MANTICORE II Kick off meeting Duration: 17.5 months Effort: 76mms Starts: 15/01/2009 Project Leaders: Project Partners: Project Affiliate Partners:


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Presentation transcript:

MANTICORE II Kick off meeting Duration: 17.5 months Effort: 76mms Starts: 15/01/2009 Project Leaders: Project Partners: Project Affiliate Partners:

Agenda Development Team Manticore II goals WP review Project calendar Developement Methodology Open discussion 2

Developement Team Xavier Hesselbach (professor)‏ Laia Ferrao (computer engineer)‏ Xavi Barrera (telecommunications engineer)‏ Juan Felipe Botero (electrical engineer)‏ Carlos Baez (computer engineer)‏ Jordi Ferrer (computer engineer)‏ Eduard Grasa (ph. D.)‏ 3

Agenda Development Team Manticore II goals WP review Project calendar Developement Methodology Open discussion 4

MANTICORE II goals Allow a network provider to offer its routing gear as infrastructure as a service (IaaS)‏ –This means a network provider can give permissions to an external party to control one or more of their router(s) for a period of time as if they were owning them Provide an IP Network Service that helps users create and configure one or more IP networks with the routers they got (as IaaS) from one or more network providers –This IP Network Service will assist in configuring the IP Network topology, addressing, internal and external routing, export routing policies to RIPE database, firewalls, creating VPNs (either immediate or in advance)‏ The scope of the project is to build a system that can be deployed on operational networks and used in production by real life users –As part of the project activities MANTICORE II will be deployed and tested over HEAnet, NORDUnet and redIRIS 5

Parallel networks sharing the same substrate Physical Router Router Instance (may be a physical router)‏ Physical Link User Site Each user’s IP network is represented by a different color Each router instance can be temporarily owned by a different user (router instances offered as IaaS)‏ IP Networks can be made of router instances from different providers 6 Other user’s IP Network or the Internet Logical Link (may be a full physical link)‏

Agenda Development Team Manticore II goals WP review Project calendar Developement Methodology Open discussion 7

WP Overview (I)‏ WP0 Project management –All the partners. Do we want to hold regular VC meetings? (other than the review ones -> will be discussed in the development process) How often? WP1 IaaS Engine –i2cat, Juniper, Cisco –Drivers for each specific device: Juniper M7i, MX480 Cisco 2800, Nexus 7000 WP2 Router –i2cat –Router component, generic router model, manages router instances, provides operations for each individual router instance, router permissions 8

WP Overview (II)‏ WP3 IP Network –i2cat –IP Network Component, generic IP network model, manages IP Networks, provides operations for each IP Network, IP Network permissions WP4 User Management –i2cat –Generic user model, manages user accounts, manages permissions WP5 Resource Management Center –i2cat –Graphical User Interface 9

WP Overview (III)‏ WP6 System Test and Fine Tuning –i2cat, HEAnet, NORDUnet, redIRIS, Juniper, Cisco –Testbed design and implementation, Test plan, System tests WP7 Deployment and Evaluation –HEAnet, NORDUnet, redIRIS, i2cat –Software installation and training at the 3 NRENs, Each NREN tests the software and produces a report (software evaluation, bugs, suggested improvements)‏ WP8 Dissemination –All partners –Write conference/magazine papers, demos and presentations on conferences and other events 10

WP Overview (IV)‏ WP9 Next steps planning –All partners –Plan next steps WP10 MANTICORE II Marketplace –UofEssex –Design a resource publication mechanism, a resource request submission mechanism, and a resource allocation and matchmaking mechanism to be able to trade infrastructure resources via marketplaces 11

Agenda Development Team Manticore II goals WP review Project calendar Developement Methodology Open discussion 12

Project calendar 2 milestones (with associated deliverables)‏ –December 23 rd, 2009: Globus based implementation of MANTICORE II –June 30 th, 2010: IaaS Framework based implementation of MANTICORE II 13 WPDuration (m)‏Effort (mm)‏BeginEndPartners 0: Mgment /01/200930/06/2010All 1: IaaS Engine /01/200930/06/2010i2cat, Cisco, Juniper 2: Router /01/200930/06/2010i2cat 3: IP Network /01/200930/06/2010i2cat 4: User Man /01/200930/06/2010i2cat 5: RMC /01/200930/06/2010i2cat 6: System Test /01/200930/06/2010All 7: Deployment X15/01/201017/04/2010NRENs, i2cat 8: Dissemination /01/200930/06/2019All 9: Next steps11.201/06/201030/06/2010All 10: Marketplace6601/07/200931/12/2009UofEssex

Funding Contribution of each partner + Applying for a Cisco Research Centre grant + Submitting a project proposal to the spanish ministry (Avanza plan) + If the Cisco R. C. grant or the Avanza proposal are not approved, or if some partners want more funding, a proposal to the Celtic program can be submitted 14

Agenda Development Team Manticore II goals WP review Project calendar Developement Methodology Open discussion 15

Developement Methodology: Scrum User/Costumer requirements are written as user stories by the product owner –The set of user stories are the product backlog (i.e. All that has to be done)‏ Scrum master and team members select a subset of this user stories, that have to be implemented during a short period of time –These short implementation phases are called sprints. Duration: 4 weeks. The user stories to be implemented in the sprint are the sprint backlog. User stories in the sprint are broken down into tasks and its effort is estimated. When the sprint finishes, the team makes a demo of the resulting work to the customers –Review meeting to get feedback and maybe refine some existing user stories or elaborate new ones. 16

Scrum Process 17

Agenda Development Team Manticore II goals WP review Project calendar Developement Methodology Open discussion 18