Wayne Huebner Vice Provost for Research University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401 presentation to: F 3 September 3, 2003 Research UMR: Serving the needs.


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Presentation transcript:

Wayne Huebner Vice Provost for Research University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO presentation to: F 3 September 3, 2003 Research UMR: Serving the needs of Missouri and our Nation

“An expert is a person, who by his own painful experience has made every conceivable mistake in a narrow field.” Paul Adiren Maurice Dirac ( ) “The aim of education is the wise use of leisure.” Aristotle ( B.C.)

UMR’s Vision  A university whose faculty and staff are committed to excellence in teaching and learning and to the success of students  A university where faculty, staff and students conduct nationally-competitive research to meet societal needs

Vision and Strategy UMR, already among the top 100 national universities, has the potential to become an even more highly regarded institution of higher education. To achieve greater recognition for its programs UMR must:  recruit undergraduate students,  expand the size of its graduate programs, and  increase the level of sponsored research programs. Our long-range goal is the “top tier” in the U.S. News & World Report’s rankings of the “best” 50 undergraduate programs in the nation and the top 50 universities offering Ph.D. engineering programs.

The Role of Research  Humankind continues to improve itself through understanding and knowledge. Research plays the pivotal role in continually advancing knowledge.  Research activities at UMR should:  strengthen and enhance student learning (undergraduate research assistants, graduate students)  be the engine for for economic development of the state of Missouri and our nation through technology transfer  play a key role in our external reputation

Important Research Measures  Research expenditures  proposal submissions  proposal awarded  indirect $ generated  cost sharing  # Ph.D. students graduated/faculty member/year  # publications/faculty member/year  Faculty with national awards  e.g. National Academy Membership

  research productivity goals   intellectual property   indirect waiver / cost sharing   gifts for research   equipment matching   grant release   indirect return   technology transfer   university    research integrity / industry relations conflicts of interest   use of university research   space facilities Major policy issues related to research growth:

Research Productivity Goals A 23%/year growth rate is needed to hit our goals…….

Total Research Expenditures

Proposals Awarded during FY Total: $30.1 M 20.9% growth over FY 02: $24.9 M

Proposals Awarded during FY Total: $9.88 M Through August: +44.8% compared to FY 03: $6.82 M

Proposals Submitted during FY Total: $129.0 M 41.6% growth over FY 02: $91.1M

Proposals Submitted during FY Total: $18.2 M Through July: -9.1% compared to FY 03: $20.0M

Keys to Attaining Research Goals  Identify and develop strategic responses to major research opportunities, and provide mechanisms to facilitate them  Work cooperatively with the UM system’s Office of Government Relations  Encourage and coordinate intercollege, interdisciplinary research  Work with the administration to foster research collaborations outside the boundaries of our institution  Develop university positions on major policy issues related to research

 Promote appropriate research programs / activities of the campus  Encourage undergraduate and graduate student participation in research  Foster strong relations between the UMR research community and federal / industrial partners  A smooth-running Office of Sponsored Programs  Strong relationship with the development office  Pursuit of emerging opportunities will dictate a need to raise funds for research infrastructure (buildings, labs, chaired professorships..) Keys to Attaining Research Goals

 Infrastructure  Environmental  Energy  Power Electronics  Intelligent Systems  IT  Nuclear Waste  Nanotechnology  Geotechnology  Manufacturing Identify and develop strategic responses to major research opportunities, and provide mechanisms to facilitate them

Title$M Appropriated Materials Design: Laser-based Materials Processing0.9 Wireless Surveillance of Hostile Threats0.8 Center for Sensors and Obscurants Aerospace Propulsion Particulate Emissions Reduction Program3.15 Environmentally Sound Aircraft Coatings1.0 Affordable Housing Composite Materials 0.5 Total8.565 Authorized FY02-03 Federal Plus-Up Proposals Plus-up Funding in Previous Years ($M) FY98FY99FY00FY01FY

FY03-04 Federal Plus-Up Proposals Title$M Requested Aerospace Propulsion Particulate Emissions Reduction Program8.0 Blast and Impact Resistant Structures5.0 Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies16.0 Center for Mobile Security Systems5.0 Control of Antibiotic Resistance in Water Treatment Processes2.5 Cyberdefenders: UMR-Sandia Collaboration for Training and 10.0 Research in Computer and Network Security Glasses for Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Remediation6.0 High Temperature Fuel Cell Materials Center4.5 Intelligent Electric Power Transmission Systems4.0 Materials Design: Laser-based Materials Mfg 4.0 Power & Propulsion Technologies for the Electric Naval Force5.0 Research,Development, & Fabrication of Advanced Micro-sensors3.3 for Biological Warfare and Homeland Defense Wireless Surveillance of Hostile Threats6.0 Total76.3

Mission The mission of the UMR Office of Sponsored Programs is to enhance and facilitate University research and external funding by providing services, in a timely and professional manner, to all persons involved with sponsored program activities. Office of Sponsored Programs

A service organization which:  provides financial and administrative guidance and support to University personnel involved with external funding;  reviews all proposals for compliance with applicable guidelines, rules, and regulations prior to submission;  provides institutional endorsement of all proposals and administrative reporting;  negotiates administrative and financial matters of proposed contracts, grants, memorandums, etc.; and  provides financial accountability to the funding agencies. What is the OSP ?

 General Guidelines  Application Deadlines  Research Board Members  Designated Campus Officials  Eligibility  Non-Regular Faculty Eligibility  How to Submit Your Proposal  Application Instructions  Review Process  Administration of Awards University of Missouri Research Board

The University of Missouri Research Board consists of 19 faculty members appointed by the President for two-year terms. Its mission is to enhance the long- term quality and quantity of scholarship throughout the University by supporting meritorious research projects. An important goal is to leverage external funds by supporting promising new faculty and funding high quality new initiatives of senior faculty. This support is intended to:  help promising new faculty initiate their research  provide seed money to test new ideas in their preliminary stages before enough data have been gathered to submit a proposal for external funding  provide modest resources for excellent scholarship in fields for which external support may be quite limited  provide matching funds sometimes required by external sponsors, and  provide bridging funds. A commitment of partial support for a project from the campus, college or unit is not required, but it may be a positive factor in the review. Proposals for new cross-disciplinary research initiatives are encouraged. Background

 The Board expects significant return to the University on its investment, as measured by increased grant/contract income, productivity and accomplishment, and increased stature and national/international visibility of the faculty and its programs.  Current budget: $2M & holding; used to be $4M  The Board has established programs for:  individual or collaborative projects  special opportunities, and  book publication subventions  Special Opportunities Grants: designed to leverage large external funding opportunities and normally involve cooperative effort among faculty members; accepted at any time and reviewed as expeditiously as possible to meet an agency deadline. Background

 Engineering  Humanities and Fine Arts  Life Sciences  Physical Sciences and Mathematics  Social and Behavioral Sciences Focal areas..

UMRB Recipients: October 2002 Competition $291K; 29% of the total funds awarded

 No funds are set aside for specific programs or for specific types of proposals. However, inter-departmental and inter-campus collaboration may strengthen a proposal and serve as a positive factor in its evaluation.  There are no quotas; the goal is to support the most meritorious projects, regardless of discipline, campus or departmental affiliation, or faculty rank of the applicant.  All research endeavors are considered; particularly interested in encouraging the career development of young faculty and in facilitating exceptional new initiatives of more senior faculty.  Favorable consideration is given to projects that will likely result in applications for extramural support.  Awards are not renewable. The Research Board will not serve as a source of continuing support for specific projects or facilities. Awards normally are for a one-year period, but longer terms (up to a maximum of two years) are permitted if fully justified in the proposal. Background

The deadlines for the academic year are: October 7, 2003 and February 16, 2004 Applications must be received by the designated campus official no later than 5 p.m. on the deadline date. Late submissions will be held for the next deadline. Research Board Meeting Dates: December 5, 2003 and May 1, 2004 Application Deadlines

Bryan Becker (01-05) Yanching Jerry Jean (03-05) Professor of Mechanical Engr. Professor of Chemistry & Physics Max Skidmore (99-03) William T. Morgan (03-05) Professor of Political ScienceProfessor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Wayne Bledsoe (02-04) Fikret Ercal (02-04) Professor of History and Political Science Professor of Computer Science Elizabeth Cummins (00-04)Lokeswarappa Dharani (01-05) Professor of English Professor of EMAE Douglas K. Ludlow (01-05) Professor of Chemical Engineering Members of the Research Board UMKC UMR

Carmen Chicone (03-05)David Pintel (01-05) Professor of MathematicsProf. of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology John M. Foley (02-04) William H. Miller (02-04) Professor of Classical Studies and English Professor of Nuclear Engineering M. Harold Laughlin (02-04) John R. Petrocik (03-05) Professor of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences Professor of Political Science Anthony Prato (03-05) Professor of Agricultural Economics Richard Rosenfeld, Chair (01-05) Joyce Y. Corey (02-04) Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Robert E. Ricklefs (03-05)Richard Rosenfeld (01-05) Professor of Biology Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice George Taylor (02-04) Professor of Psychology Members of the Research Board UMC UMSL

UMCUMKC Dr. James S. Coleman Dr. John R. Baumann Vice Provost, Office of Research Director, Sponsored Programs 205 Jesse Hall& Research Support TEL: /3841; FAX: Rockhill Road TEL: ; FAX: UMRUMSL Dr. Wayne Huebner Dr. Nasser Arshadi Vice Provost for Research Associate Vice Chancellor 204 Parker Hall for Research TEL: ; FAX: Woods Hall TEL: ; FAX: Designated campus officials

#1 Resource: Time Must be protected with vigor and used wisely #1 Asset: People Who we hire, tenure and promote are the most important decisions we make. We must create an environment where the best, brightest and most creative faculty and staff are attracted and unleashed.