What is Assessment? Assessment is the systematic process of collecting information about the child, his past and current levels of performance, his strengths and weaknesses in order to help make educational decisions about his future.
Assessment Approach. There is a wide range of testing procedures that one can choose from when testing the Learning Disabled. Generally assessment tests fall into two groups FORMAL INFORMAL
FORMAL TESTING General Intelligence Test – WISC WAIS BG PPVT
INFORMAL TESTING Informal testing is by using Non- standardized Test. These tests are relevant for practical situations which occur in classrooms. Teacher Observation Interview Questionnaires Checklists and Rating Scales Teacher- made Test. (curriculum based test)
Curriculum Based Test The test is based on the curriculum which is followed in the school. It facilitates 2 important outcomes in the education of students. 1.Skill acquisitions of the learner / student. 2.Co- operation between sp. Educator & class teacher who works in collaboration. The test has to be prepared for each class separately so that the entire school population can be tested.
It has 6 components. Reading Comprehension Written Expression Spellings Arithmetic Perception a. Visual b. Auditory
ERRORS OF HANDWRITING. Too much slant. Writing too straight Writing too heavy. Writing too light. Writing too angular. Writing too irregular. Writing too wide.
SPELLING ERRORS. CHILD tends to write. Phonetically eg. Monkey- munky bridge – brig Short and long eg. Sale- sail vowels. Met- mate Blending sounds eg. Glass- galass of double consonants. Blast- bast
ERRORS OF ARITHMETIC Counts from left to right. Counts on fingers. Reads 13 for 31. Tables are difficult. Abstract thinking is poor.(Mental sums) Has difficulity in problem sums. Often mixes up the symbols + and × - and ÷
Visual Perception consisting of : Eye- hand co- ordination. Figure ground. Figure consistency. Spatial relations. Position in space. Auditory Perception consisting of: Immediate sounds. Blending of sounds. Discrimination of sounds.
DTLD The test has been made by the centre of special Education of SNDT University The test is to be administrated to the children from the age of 8 to 11 yrs. The test is also available in Marathi , Hindi & Gujarati language.
It helps to screen the children in the following areas. Eye- Hand Co-ordination Figure ground Figure consistency Position in space Spatial Relation Auditory Perception Cognitive Ability Memory Receptive Language Expressive Language
DTRD The test is made by centre of Special Education SNDT University The test concentrates more on reading ability as reading disability is the more prominent or early recognized aspect of learning disability It is a non- timed test but on an average child takes 45-50 minutes to complete test on each level. Child has to be administered both levels. If the child fails to complete level 1 level 2 should not be administered The test is for the age groups of 8-11yrs.
The test has 2 levels Level 1 1.Sound- symbol Association 2. Blending of sound 3. Phonic Analysis 4. Visual Conditioning 5. Semantic Closure 6. Lexical Processing 7. Copy Writing
Level II Grapheme Phoneme Association. Verbal Phonetic coding Phonemic Synthesis Verbal Visual Correspondence Verbal Memory Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension (Aloud) Reading Comprehension ( Silent)
WRAT This test enables us to get the level of the child in Reading, spelling and Arithmetic The test can be administrated to the age group of 7to 75 years. This is a time bound test. Each test is for 5 minutes. The test as suggestive has 3 components. Reading. Spellings. Arithmetic.
WOODCOCK JOHNSON - III It provides a comprehensive system for meaning general intellectual ability, Specific Cognitive abilities, Scholastic, aptitude, Oral language, Oral Academic Achievement. It can be administered to the age group of 2 to 90 years. It is not a time bound test it has 22 components.
1.Letter word identification( Basic sight word Reading) 2. Word attack ( Non- meaningful words reading) 3. Reading Fluency( Basic reading skills + comprehension ability) 4. Story Recall a) Immediate b) Delay 5. Calculation 6. Maths Fluency ( Simple computation sums in 3 mins) 7. Applied Reasoning( word problem) 8. Quantitature Concepts ( Quantity relative quiz in Maths.) 9. Number series ( Missing number)
10. Writing Fluency ( Describe the picture) 11 Writing Sample( write a sentence on what is happening a what will happen) 12. Oral Comprehension 13. Editing ( Correct & write the sentence) 14. Academic Knowledge( ques. on science & Social studies) 15. Vocabulary – (Synonyms, opposites) 16. Sound Awareness ( Rhyming words/ similar sounding word) 17. Punctuation & Capitalization
18. Spellings 19. Understanding Direction ( See Picture for 15 sec. & ask about the picture) 20. Passage comprehension 21. Picture Vocabulary ( Name the picture) 22. Spelling of sound ( non meaning full words. e.g. foy, gat)
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