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Presentation transcript:

Question 1 Warren G. Harding won the Presidency by appealing to Americans’ desire to do what? Return to life as it was before the war

Question 2 The McNary-Haugen Bill, called for the government to do what? Buy American crop surpluses and sell them abroad

Question 3 John T. Scopes was put on trial for what? Teaching evolution

Question 4 The Cotton Club was what? Harlem nightspot where many African Americans entertainers got their start

Question 5 The purpose of Volstead Act was to do what? Enforce Prohibition

Question 6 Stock prices first began to decline in late 1929 because why? Investors began to sell their stock

Question 7 Farmers on the Great Plains began to lose their crops during the depression because why? A terrible drought dried the soil

Question 8 An unintended effect of the Fordney-McCumber Act was what? Farmers could no longer sell their crops to overseas markets

Question 9 President Hoover opposed direct federal relief to the unemployed because he believed what? Only state and city governments should dole out relief

Question 10 Alfred E. Smith endured a smear campaign in the 1928 election because why? He was Catholic

Question 11 After WWI, most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by doing what? Avoiding involvement in world affairs

Question 12 The NAACP’s lobbying efforts influenced the HOR to pass what in 1922? Anti-lynching legislation

Question 13 The National Credit Corporation tried to rescue troubled banks by allowing to do what? Continue lending money in their communities

Question 14 Thousands of WWI veterans came to Washington in 1932 to lobby Congress to do what? Pass legislation giving veterans their promised bonus early

Question 15 Before the late 1920s, stock prices did what? Generally reflected the stocks’ true value

Question 16 Henry Ford’s system for making cars increased efficiency by doing what? Dividing operations into simple tasks

Question 17 The federal Reserve contributed to the Depression how? Keeping interest rates low

Question 18 Most economists agree that a key cause of the Depression was what? Overproduction

Question 19 Commercial radio began its rise in November 1920, with news about what? A presidential election

Question 20 The first feature length animated film was what? Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs

Question 21 After entrepreneurs such as Glenn Curtiss started building practical aircraft, the federal government did what? Began to support the airline industry

Question 22 The purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was what? Make loans to banks, railroads, and other businesses

Question 23 During the Great Depression, when a bank collapsed what happened? Depositors lost their savings

Question 24 In May 1932, the Senate voted down a bill that would have done what? Authorized early payment of WWI bonuses

Question 25 The Ohio Gang was what? Group of Harding’s friends

Question 26 The golden age of Hollywood began in 1927 with the release of the first what? “talking” motion picture

Question 27 During the Depression, many state governments declared “bank holidays” why? Prevent bank runs

Question 28 Roosevelt’s advisers who supported “New Nationalism” wanted government agencies to do what? Work with businesses

Question 29 To fight the Depression, the first thing Roosevelt set out to do was to do what? Restore confidence in the banks

Question 30 The Emergency Relief and Construction Act provided what? Loans to states for direct relief

Question 31 In the Teapot Dome scandal, Albert B. Fall received bribes for what? Allowing private interests to lease lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves

Question 32 Many people viewed Sacco & Vanzetti with suspicion because why? They were Italian immigrants & anarchists

Question 33 As governor of NY, FDR oversaw the creation of the first state relief agency to aid whom? Unemployed

Question 34 To pay for public works, the government would have to raise taxes or what? Borrow money

Question 35 In the early 1920s, the KKK added to its membership how? Hiring professional promoters

Question 36 In search of work or a better life during the depression, many unemployed people did what? Rode the rails

Question 37 The stock market crash weakened the nation’s banks because why? Banks had invested their deposits in the stock market

Question 38 The new morality of the 1920s glorified what? Personal freedom

Question 39 A major contribution to Herbert Hoover’s landslide victory in the 1928 election was what? The prosperity of the 1920s

Question 40 President Hoover hoped that public works would do what? Provide jobs lost in the private sector

Question 41 The flowering of African American arts in the 1920s became known as what? Harlem Renaissance

Question 42 Coolidge believed part of his job as president was to make sure the government did what? Interfered with business and industry as little as possible