FDR & The Second New Deal
Presidency March Inauguration Day –US 25% –Most banks were closed Gold Standard = Bank Standards –Economy in shambles First Hundred Days –Sent dozens of BILLS to Congress –Congress passed 15 BILLS into ACTS of legislation (New Deal) –Set Precedent for future presidents.
1 st New Deal Origins –Sought advice from experts in “Brain Trusts” Academics Economics Business Agriculture Law Social work –Experts had many points of view Spurred debate & arguments –FDR made final decision.
21st Amendment Purpose –Repeal the 18th Amendment (prohibition) Target –US Population Effective
Anti-New Deal Criticism from the left FDR had not done enough to help poor Government should do more to shift wealth from poor to rich Criticism from the right Too many regulations on businesses Expands federal power at expense of state power Oppose Deficit Spending= –Negative budget, –unable to balance the budget, –adds to national debt. American Liberty League- Republican and Democrat opponents of NEW DEAL
Anti-New Deal Father Charles Coughlin –Catholic Priest –Radio show w. 40 million listeners –Heavy taxes on wealthy. –Opposed FDR’s banking changes –Anti-Semitism (blamed Jews for banking issues –Catholic Church took him off the air Francis Townsend Townsend Plan –Wanted $200 pension to people over 60. –Removed elderly from labor force and frees up jobs
Anti-New Deal Huey Long –Governor & Senator from Louisiana –Fiery speaker & very popular –“Share Our Wealth” clubs started around the nation –Assassinated in 1935
FDR Re-elected st time African Americans voted in favor of a Democrat. New Deal Coalition- –African Americans, Immigrants, farmers, labor minorities, women
Works Progress Administration Purpose –Provide jobs 11 billion spent employ 8.5 million workers Two parts –Manual labor Built highways, schools, airports, parks –Artists Mural painting Writing Photos Plays Jacksonville, TX The Riverwalk in San Antonio Post Office in Elgin, TX
Tennessee Valley Authority Act Purpose –Regional Public Planning –Electricity –Dams Target –Tennessee Valley
Labor Wagner Act 1935 Guarantees right to organize unions without interference from employers Created the National Labor Relations Board –Regulates unions –investigates complaints and actions of empoyers Fair Labor Standards Act 1936 Created 40 hour work week Created minimum wage
CIO (Committee for Industrial Organization) Organized industrial unions or unions in a particular industry Targets – auto and steel industry GM plant in Flint, MI –Sit down strike to improve pay, work week –Dec 30 th to Feb 1 st –GM agreed to recognize union
Social Security Act Purpose –Provide some security to elderly and unemployed Three Parts –*Monthly retirement benefit starting at 65 –*Unemployment Insurance –Aid to families with dependent children (welfare) * Pay into plan while working so this is not a handout
Supreme Court 1936 the Supreme Court declared NRA and AAA unconstitutional FDR’s Court Packing Plan FDR wanted to increase the number of justices to avoid more of the New Deal being found unconstitutional Plan failed Appeared as FDR wanted to interfere with separation of powers & undermine SCOTUS’s independence Split the Democratic Party Wagner Act and Social Security Act constitutional 1937 Starting in 1937 FDR will replace 7 retired Supreme Court Justices while he is president
1937 Recession –FDR cut spending to reduce deficit –Keynesian Economics In times of recession gov’t spends and goes into deficit spending to recover –Result FDR approves 3.75 million for WPA and continues deficit spending
Eleanor Roosevelt Advocate for Women’s Rights Sought Equal Rights for African-Americans Helped draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Legacy FDR expands power of federal government, president New Deal does not end Depression; does reduce suffering, give hope Federal government goes deeply into debt to create jobs, give aid Deficit spending has become a normal feature of the federal government Massive spending on equipment, supplies for WW II end Depressionl
New Deal Poster Pick one of Roosevelt’s New Deal policies from your text book or chart. You will ILLUSTRATE a poster describing an FDR New Deal policy. Must have a picture and MAXIMUM of 5 words (not including the name of the policy).
Farm Credit Administration Purpose –Supply loans & refinancing for Farmers Target –Farmers in debt! Effective
Emergency Banking Relief Act Purpose –Declared a bank holiday March 9, 1933 –Operation of only Federal Reserve Banks –Bank crisis over ! Target –Banks, depositors Effective
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) Purpose –Encourage people to trust banks –Insure individual deposits in banks Target –Depositors Effective
Home Owners Loan Act Purpose –Lend money to refinance homes –prevent foreclosures Target –Home Owners Effective
National Industrial Recovery Act Purpose –Regulate competition –Labor management conflict –Regulate overproduction Target –Industry Ineffective; Unconstitutional
Agriculture Adjustment Act Purpose –Reduction of crops to end surplus and equalize prices Target –Farmers Effective but Unconstitutional
National Labor Relations Act Purpose –Labor’s right to unionize Target –Labor Controversial
Federal Emergency Relief Act Purpose –Federal aid to Poor Target –Impoverished families Effective
Civilian Conservation Corp. (CCC) Purpose –Flood Control –Soil conservation –Forest Projects Target –Work for Men Effective