By: Becca Gee Caitlin O’Farrell Katya Reshatoff Jenna Hwang How did FDR assist farmers, workers, and homeowners during the first Hundred Days? By: Becca Gee Caitlin O’Farrell Katya Reshatoff Jenna Hwang
FDR’s Response to the workers, farmers, and homeowners Reforming Banking and Finance- created a bank holiday Emergency Banking Relief Act- authorized Treasury Department to inspect the country’s banks Fireside Chats- radio talks that Roosevelt gave occasionally about issues of public concern explaining his New Deal Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933- reorganized baking system Established the Federal Deposit insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Federal Securities Act Passed in May 1933 Required corporations to provide complete info on stock offerings Made them liable for mis-representations 1st major federal legislation to regulate the offer/sale of securities Disclose all material info that one would require for potential investment
Securities & Exchange Commission Passed in June 1934 Regulated stock market Prevented people w/ inside info about companies from “rigging” stock market Annual reports & financial reports required
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Raise crop prices by lowering production Government paid farmers to leave part of their land unseeded Reduced surplus Government paid cotton growers $200 million to plow under 10 million acres Paid hog farmers to slaughter 6 million pigs Upset many Americans Many people were going hungry still More money for farmers
FDR’s Assistance Continued… Roosevelt est. programs to provide relief… Civilian Conservation Corps: Young men (18-25) go to work (building railroads, developing parks, etc.) Paid $30 a mo. (workers only kept $5) Camps (on Great Plains) provide food/uniforms (per. 8 yrs. 200 mil. Trees planted) Federal Emergency Relief Administration: Provides relief for needy (food/clothing to unemployed, ill, aged etc.) (funded w/ $500 mil.) $250 mil. Raised (1 fed. dollar= 3 state dollars)
Public Works Administration: (June 1933) Gave $ to states to create jobs Used to construct schools/comm. buildings (failed to help unemployment) Civil Works Administration: (Nov. 1933) Provided 4 mil. jobs immediately Built 40,000 schools, ½ mil. miles of road, paid over 50,000 teachers salaries
HOLC: FHA: NIRA: TVA: (Tennessee Valley Authority) May 18, 1933 (Home Owners Loan Corporation) Provided gov. loans to homeowners facing foreclosure FHA: (Federal Housing Administration) Created by National Housing Act Furnish loans for home mortgages and repairs (National Industrial Recovery Act) Created NRA (National Recovery Administration) set fair prices Est. labor standards (hours/child labor) Est. codes Limited production Est. prices Guaranteed workers’ rights (unionize & bargain) (Tennessee Valley Authority) May 18, 1933 Create prosperity in Tennessee River Valley Build and repair dams Thousands of jobs created Provided flood control, hydroelectric powers, etc.
First Hundred Days Reforming Banking and Finance Emergency Banking Relief Act Fireside Chats Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Federal Securities Act Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 21st Amendment- Repealed Prohibition Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Civil Works Administration (CWA) National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) National Recovery Administration (NRA) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Home Owners Loans Corporation (HOLC) Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Key Terms National Industrial Recovery Act: Enabled President/National Recovery Administration to formulate/execute measures for reducing industrial employment Promoted ind. growth by est. codes of fair practice for individual industries Civilian Conservation Corps: Unemployment program est. for young men. Recruits lived in camps, received $30 a mo. + food /med. care Projects: planting trees/building flood barriers/fighting forest fires/maintaining forest roads/trails Employed total of 3 million men during its existence Agricultural Adjustment Act: Raised crop prices by lowering prod. (farmers left land unseeded) Gov. paid cotton growers $200 mil. to plow less than 10 mil. acres of crop Hog farmers slaughter 6 million pigs Helped raise farm prices + increased farmers higher salary
Question #1 When the Roosevelt administration launched into a period of intense activity from March 9 to June 16, 1933 is known as ____________.
Question: When the Roosevelt administration launched into a period of intense activity from March 9 to June 16, 1933 is known as ____________. Answer:
Question #2 The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) both created what?
Jobs for the unemployed Question: The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the TVA ( Tennessee Valley Authority) both created what? Answer: Jobs for the unemployed