1 Department for Work and Pensions Jobcentre Plus collaborating with the Logistics Sector: 'Engaging Trade Associations, Large National Operators and SMEs' Alex Farkas Senior Employer Relationship Manager National Employer Service Team JCP 12 th March 2015
2 Department for Work and Pensions Who are we? We work with employers to help them fill their vacancies We work with people to help connect them to the local labour market We pay benefits and pensions. Department for Work and Pensions 2Working with employers
3 Department for Work and Pensions Connecting with employers……… The National Employer Service Team works with major national UK employers to develop and agree recruitment solutions that embrace diversity and equality in the workplace. Small business growth is critical to economic growth in the UK, but we face challenges in engaging directly with smes and so in addition to local engagement with individual businesses we build advocacy relationships with Trade Associations and Employer Representative Bodies. We work with Trade Associations who provide a valuable insight into workforce planning, pay, the economy and other factors that influence their sector and raise awareness through Jobcentre Plus. Jobcentre Plus works with UK employers to make it more likely they will hire, retain and progress people who may not otherwise find and secure work.
4 Department for Work and Pensions Challenges for the sector………… Lack of profile and understanding about the sector leading to poor candidate attraction. Drivers. A recent survey suggested that 70% are struggling to recruit drivers and a further 20% expect to do so soon. No direct funding. Mechanical Service Engineers. Ageing workforce – rapid exit of skills and experience. Widening skills gap. 9% of the workforce under 25. Less than a quarter of the workforce are female. Replacement Demand and Projected growth of 10% by 2020 resulting in a requirement for an extra 900,000.
5 Department for Work and Pensions DWP Response………… Working with large national employers and 4 Trade Associations representing 29,000 employers. Set up a North West Logistics Group, championed by the Regional Director, which is focused on issues affecting the logistics sector. Visited a number of sme employers. Survey of young people about their thoughts and perceptions of the sector. Partnership agreement with the FTA signed by the Minister for Employment, working together to support the industry. Improving awareness amongst Jobcentre Plus workcoaches & employer engagement staff on the roles and opportunities available in your sector. Providing jobseekers with a structured route way into work within the sector such as work experience. Development of a bus, coach and LGV driver recruitment model.
6 Department for Work and Pensions Enablers…………. Universal Credit
7 Department for Work and Pensions Enablers……. Government advice, guidance and support for ALL businesses – brought together in one place: At the heart of the website is the My Business Support Tool: A diagnostic tool to help business find the support they need: The website is supported by a FREE Helpline, with advisors identifying the right support and advice T:
8 Department for Work and Pensions Enablers…………. Universal Credit sector based work academy Work Experience Flexible Support Fund Work Trials Workclubs Collaboration
9 Department for Work and Pensions Thank you