The Competitive Grants Environment Presented by: Dr. Deborah Sheely Dr. Mark Poth Competitive Programs Unit
CSREES Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service
MISSION To advance knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well being, and communities
CSREES Portfolio of Funding Mechanisms Formula Funding Special Grants Competitive Programs
Competitive Programs Complement Work Done Through Formula Funds Formula funds provide the base programs and the infrastructure on which competitive programs build
Competitive Program Portfolio NRI Challenge Grants Biotechnology Risk Assessment and Management Community Food Multicultural Scholars Capacity Building IFAFS Research, Education and Extension (406) SBIR Agricultural Risk Management Others…
SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH PROGRAM u Research for the development of a profit- making technology, product or service u Two Phase Program - feasibility and development u $80,000 / $ 300,000 u Small Businesses of 500 employees or less u Government-wide u 2.5% setaside of USDA extramural funding for research
Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program Purpose: To assist Federal regulatory agencies in making science-based decisions about the introduction of transgenic organisms into the environment –Risk Assessment Research –Risk Mitigation/Management Research
Section 406 Integrated Research, Education & Extension Competitive Grants Program Authorized in Section 406 of the Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998 (AREERA). Provides funding for integrated, multifunctional agricultural research, extension, and education activities. Three program areas: Food Safety, Water Quality and Pest Management
Purpose To support high priority fundamental and mission-linked research of importance in the biological, environmental, physical, and social sciences relevant to agriculture, food, and the environment National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program
Competitive Programs of Interest to the Plant and Pest Scientific Community PROGRAM2002 FUNDS (millions) NRI$120.5 Integrated (406)$41 Biotechnology Risk Assessment $1.6 SBIR15.7 Subtotal$168.8
Why a Competitive Programs Unit? Facilitates the coordination of competitive programs to achieve strategic goals Provides a common home for all competitive programs across the full range of agency activities (NRI, 406, SBIR, Biotechnology Risk, Community Food, etc…) Simplifies and integrates reporting program results Facilitates reporting across programs by issue Brings consistency to the competitive process agency wide and improves service and responsiveness
Changes Affecting the Competitive Programs Unit Chief Science Advisor - acquires agency wide responsibilities Chief Education Advisor- new position with agency wide responsibilities for extension and education
Reorganization of CSREES: the Competitive Programs Unit Deputy Administrator Dr. Ted Wilson Research Programs Director Dr. Mark Poth Integrated Programs Director Dr. Deborah Sheely Peer Review Director Mrs. Ruth Lange CSREES Chief Education Advisor Dr. Mike Tate (WSU-IPA) CSREES Chief Science Advisor Dr. Brad Fenwick (KSU-IPA)
The Priority Setting Process Our Goal is that through a clearly articulated priority setting process USDA can demonstrate leadership in the effective use of limited resources.
The Priority Setting Process A process for developing priorities… Should be ongoing and continuous Should be clear and participatory Should communicate priorities Should identify and address issues before they become crises
The Priority Setting Process Shaped by: Legislative authority National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education and Economics Advisory Board White papers developed by NPLs Other planning and strategic documents such as “A Science Roadmap for Agriculture by NASULGC and ESCOP” Stakeholder workshops
Criteria for the Establishment of New Competitive Programs Does the proposed program represent a unique opportunity or a key role for USDA? Is the program a high priority for our partners and stakeholders? How well is the proposed program coordinated with other CSREES programs? Does the program rate highly for timeliness/relevance/potential impact? Is the proposed program drawn from ideas presented in the CSREES White Papers?
Criteria for the Establishment of New Competitive Programs Could the new program logically combine and transform an existing program into a more robust program? Is the proposed program innovative? Does the proposed program link with or compliment programs in other agencies or government wide initiatives? Is the proposed program compatible with the budget explanatory notes and/or the farm bill?
Post Award Management Getting the success stories out to the public and the link to performance based budgeting.
Post Award Management Systematic evaluation of current practices (IPA led team) Optimize the strengths of current and historic systems (CRIS, etc.) Plan for the effective use of new automation Desired outcome: clear mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs funded
The Future of CSREES Competitive Programs Moving from a collection of programs to an issues based and strategic agenda
Coordinated Program Issue Areas Agricultural Security Obesity, Human Nutrition and Food Science Food Safety Genomics and Future Food and Fiber Production and Quality Agriculture and Environmental Quality Supporting Agriculture to Produce Rural and Community Prosperity
(see funding opportunities)