The Westminster Society for People with Learning Disabilities
Values Based Recruitment 2
We are a Charity with over 53 years experience of working with people with learning disabilities Services include shared residential and supported living, independent living, floating support, nursery and after schools, short breaks, community activity events, dom care, drop in and family services Who are The Westminster Society 3
Based in Westminster near Queens park, one of the poorer areas of the borough with high levels of unemployment and poverty. Also working in Camden and Kensington and Chelsea 4 Currently employ over 300 permanent staff and 200 sessional staff (internal agency) Who are The Westminster Society
Best Recruitment Initiatives and Winner of Winners 2013/14 5
7 Our problem We reviewed the performance of staff including outcomes of appraisals, disciplinary and grievances and believed we had a problem right at the start of employment. We had grown and the capacity to deliver face to face panel interviews was proving a challenge Pass rates were variable with some people unable to pass without experience but who were friendly and enthusiastic and some people passing with lots of experience but no passion for the work.
8 The solution? We reviewed our JD/PS and the employee journey to see what we were asking for and offering was in line with what was needed and wanted. We reviewed our interview questions and the experience for candidates and interviewers We developed our Values Into Practice (VIP) statements and launched to staff in 2010 with a review in 2014 We reflected on other practices in and out of the sector and at different levels and chose Assessment centre as a pilot
9 Valued Based Assessment centre We meet between 4 and 12 candidates taking part in exercises to demonstrate values into practice such as Group work Written test (literacy and numeracy) Case study Video and discussion Team challenge Starts with us selling who we are and set our stall, clear about who we are so not overselling ourselves We observe and record what we see and hear through the 3 ½ hours including breaks
10 People with learning disabilities co host and facilitators giving feedback on their view of each person Use photos to remind people when we are scoring Observers recording what people say and how they behave Scores include our Super criteria for which the person has to pass (Communication, Team work, Respect) Developed score sheet and questions which ensure someone with a learning disability is meaningfully engaged
11 Scoring is linked to key areas looking for including: consistency of approach, listening, team work, friendliness, originality of thoughts, matching with claims on application form. Facilitators and observers are Services Managers, Team Managers and Assistant Team managers and each occasion is a learning process with amendments made to process based on learning's – now introducing family members which gives another perspective 2 nd interviews are used as a face to face discussion where there are areas we feel need expansion or a borderline candidate and split panel
15 Managers and people we support enjoy the experience more and are able to make better informed decisions Candidates are clearer about what we expect of them and the evidence can be used within probation were actual practice falls short of the promise they demonstrate in the interview Lower issues of disciplinary and grievances Increased ownership by people we support of their team Greater diversity of team members in all areas Skills for care Accolade Award application and success The Impact
Commissioners confidence Being contacted by The Guardian for an article about our recruitment Boost to recruitment advertising Evidence for tenders and other accreditation Staff Morale Impact of the Award 16
The Westminster Society for People with Learning Disabilities
18 Any Questions?