Counselling Services Kadri Korjas Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund 2. September Eesti Töötukassa
Counselling Services Career Services Career counselling Career Information (Career Information Rooms) Job Clubs Psychological Counselling Debt Counselling Addiction Counselling Social Rehabilitation Mobile Counselling Eesti Töötukassa
Career counselling Mostly we provide our clients with individual, but in some places also group counselling. One session usually lasts minutes. One person usually visits counsellor 1-2 times. Career counsellors work in every county. For registered unemployed people and people with redundancy notice Eesti Töötukassa
Career counselling Career counselling is useful when: Client needs to analyse his knowledge, skills and personality characteristics. Client needs to fill-in a personality questionnaire, ability tests or a career inventory (the need for tests is decided during the counselling session). Client needs help to make a plan how to proceed with his job search Eesti Töötukassa
Career Information Rooms The Purpose of career information rooms is to provide information about different job and study opportunities. Service is open for everybody. Career information specialist can help clients to: Finish their application documents Find the information they need Apply for a job through job mediation site. You can use computers with internet access to apply for jobs or look for open vacancies. You can read books and other materials about job seeking relevant issues Eesti Töötukassa
Job Seeker’s Workshop Main topics: Labour market situation How and where to look for a job Application documents (CV, cover letter, motivation letter) Job interview (how to prepare yourself for the interview) How to handle setbacks For registered unemployed people and for people with redudancy notice Eesti Töötukassa
Job clubs For those who need more focused help to develop job searching and social skills. One group of people comes together usually times. They discuss different job search related topics Eesti Töötukassa
Psychological Counselling Purpose To support clients with their psychological problems in case these are interfering persons job search. For registered unemployed people and people with redudancy notice Eesti Töötukassa
Debt counselling Purpose To help a client and to get an overview of his debts and financial responsibilities and solve these. To find out why did this situation occur. To find solutions how to start taking care of the loans and payments. Learn about one’s rights and responsibilities. For registered unemployed Eesti Töötukassa
Addiction counselling and social rehabilitation service Purpose To help unemployed clients who can not concentrate on job search due to their addiction problems. Alcohol and drug addiction Gambling problems In order to take part of that service it is important that client himself is interested in dealing and working with addiction problem and wants to find a job Eesti Töötukassa
Mobile counselling - MOBI Purpose To motivate people to find new challenges in life and come back to labour market. MOBI goes where: There is limited amount of information available about job search. There are many people unemployed. Main topics: Job search (what should be done to find a job). Appointments with local employers, learning about enterprising. Counselling (e.g. Career counselling, depth counselling). Information about Töötukassa services. Labour market and laws Eesti Töötukassa
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