FDR’s New Deal EQ: How did the Great Depression and New Deal affect the lives of Americans?
It’s a Brand New Deal! Main features of the New Deal included: – Social Security – Federal work programs (created jobs to build parks, schools, courthouses, bridges, dams, and other useful public works projects) – Environmental improvement programs (created jobs to complete conservation projects such as planting trees) – Farm assistance programs – Increased rights for labor
The New Deal pulled America out of its economic mess! Several New Deal agencies were significant because they helped create jobs, and had long-lasting effects in the United States
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Put young American men back to work preserving the nation’s natural resources. Workers signed up for a term of service and lived in camps. Many corps projects involved soil conservation, tree planting, and flood control. Projects in GA included planting trees in the Chattahoochee National Forest and helping to construct the Appalachian Trail.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Works Progress Administration (WPA) This enormous program put unemployed people to work building highways, bridges, public buildings, public parks, and airports. It also paid artists to paint murals and create the sculptures that decorate public buildings across the nation.
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) It helped transform the Tennessee River Valley from poverty to productivity. For years, flooding had caused massive problems and made farming difficult. This built dams throughout a seven-state region to control floods and generate electricity to homes and farms. Residents were thrilled to have electricity, and it attracted industries and jobs to this very poor area. It still provides power to the region today.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Which program are they describing? “I didn’t know how we were going to make it. We had to go to the soup kitchen for food everyday. But I heard there were jobs building roads and I got one!”
Which program are they describing? “We’ve had floods around here as long as I can remember. They just wash away everything we plant! But now I gotta good job workin’ for Uncle Sam buildin’ a dam! That’ll stop the water!”
Which program are they describing? “I have bleeding blisters from planting so many trees. I don’t care – it’s a good job, and I have a bed to sleep in every night and food to eat. Thank you, President Roosevelt!”
Causes of the Stock Market Crash People spent $ they didn’t have (credit, debt). Banks gave risky loan. Effects of the Stock Mark Crash People were homeless & unemployed. Banks & businesses failed.
The New Deal: FDR’s plan to create jobs and make $. Government’s role: provided jobs and gave foods How did the New Deal help people? gave jobs