Chapter 4 Entrepreneurship
Section 1: What is Entrepreneurship
Advantages of Entrepreneurership You are in charge Job Satisfaction Good Income
Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship Financial Risk Work long hours Competition No guarantees
Traits of Entrepreneurs Motivation = Vision Sight and Foresight = Research and Planning Decision Making = Going for it
Section 2: Ways of Becoming a Business Owner Starting a new business. Buying an existing business. Buying a franchise. Taking over the family business.
Starting a New Business Challenge: Time and effort Start up costs Borrow money Risky
Rewards Create your own business Build your own business Personal satisfaction
Buying an Existing Business Research before you buy
A Fast Start Save on Start up costs Lease Furnishings Customer Goodwill
Drawbacks Location Competition Market Outlook Expensive Repairs Poor Reputation
Buying a Franchise Franchise Existing advantages Pay a percentage of profits Follow the company’s guidelines
Less Risk Recognized product name Management systems Business reputation Training and support services Financing
Less Gain Less satisfaction Profits go to company
Taking Over the Family Business Smooth transition Finance Loyal Teamwork Problems Business Relationships
Section 3: Getting Started in Your Own Business Sole ownership Partnership Location
Forms of Legal Ownership Three Choices Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation
Sole Proprietorship Sole Proprietorship 75%
Partnership Partnership Least common
Corporation Corporation Shareholders Easier Financing
Location, Location, Location Near customers Type of business Condition of streets and buildings Location of Competition Location of customers
Working at Home Cheaper/Convenient Some community restrictions
Financing Savings Loans from a friend Loan from a commercial lender Business Plan Financial Plan Operating Expenses
Operating Your Own Business Skills Needed Reading Writing Math Listening Speaking
Knowledge Income Statement Revenue Gross Profit Net Profit Balance Sheet Assets Fixed Assets Liabilities Equity Net Worth Cash Flow