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A Presentation On ACTION RESEARCH By Dr. Niradhar Dey G.G. University, Bilaspur, C.G., India (For B.Ed./M.Ed. Students, Session ) 2 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
An Action Research Proposal On “Removing The Complexes of Shy Among The Students” Submitted By ( ) For The Academic Requirement (Internal) In B.Ed. Course Submitted To.. Department of Education G.G. Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, C.G. Session, Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
What is Action Research? Research : Re + Search Is a very systematic work It directs towards the solution of the problem It is a very formal work It is based upon intensive observation It involves the scientific methods It involves the steps like: I- Identification of the Problem II- Objectives and Hypothesis Formulation III- Observation/Collection of Data IV- Analysis of Observed Facts/Data V- Result and Conclusion 4 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Continue…. Research is of two types: 1. Fundamental/Basic research 2. Applied/Action Research Fundamental Research Fundamental research is also called as pure research. Theories and principles are developed by conducting Fundamental research. It is concerned with some fundamental, major and vital issues. Broad generalizations are possible through fundamental research. 5 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Continue…… Applied/Action Research It carries most of characteristics of fundamental research. It is also called as field research. The main concern of applied/action research is to immediate solution of the problem. The practical day-to-day problems are taken to be conducted in applied/action research. The areas of the problems like: educational, social, personal, psychological etc. Action research is a branch of applied research which deals the problems occur in the school. The problems may be related with the students, teachers, principals, counselors and administrators. 6 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Differences FundamentalAction 1. Main objective is to devt. of theory/principles. 2. Expert training is needed 3. Vast area is needed 4. A suitable research design is followed 5. RRL is needed to analysis 6. Random methods are followed for sample selection 7. Findings are generalized 1. Main objective is to immediate solution of school related problems. 2.An average teacher can do it 3.A particular classroom children can be taken 4. Action research procedures are followed 5.A simple understanding of the problem is needed 6.No need of any sampling 7.Findings are used only upon that grp. 7 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Definition of Action Research C. V. Good: “Action research is a research used by teachers, supervisors and administrators to improve the quality of their decision and action” John Best & Kahn: “Action research is focused on the immediate application and not on the development of theory. It has placed its emphasis on a real problem in a local setting. Its finding are to be evaluated in terms of local applicability, not in terms of universal validity” 8 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Field of Action Research Study the needs of the children. Study the interest of the children. Problems of discipline. Social problems. Problems of learning. Improvement of the curriculum. Problems of teachers. Problems of students attendance. 9 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Steps of Action Research I. Identification of the Problem II. Formation of Objectives and Hypothesis III. Collection of Data by using suitable Tools/Techniques IV. Preparation of suitable Action Plan V. Analysis and Interpretation of Data VI. Result and Conclusion 10 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Proposal of An Action Research Name of the Teacher : Name of the Institute : Dept. of Education, GGV, Bilaspur, C.G. Course : B.Ed. Sphere of the Problem : Complexes in children Action research problem : Removing the complexes of shy and cowardly children. 11 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
I. Identification of the Problem: “How to Remove the Complexes of Shy and Cowardly Children in class IX” Introduction: - about the background of the problem. - Importance of the problem. - If any studies has been conducted in this area should be analyzed. - how the result will help the students. 12 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Probable Causes: (i) Individual differences (ii) Emotional block (iii) Father’s profession (iv) Physical defects (v) Lack of vocabulary (vi) Backwardness (vii) Difference in the age group (viii) Lack of mental ability (ix) Habit and family impressions Probable Causes: (i) Individual differences (ii) Emotional block (iii) Father’s profession (iv) Physical defects (v) Lack of vocabulary (vi) Backwardness (vii) Difference in the age group (viii) Lack of mental ability (ix) Habit and family impressions 13 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
II. Objectives of the Study: 1. To study the causes of complexes of shy and cowardly children. 2. To remove the complexes of shy and cowardly children. Hypothesis of the Study: “ If the teacher tries to develop the vocabulary and power of expression of the students through debates, discussion, arguments, dramatic performances, oral reading, lectures etc. the students will develop the desire to surpass other students, to perform better than them; in this way, they will overcome their shortcomings and then be able to work fearlessly and frankly with their companions” 14 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
III. Collection of the Data Base – Line Data: “All data relating to the physical, sociological, economic, cultural, academic and environmental situation of the child, the child’s history and information about his trait” Tolls for Collection of Data: 1.Personal Interview 2.Questionnaire 3.Observation 4.Anecdotal Record 5.Cumulative Records 15 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
IV. Preparation of Suitable Action Plan Time Chart Month, Week, Date Proposed ActionTools Used in Practice July I & II WeekInformation about attitudeQuestionnaire, Record and School Grades July III & IV WeekProvide opportunities for expression. Talks about his difficulties with other students. General Talks Aug I & II WeekTalk with student about his difficultiesGeneral Meeting Aug III & IV WeekClear expression of words, sentence and its understanding Text books, Library, Magazines Sept. Whole monthReading, analysis & reportingDebate, group activities report Oct. Whole monthGroup activity, Community contact, Excursion and School functions. Report Nov., Dec. Whole monthParticipation in DramaParticipation Jan. Whole monthTraining group mindGames competition 16 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
VI. Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Testing of Hypothesis: The data will be analyzed and final testing & evaluation of the hypothesis will be done on the basis of the work performed in accordance with the time-table. Decision will be taken about the acceptance/rejection of the hypothesis. VII. Result and Conclusion: Basing upon the analysis of the data, the result and conclusion will be stated and it will be observed that the students those are identified with complexes of shy and coward have removed their earlier attitude and working with frank and fearlessly with the group. 17 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
References: “It will include Books followed, Journals, News Paper, Encyclopedias, Reports, Projects, Thesis, Reviews, Abstracts etc which has been used to prepare the Action Research Proposal” 18 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)
Thanking you 19 Directory of Business Research Methods (HRMARS)