WHAT Exam Practice WHY All MUST Most SHOULD Some COULD Be able to understand the requirements of the exam to achieve a grade D Be able to understand the requirements of the exam to achieve a grade B or above Be able to understand the requirements of the exam to achieve a grade C
WHAT Exam Practice HOW All MUST Most SHOULD Some COULD Be able to answer the exam questions in AMBER Be able to answer the exam questions in GREEN Be able to answer the exam questions in RED Differentiation: Students work in differentiated groups, activities are allocated accordingly, task explanation, key words/info around room,, group/pair work, prior knowledge, resources.
WHAT Topic: The Digital Divide CONNECT Self Assess – How much do you know about answering exam questions? How CONFIDENT are you?
ACTIVATE TOP Pick 3 key points FOR and AGAINST WIFI WHAT Exam Practice
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 1.Liquid crystal displays are now much more popular with computer users - give two reasons why they are popular for desktop systems. [2 marks] Answer: LCD monitors take up much less space on the user's desk. The quality of image is sharper and more defined In terms of design, individuals find LCD screen more 'stylish' - with computers becoming more and more common in homes the visual impact is now more significant.
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 2. On Kelly's school network, each time a member of staff makes changes to the student database, a transaction log is kept. What is the purpose of a transaction log?[4 marks] Answer: Transaction logs record alterations that are made together with the user-ID of the person making them. This allows the changes to be tracked back to a specific individual.
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 3. What are the advantages of using data capture to enter and record lottery numbers? [2 marks] Answer: Readings are taken automatically, so they are much more accurate. Large numbers of tickets can be processed very rapidly, and the data can be passed to a central database automatically.
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 4. What activities does the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1989 cover? [3 marks] Answer: Stealing software. Using illegally copied software and manuals. Running unlicensed software (e.g. purchasing a licence for two computers but running the software across an entire school network).
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 5. Explain the main principals of the Data Protection Act, [8 marks] Answer: There are (obviously) eight points to mention! Data must be processed fairly and lawfully. Data must be obtained for specified and lawful purposes. Data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose. Data must be accurate and up to date Data must not be kept longer than necessary Must be processed within the rights of data subjects. Be kept secure against loss, damage and unauthorised and unlawful processing. Not be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area.
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 6. What is the difference between analogue and digital signals? [4 marks] Answer: Analogue signals are represented by signals that vary between a predefined range. Digital signals are electrical on or off signals, represented as binary digits as either on (1) or off (0).
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 7. Give the names of four fields other than name, address and telephone number that a golf club might use for its Members database [4 marks] Answer: Member number Date of birth Handicap (their rating as a golfer). Date of joining the club
WHAT Topic: The Digital Divide CONSOLIDATE Self Assess – How much do you know about answering exam questions? How CONFIDENT are you now?
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 8. Why do some people suggest that Internet access should be carefully controlled?[4 marks] Answer: To prevent illegal (e.g., racist or pornographic) material being readily available. To prevent young children accessing unsuitable material. To make the Web more useful - much of the internet is unwanted info To protect the rights of copyright owners. To reduce lost working time by restricting access to online games, holiday sites and chat rooms.
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 9. What is a password - and why should it be changed regularly? [3 marks] Answer: A password is a string of characters chosen by a computer user to protect access to their area. Passwords should not obvious (i.e. easily guessable) and should be changed regularly just in case someone has discovered the password. Changing the password regularly keeps the password and access to the user area or files more secure.
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 10. What is a 'utility program'? Explain some of the functions that 'utility programs' carry out. [4 marks] Answer: Utility programs are often part of an operating system, but can also be purchased separately. Utility programs perform common tasks such as: [Any three of the following] Repairing damaged files Detecting and removing viruses Dealing with spyware Formatting disks Listing files Copying files Copying disks Renaming files Backing up files Searching for particular files
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 11. What does a microprocessor in a washing machine do? [6 marks] Answer: A microprocessor is a processor embedded into many products like washing machines. The machine is pre-programmed to perform specific tasks such as precise timings. Embedded systems are small and reliable. Microprocessors can even be reprogrammed.
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice 12. Explain two threats to computer systems that software security protects against. [2 marks] Answer: Viruses - Virus scanning software attempts to protect a computer against viruses Spyware and rogue-diallers - can be downloaded without the user's knowledge while on the internet. This can include key-logging software (that track passwords and sensitive data typed in) and spyware which can take over a system tracking a user's actions against their knowledge. Anti-spyware software attempts to prevent the user's data by blocking spyware or rogue dialler software
WOW, HOW, NOW yourself: How many questions did you answer and at what level? What questions have you not done or found hard? What will you do now to prepare you for these questions in the exam? WHAT CONSOLIDATE Exam Practice
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice Extension Activity – Self Assess Now practice further by clicking on the link and setting your level to answer more exam questions which are interactive questions and marked straight away: Select level and start test!
Your own knowledge WHAT CONSOLIDATE What you know/understand? What do you need to read up on/revise more of? Exam Practice
WHAT DEMONSTRATE Exam Practice Open PowerPoint: G:\ICT\year 9\Year 9 ICT GCSE\AQU\ ExamPractice Use the exam questions and the resources around you to: Research the answers Answer them WOW your work NOW – plan for revision – what will you do to support your learning? All MUST Research and Complete at least half of the exam questions
WHAT CONSOLIDATE What you know/understand? What do you need to read up on/revise more of? Exam Practice