Microcontroller Based Wireless Camera Security System John Saylor Computer Electronic Networking
2 OUTLINE Motivation Introduction Problems Statement Proposed solution Results Conclusions Future work Questions & Comments
3 MOTIVATION Being home alone in the mountains of eastern KY can be scary at times. With crazy moon shiners, pot growers and all the black bear, elks, black panthers and bob cats. And of course the bear dog himself … Can’t go outside when these wild creatures are around. Need a camera to see what is lurking about and see if it is safe to go outside. This inspired me to build a wireless security camera system to see what is happening.
4 INTRODUCTION – Microcontroller I used a basic stamp Microcontroller to control inputs and outputs. My inputs were two toggle switches and a photo resistor. These controlled when the outputs turned on. The outputs are 4 lines tied to a stepper motor The initial outputs were 4 LEDs which were used for diagnosing problems and testing the output lines.
5 INTRODUCTION – Stepper motor The stepper motor I found in the lab came from a printer. A stepper motor can be used for precise control of an object and has large amounts of torque. The separate outputs would allow me to control the direction and how many turns or steps the motor would take.
6 INTRODUCTION – Stepper motor Stamp Code
7 INTRODUCTION – Wireless Camera I bought a wireless 2.4GHZ camera to see what was going on outside my house. The camera is only about the size of a quarter and runs on a 9 volt battery. The signal is broadcasted to a receiver.
8 INTRODUCTION – Webcam XP I used Webcam XP in order to see what was happening at my house if I were not home. Webcam XP allows you to broadcast your webcam or other media device over the internet.
9 PROBLEM STATEMENT Problems Encountered during the implementation stage of my project. Conflicting IP addresses Changing broadcast channel of wireless router Setting up Webcam XP server Finding compatible software
10 PROPOSED SOLUTION – IP’s Conflicting Solving these issues I used the following method. Testing and Troubleshooting I set up static IP address on my host computer. Also set static IP address on my laptop. Turned off DHCP from my router.
11 PROPOSED SOLUTION – Broadcast Channel I logged into my router and changed my broadcast signal from channel 11 to 3. The broadcast signal of the wireless receiver was using channel 11 and I could change it.
12 PROPOSED SOLUTION – Webcam XP In order to use Webcam XP I had to set up routing tables. Logged into my router and found routing tables and added Webcam XP and the port forwarding address which was port 8080 This allowed the port to be open for broadcasting the webcam server.
13 PROPOSED SOLUTION – Compatible Software Software and Hardware I tested many types of software. Freeware and shareware versions of many types. None were compatible or worked like they said they would after testing almost 15 different types. I finally found a shareware program called Webcam XP and it worked perfect.
14 RESULTS The four key results for my project were, 1. Microcontroller board 2. Stepper motor control 3. Wireless camera 4. Webcam server
15 RESULTS Microcontroller board Photo Resistor Transistor ResetOutput LED Power and output signal to stepper motor
16 RESULTS Stepper motor
17 RESULTS Wireless camera
18 RESULTS Camera movement with stepper
19 RESULTS Server Program WebCam XP
20 RESULTS Viewing a webcam remotely from laptop on wireless connection
21 CONCLUSIONS Learned how to setup, program and run a microcontroller. Learned how stepper motors work and their uses. Learned how NOT to set up a wireless camera, and Webcam XP using all default settings and having to struggle for many hours trying to figure out what is wrong.
22 CONCLUSIONS Learning experience while working on the capstone project has been challenging and frustrating at times. However the ability to accomplish this project has been a great college experience. I have learned that spending your time wisely is a major part of a senior project.
23 FUTURE WORK The possible extensions for this project is only limited by the persons imagination. This is because the microcontroller can be used to do many applications. Also the wireless camera can be used to watch over many types of situations.
24 FUTURE WORK At this time does anyone have any Questions? Thank You