placing orders Practical Writing Practical Writing: Writing E-mail Messages About orders About orders Sample Reading Sample Reading Requirements of an.


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Presentation transcript:

placing orders Practical Writing

Practical Writing: Writing Messages About orders About orders Sample Reading Sample Reading Requirements of an order Requirements of an order Exercises Some collocations of “order” Some collocations of “order”

About orders Order form (订货单)也叫 “ 订单 ” 或 “ 定单 ” ,是国际贸易中买方向卖方提 出的订购货物的购货单。它实际上是一项询盘( inquiry ),卖方收到订单后, 向买方发盘,如果买方接受,交易便达成。 订货单一般由以下要素构成: 1 ) 订单号( order no./order number ) 2 ) 所需货物的描述或说明( item description ) 3 ) 数量( quantity ) 4 ) 价格( price ) 5 ) 目录号( cat. no./catalogue number 或 cat. ref./catalogue reference ) 6 ) 支付方式( payment ) 7 ) 发货日期( delivery date ) 8 ) 买方表示愿意接受的条件( terms )

Sample Reading QuantityItem DescriptionCat. No. Price V-Neck: 30 Red/20 Blue Roll Neck: 15 Black/15 Blue Crew Neck: 15 Green/15 Yellow Crew Neck: pattern Note: Subject to 5% quantity discount R 432 N 154 R 541 $13.80 each $ 9.40 each $16.00 each $12.60 each Comments: 15% Trade Disc. Pymt. Del. 6 weeks Date: 9 March 2003 Sample1: ORDER No. DR 4316 F. Lynch & Co. Ltd (Head Office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B 3 3EL Telephone: Fax: Telex: States S. P. A Via di Pietra Papa Roma Authorized: L. Lionado ITALY (signature)

Sample Reading Sample2: Redways Company Ltd. Unit 16, New Kowloon Industrial Estate, Kowloon, Hong Kong Manhattan-Windsor Your ref: MH/JW Steward Street Our ref: HJ/MD Birmingham England B 18 7AF Date: 10 June 2003 Purchase Order No. 4462M Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of June, enclosing your catalogue, price-list and samples of paperweights. We have tested the samples and are pleased with their quality. We enclose our official purchase order and will open an irrevocable letter of credit ( 不可撤销信用证 ) as soon as we receive your pro forma invoice ( 形式发票 ). Yours faithfully, (signature) HUGH JONES Marketing Manager Enc: 1

When placing an order, always remember the following requirements: accuracy and clarity. First of all, accuracy is essential in the placing of an order. An error in quoting a catalogue number, or a mistyped figure in the quantity column can lead to trouble which it may be impossible to put right later. Second, clarity is also needed when placing an order; the buyer must make clear to the seller exactly what he wants. Requirements of an order

Some collocations of “order” When it comes to order in business transaction, the following collocations of order are usually helpful. accept/entertain an order 接受订单 bag a lot of orders 获得许多订单 cancel/annul an order for goods 取消订单 collect one’s order 取订货 deliver one’s order 把订货送去 execute/fulfill an order 交付订货 give out an order for... 发出 …… 的订单 place an order for something with 向 …… 订购某物 repeat/renew an order 续订 receive an order 接到一份订单 refuse an order 拒绝一份订单 rescind/revoke an order 取消订单 secure an order 获得一份订单 seek orders 寻求订购 supply orders 供应订货 take an order 接受订购 withdraw an order 撤回订购 a big/large/strong/large-quantity order 大批订货 an extensive order 大批订货 open order 无限期的订单 a sample order 样品订单 trial order 试用订货

Ex. 1. Complete the following letter with the given information. Exercises The letter is from A.J. Wadekar of 212 Shastri Street, Bombay, India. Our ref.: GH/MW Purchase Order No. 5555K Delivery date required: by 6 October 2003 (two months from today) Payment by: irrevocable letter of credit upon receiving pro forma invoice

Exercises ___________________________ H Priston Your ref: XY/MN 88 West Road Our ref: ______ Norwich Norfolk 6 August 2003 _____________________ Dear Sirs, Thank you for your catalogue (which we have studied carefully). We enclose our official order and will open _______________________ in your favour as soon as we receive your ______________. We require delivery of the goods by _________________________________. Yours sincerely, (signature) H. Wadekar Purchasing Director Enc: 1 A.J. Wadekar, 212 Shastri Street GH/MW Purchase Order No. 5555K an irrevocable letter of credit pro forma invoice 6 October 2003 (two months from today)

Ex. 2. Use the given information to complete the following order form. Exercises 订单发给: Halls Ltd., 16 Highton Way, Liverpool 12, England 订单号: 4462M 订购货物如下: 块 XL watches ,单价为 $ 个 ZM8 wall clocks ,单价为 $50.00 要求发货日期: 2003 年 8 月 10 日 支付条件:收到发票 30 天内

K. de Silva Ltd. Unit 16, Mel Trading Estate, Colombo, Sri Lanka ___________ _____________ _____________ _________ _________ _______ Date: 10 July 2003 Total ________ _______ Total: $20, Terms K. de Silva Limited Delivery Date Required: _______ __________ H. Stone ____________ Quantity ___ Description Unit XL watches ZM8 wall clocks To: Halls Ltd. 16 Highton Way Liverpool 1 England Purchase Order No: 4462M days from receipt 10 August 2003

Ex. 3. Complete the following order with the information given below. 订单发给: Halls Ltd., 16 Highton Way, Liverpool 12, England 订单号: 4462M 订购货物如下: 块 XL watches ,目录号: Cat. (6) ref: M 个 ZM8 wall clocks ,目录号: Cat. (7) ref: M1626 支付方式和条件:银行汇票,收到形式发票 30 天内

K. de Silva Ltd. Unit 16, Mel Trading Estate Colombo, Sri Lanka ________ Your ref: BC/DF _____________ Our ref: KS/WN __________ __________________ ______________________ Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 1 July and the enclosed catalogue. We have studied your ________ very carefully and would like to place the following order: _____________________________ ________________________________ We will pay for the goods by ___________ within __ days on ______ of your ______________. Yours sincerely, (signature) K de Silva Purchasing Manager Halls Ltd. 16 Highton Way Liverpool 12 England 10 July 2003 Purchase Order No: 4462M catalogue 150 XL watches Cat. (6) ref: M ZM8 wall clocks Cat. (7) ref: M1626 banker’s draft30receipt pro forma invoice