The Roaring 20’s
Very prosperous time in America, wages were the highest in nation’s history 1922, WSB radio in Atlanta began operation as “the voice of the South” Flappers danced the “Charleston”and jazz music became popular Lindbergh’s nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean
Boll Weevil was destroying the cotton industry 1925, Georgia farmers are hit with a major drought Farm depression hits Georgia long before the general depression hits the nation The prosperity of the 1920’s ended with the stock market crash
The Great Depression
5 Main Causes 1. Wealth from WWI 2. Abundance of Products 3. False Security 4. Drought 5. Boll Weevil
The Great Depression * Stock Market- the place where shares of stock in corporations are bought and sold. *Banks were in trouble, farmers were not able to pay off loans, and Americans were borrowing money to buy goods. With little regulation from government, American corporations and banks were free to operate as they pleased. (laissez-faire policy toward business - govt should adopt a hands off policy with respect to business) October 29, Black Tuesday the stock market crashed. People had bought stocks with borrowed money - called “speculation” (cannot do this today). * 650 banks closed in the first year - Money was not insured by Government. People lost entire life’s savings. NOW - the government insures deposits (FDIC) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * Georgia didn’t feel the effects of the depression immediately
650 Banks Closed in 1st year Money was not insured by GOVT - People lost their entire life’s savings NOW - The government insures deposits to keep that from happening Roosevelt’s New Deal created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Georgia didn’t feel the effects of the depression immediately - THEY WERE ALREADY IN A DEPRESSION
* Many workers in the state lost their jobs and families went hungry. * Children didn’t get an education * President Hoover tried to help with government aid *Shanties inhabited by the unemployed were called “Hoovervilles” * Relief- money and goods given to people in special need * Brain Trust- group of advisors to FDR New Deal- a series of laws passed to help the country
Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs P. 271 in text - Relief, Recovery, Reform CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps - put young men to work in forest areas, building dams, roads (they lived in army-type camps - paid $30 a day ($22 sent to parents) WPA -Works Progress Administration -gave work to 8 million men & women (construction, artists, writers, etc.) Social Security Act - Began to provide pensions for retired or unemployed people Minimum Wage started
Banks were closed by FDR and given loans by govt. to make them stronger Price Supports- guaranteed higher prices to farmers if they will produce less Minimum Wage- lowest amount an employer can pay an employee Collective Bargaining- unions bargain for higher wages Stretch Out- same amount of work in less time Social Security Act- old age insurance from taxes paid by workers