Growing Partnerships, Opening Doors Becoming University-wide effort Cooperative Extension College of Agricultural Sciences Ag Law Center College of Earth & Mineral Sciences Penn State Public Broadcasting Partnering with Others The Industry State legislators Pennsylvania Farm Bureau County Conservation Districts Pennsylvania Planning Association County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania PA State Association of Township Supervisors PA Department of Environmental Protection PA Department of Agriculture PA Department of Community & Economic Development Small Business Dev Centers & Chambers of Commerce Others
Impact of Our Programming – Extension at its very best Conservatively $250 million in higher lease values to landowners ; + other economic benefits Significant public and private dollars saved by helping reduce negative impacts or mis-investments Placed Marcellus Shale on agenda of critical state and local decision-makers, so they can respond appropriately Significant difference in peoples’ lives, and in communities Creating interest in our other programming Anticipating and responding to (driven by!) changing local needs
Benefits to College & Extension Large new audiences not previously exposed to Extension Many new partners who hadn’t worked with us previously Very high visibility for Extension among key stakeholders - looked to by state for leadership on this issue Wonderful range of new research & educational issues and challenges
Building Toolkit of Resources Website – Primers (in-depth) Landowners Guide Local Government Guide Financial Management Guide Natural Resource Guide (in development) Fact Sheet series Upcoming Statewide Events: PA Natural Gas Summit Nov 16-18State College Marcellus Shale Workforce Forum Dec 7-8Altoona