Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, * : This project has been funded with support from the European Commission The EOLES project G. Andrieu, D. Barataud Electronics & Optics e-Learning for Embedded Systems
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Brief overview of the project Context of the project What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? Main strengths of the project Outline
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Brief overview of the project Context of the project What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? Main strengths of the project Outline
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Creation of a 3 rd year Bachelor degree (L3) in “Electronics and Optics e-Learning for Embedded Systems” Support the modernisation of higher education in Partner Countries of Europe (including North Africa region) mainly through university cooperation projects EC agrees to finance the project at our first attempt ( 15 % of accepted project) made possible by the financial support of “Région Limousin” Fully online (e-learning) Joint diploma between different universities English-spoken training Brief overview of the project Overall objective
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, From Tunisia University of Kairouan ISET Sousse University of Sfax Virtual University Of Tunis From Morocco Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech University of Beni Mellal University of Tetouan From Algeria University of Mostaganem African University of Adrar University of Batna University of Guelma From Europe University of Limoges (Coordinator - France) ISEP Porto (Portugal) University Polytehnica of Bucarest (Romania) KHBO Brugge-Oostende (Belgium) Most of the partners have e-learning and Tempus experience, Bachelor and Master degrees in Electronics & or Optics Balanced geographical repartition in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria Brief overview of the project Consortium of 15 partners belonging to 7 countries
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Strong links with the labour market providing high opportunities to find a job for EOLES graduated students Mars rover “Curiosity” Smartphones Satellites Global Positioning system Brief overview of the project Embedded systems 98% of computing devices are embedded in all kinds of electronic equipment and machines (ARTEMIS study)
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Kick-off Meeting in Limoges October 2012 Brief overview of the project Summarized schedule of the project October 2015 Final Meeting in Marrakech (Morocco) General Assembly in Porto (Portugal) Start of the new curricula September 2014 First graduated students June 2015 Preparation of the Bachelor program content October 2013 General Assembly in Kairouan (Tunisia) Request for accreditation of the Bachelor degree by different partners
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Total budget : 1.28 M€ Tempus grant : 1.15 M€ Co-financing : 128 k€ Brief overview of the project Budget of the project including 360 k€ of equipment (practical works)
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, t0t0 t 0+18 t 0+24 t 0+12 t 0+30 t 0+6 WP5 Implementation of the Bachelor program (T0+13 T0+36) WP1 Definition and development of the Bachelor program content (T0 T0+36) WP3 E-learning 2.0 tool development (T0 T0+23) WP2 Development of the operational remote lab (T0 T0+36) WP4 Staff training (T0 T0+23) WP6 Dissemination (T0 T0+36) WP7 Sustainability ( T0 T0+36) WP8 Quality control and monitoring (T0+4 T0+36) WP9 Management of the project (T0 T0+36) t 0+36 Brief overview of the project A maximum of consortium members will led one particular work package Work package lists
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Brief overview of the project Context of the project What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? Main strengths of the project Outline
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Context of the project #1 Universities have to find solutions in order to answer this issue In the next years,a high increase of the number of students all over the world is expected From 2000 to 2015, the number of students in the world will grow from 100 to 200 millions (from UNESCO)
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Context of the project #2 Appearance of numerous e-learning interactive efficient tools Huge increase of internet users all over the world Strongly encouraged by the authorities (Europe, North Africa,…) Well-adapted to new categories of students : People already having a job Students living in landlocked regions Strong development of e-learning in the last years E-learning can be an answer to the increase of students all over the world
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Context of the project #3 In Physics, students have to acquire practical skills by doing practical works How to treat this issue in an e-learning context? By the development of a remote laboratory allowing students to monitor online real practical works
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Context of the project #4 Experience of the ARTICC Master launched in 2008 by the University of Limoges Blended learning (2 weeks of face-to-face courses) Master (in French) Also on Electronics & Optics topics In a co-accreditation process with University of Mostaganem (belonging to the EOLES consortium) 270 student applications for to get into the first year of this 2-year degree ( 50 % from Algeria, Tunisia and Marocco) The ARTICC master demonstrates the possibility to perform e-learning training in Physics interesting a large number of students
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Brief overview of the project Context of the project What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? Main strengths of the project Outline
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? The e-learning is not only give access to students to « static » documents as pdf, or Microsoft Word or Powerpoint files In the last years, numerous efficient tools appears increasing interactivity between students and teachers and between students themselves « E-learning 2.0 »
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, The Virtual learning environment Website containing all the lecture content, multimedia documents, … Social space allowing interactivity between teachers and students What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ?
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Instant messaging Synchronous online lectures What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? Shared documents
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Screencasting with interactive white boards What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ?
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Remote laboratory What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? The main innovative point of the EOLES project is to develop an international remote laboratory devoted to the Bachelor degree (involving 30 or 40 practical works) Web page (seen by the student) View of the monitored device View of the setup by webcam
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Spice, ADS, Labview, Matlab, Microsoft Office, … What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? Application servers giving access to professional softwares
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Creation of an « online learning community » including students and teachers Phone Social network Instant messaging Forums, Wikis,… What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ?
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Brief overview of the project Context of the project What is the « e-learning 2.0 » ? Main strengths of the project Outline
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Main strengths of the project To be involved in the e-learning development in Europe & North Africa Training of future teachers and technical staffs Well-adapted to new category of students First attempt of fully e-learning degree in Physics Improvement of the international visibility of each partner of the consortium Common degree delivered by several partners European project experience English spoken curriculum First step toward an « international virtual university » ?
Kick-off Meeting of the EOLES Project – November 20-22, Main strengths of the project Creation of an innovative training in Physics Using a modern pedagogical approach : e-learning 2.0 Development of an international remote laboratory Providing good opportunities for the graduated students toward the Labour Market toward Master degrees (of the consortium members) increase of their English language skills First step toward the creation of the entire License degree (L1, L2, L3) ?