2010 Polish STP’s supporting SMEs Berenika Marciniec – Deputy Director, Infrastructure of Modern Economy Unit Łukasz Sztern – Expert, Innovation and Technology Unit Brussels, 18 November 2010
SME in Polish economy SMEs High share in number of enterprises (99,8%) High share in GDP generation 46.9% (42% of GDP realised by microenterprises) High number of micro enterprises (~96%) High share in Job creation (69.7% of total number of workers employed by enterprises) High enterprise survival rate (76.4%) Small number of academic start-up’s (~10%) Poland is among the group of „Moderate Innovators”, with an innovation performance considerably below the EU27 average (source: European Innovation Scoreboard 2009) „Imitative” character of Polish entrepreneurship Innovation system poorly prepared for challenges of globalization and European integration
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED) established by the Act of 9 November 2000, a governmental agency subordinated to the Minister of Economy The main objectives of the PAED: enterprise development application of new techniques export development creation of new jobs, tackling unemployment human resources development regional development PAED activities supporting innovative enerprises: System of business support institutions supported by PAED, Training, counselling, Support for R+D development, Grants for innovative investments, Internationalisation, Promotion of best practises.
SHAREHOLDERS : The Gliwice Borough, The Silesian University of Technology, KSSE S.A. - The Katowice Special Economy Zone, Gliwice Technopark
Benefits of being a part of Gliwice Technopark vicinity of the University possibilities for cooperation with innovation institutions (public & private) access to high-tech research labs access to vital information access to many trainings and consultants innovative atmosphere brand creation
Support for academic entrepreneurship More than 1,500 students and researchers who have completed trainings in the projects, Nearly 1,000 hours of consultancy for researchers and students 26 co-financed enterprises 16 incubated enterprises Conducting and promoting a technology base, Assistance in establishing expert enterprises Co-financing micro-enterprises, Enhancing the cooperation between business partners Cooperation in creating projects for the scientific community
Support for innovative academic entrepreneurship Development of business ideas – providing complex knowledge and skills concerning business activity planning: assistance in defining business ideas, preparation for creating a microenterprise, enforcement of students’ awareness of capital management. Techno-capital – a project for graduates who work in enterprises 216 enterprise employees trained according to a unique training program by Technopark Gliwice, Trainings are conducted with the use of ANSYS and Solid Edge software, Trainings are conducted with the use of the following equipment: ZEISS measuring machine rapid prototyping machine 5-axis CNC machine 3D waterjet cutting machine
Cooperation between the tenants and the University Out of the 26 enterprises which operate in the Park: All employ graduates of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, 21 enterprises have academic owners: a) the Silesian University of Technology - 18 b) other Universities - 3 Grants: OP IE Measure 1.4 – enterprise OP IE Measure enterprises Business-plan contest- 6 enterprises Other- 5 enterprises Projects for the University- 10 enterprises
Access to specialist equipment WATERJET WARICUT HWM-P1520/1-3D
Access to specialist equipment RAPID PROTOTYPING FDM VANTAGE
Technopark Gliwice Tenants
Thank you for your attention Polish Agency for Enterprise Development 81/83 Pańska Street, WARSAW, POLAND Tel Scientific Technological Park Technopark Gliwice 18C Konarskiego Street, GLIWICE, POLAND Tel